2 research outputs found

    Screening of Fungi from Oil Palm Rhizosphere in Peat Soils and the Potential as Biological Agents against Ganoderma boninense

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     One of the diseases that attack oil palm plants is stem rot disease. Control efforts that can be done is to use rhizosphere fungi from oil palm plants in peat soils. This study aimed to select fungi from rhizosphere of oil palm plants in peat soil based on morphological characteristics and test their potential as biological agents against Ganