2 research outputs found

    Identifikasi Kutu Putih pada Tanaman Rosella(hibiscus Sabdariffa)

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    Mealybug damage roselle plant, so it can reduce the productivity of the plant. The purpose of this study identification mealybug on roselle plant. Identification is done using existing preserved specimens using a Zeiss stereo microscope SV11 connected with the camera lucida. The observation of preserved existing infestation is obtained that has the following characteristics: 1) Body oval, convex and white color because his body is covered by a layer of wax, 2) antenna consists of 9 sections, 3) had a great circle of the majority has a great body 4-5 mm, 4) have a multilocular hole of segment VI or VII to VIII, 5) Legs with transparent holes on the stale of the femur and the tibia, 6) Anal Ring large. It can be concluded that these features are found in Phenacoccus solenopsis roselle plant

    Interaksi Teman Sebaya dan Gaya Belajar Siswa terhadap Prestasi Belajar Biologi Kelas X SMA Negeri 7 Pekanbaru

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    . This study aimed to determine the relationship between the peer interaction and learning styles towards learning achievement biology class X SMA Negeri 7 Pekanbaru in Academic Year 2016/2017. This study held on mei 2017. This study was correlational. The population in this research was 250 students with samples in this study were 71 students of class X were selected by simple random sampling technique. Data analysis technique used Pearson Product Moment Correlation. Based on data analysis, r value peer interactions on learning achievement was 0.570 and the r2 percentage was 32.8% means that there was a positive relationship. r value learning styles to the learning achievement was 0.151 and The r2 percentage was 2.1%, means that there was a positive relationship and r value multiple correlation coefficient between the peer interactions and learning styles was 0.575 and the R Square percentage was 33.1% its means that there was a positive that the relationship of peer interaction and learning styles of biology student learning. Test values obtained F significant correlation coefficient was 16.830 and F table was 3.13, then Fh (16.830) > Ft (3.13). Reject H0, which means there was a significant relationship between the peer interaction and learning styles towards learning achievement of biology at the class X of SMA N 7 Pekanbaru in Academic Year 2016/2017