20 research outputs found

    Penerapan CIELab Dan Chaos Sebagai Cipher Pada Aplikasi Kriptografi Citra Digital

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    The development of Internet supports people to transmit information, such as text, images and other media quickly. However, digital images transmitted over the Internet are very vulnerable to attacks, for examples modification and duplication by unauthorized people. Therefore, cryptography as one of method for data security has been developed. This research proposed a combination of color structure CIELab and key randomization by logistic map from chaos as new cipher in digital image cryptographic applications. Cipher is applied to the encryption and decryption process. Implementation of new cipher in cryptographic digital images application was built with Matlab R2010a. Based on the research that has been done, it was found that combination CIELab and chaos can be applied as a new cipher on the encryption and decryption of digital images for cryptographic applications with processing time less than 1 second. Under possible maximum key range on RGB image by 5,2x 1033, the cipher was sufficiently secure against brute-force attack. Decrypted image has good quality with PSNR greater than 50 dB for digital image formatted in “tiff” and “png”

    Perencanaan dan Simulasi Jaringan LTE ( Long Term Evolution ) di Kota Pekanbaru

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    The development of information and communication technologies growing more rapidly, as well as wireless communications technology. At the same time, theneed for information is also greater with the higher mobility. Technology Long Term Evolution (LTE) is believed to be able to answer that question.LTE is a technology developed by 3GPP as the development of mobile communication technology before. In theory LTE in this thesis is to make an LTE network simulation based methods duplex Frequency Division Duplex (FDD) with a frequency of 1800 MHz in the city of Pekanbaru using software Atoll. In this paper used the method of planning coverage to support the model propagated COST-231 hata are in use by means of simulation.The simulation results show Pekanbaru require at least 99 LTE site that is covered Ratio Signal (RS) and Carrier to Interference Noise Ratio (CINR) of at least 97%. The results of the simulation throughput, customers who successfully connected to the network at abandwidth of 5 MHz amounted to 82.7% and to a frequency of 10 MHz by 86.4%, while for a frequency of 15 MHz at 86.4%, and to a frequency of 20 MHz by 66%

    Perencanaan Jaringan LTE TDD (TIME Division Duplex) 2300 MHz di Kota Pekanbaru

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    Technological developments, especially in the field of information and telecommunications are grew rapidly. Thus the consumer needs high mobility and able to support services such as VoIP, video conference, upload/download, etc. Therefore, it needs mobile communication services to support the needs of consumers with optimal performance. LTE is an enhanced technology which is developed by 3GPP to support the needs of consumers that has improved the previous technologies. This research proposes the network planning LTE TDD duplexing technique using a frequency of 2300 MHz in the city of Pekanbaru, Riau, with the bandwidth of 10 MHz and 15 MHz, respectively. The network design and simulation was done by radio planning software Atoll v3.1.2. In the design simulation such parameters are measured i.e. coverage dimensioning simulation with signal level prediction. The results shows the signal level coverage including 512 sites with bandwidth of 10 MHz and 351 sites with bandwidth of 15 MHz, respectively

    Analisa Perbandingan Pengaruh Penggunaan Protokol Tunneling IP Security dengan Protokol Tunneling Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol terhadap Quality Of Services pada Jaringan Virtual Private Network

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    Internet Protocol Security (IPSec) and Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is a security protocol on the VPN is used to improve the security of an Internet network. Comparison of the use of these protocols may affect network performance or Quality of Services (QoS). The QoS measurement parameters measured by delay, jitter, throughput and packet loss. Network modeling scenarios using the bus topology model. Results of this study was to compare the performance of each protocol which is VPN IPSec and L2TP by measuring the QoS performance without using the protocol as a benchmark to compare their effects on QoS by using the tunneling protocol

    Evaluasi Traffic Profile pada Jaringan Data Existing Universitas Riau

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    Quality Of Service is very significant to measures data network performance indicator in the existing system in Riau University. This paper discusses performance analysis of existing datanetworks Riau University. The detail of performance analysis consists of several parameters such as throughput, packet loss and delay. It uses approach Action Research. The measurement was conducted when idle condition. The result shows Economics Faculty in good performance and the opposite result is indicated by Fisheries Faculty. Traffic problems arising from accessing the peak season occurs due to scheduling KRS which does not refer to the numberof each user on the faculties

    Analisa Perbandingan Pengaruh Penggunaan Protokol Secure Soket Layer (SSL) dan Protokol Point To Point Protocol (PTTP) terhadap Quality Of Service (QoS) pada Jaringan Vitual Private Network (VPN)

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    Security Protocols Protocol Point-to-Point (PPTP) and Secure Socket Layer (SSL) are VPN security protocols that used to enhance the security of a network. The use of these protocols effect on performance network or Quality of Service (QoS). The QoS is measured using delay parameters, the jitter, throughput, and packet loss. Network testing scenario uses the topology bus. The results of this research is to compare the performance of each VPN protocols tested i.e. PPTP and SSL in a way of measuring the QoS performance without using the Protocol as a basis for comparing its effects byusing VPN protocols

    Analisa Penerapan Kinerja Frame Relay pada Pemodelan Jaringan

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    The development of the internet today has given us so many benefits for the user as well as for industries that use it as a communication medium that is cheap, effective, and efficient. With the development of Internet and various technologies that go with it then it is also directly proportional to the need for the use of the internet is more reliable and reasonable. In the use ofthe internet there are several technologies that can be used, one of which is Frame Relay. Frame Relay network is a network share (shared services) by utilizing the Permanent Virtual Circuit(PVC) so as to ensure minimum access level CIR (Committed Information Rate) specific. Frame Relay is designed to reduce the processing on each node by reducing the format and proceduresused. In this research, frame relay network modeling and analysis of network performance using software GNS3, frame relay network performance will be determined by the parameters of delay,throughput and packet loss. With this study will be obtained performance of some frame relay network model that can be used as a reference in designing the new network

    Optimasi Perencanaan Jaringan LTE FDD 1800 MHz di Kota Pekanbaru

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    LTE is a cellular technology developed by 3GPP which has improved from the previous mobile technologies. The implementation of LTE in Indonesia is still not evenly distributed and only for big cities. Hence, it takes some planning and a deeper study for the area that will be implemented by LTE network. Planning and network optimization is necessary in order to meet consumer needs of the LTE network. There are different ways of optimization methods can be used, in previous studies used a joint base station technique, optimization in other research done by changing basic parameters such as replacing the feeder cable and the addition site. In this study optimization techniques used by changing the type of modulation thus affecting the utilization values of SNR. The simulation results based on two scenarios i.e the number of sites for scenario 1in the total of 479 sites, while for scenario 2 indicates number of sites . in the mean time for a signal level coverage for scenario 1 and scenario 2 show -90 dBm and -95 dBm, respectively

    Analisa Quality Of Service (QoS) Trafik Multimedia pada Pemodelan Jaringan Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) Menggunakan Router Mikrotik

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    Quality of Service (QoS) is a performance indicator on many communication systems. The Multiprotocol Label Switching (MPLS) is a part of the communication system. One of approach to find out QoS performance indicator for MPLS is using of a Mikrotik router. The network testing scenario using bus topology, where different types of traffic is delivered audio and video streaming that has a variety of different file sizes. The first scenario involving 1 client to send and the other scenario involving 2 client to send. The result show that MPLS network meets ITU-T G.114 standards where the average accepted delay for packet data transmission is less than 150 ms, in the simulation results indicates that the delay value is below of 150 ms in both scenarios. The value of packet loss based on ITU-T G.1010 standard is less than 1% where the simulation results indicate that packet loss value is below 1% in both scenarios. Overall, the MPLS network is proven to serve a heavy multimedia traffic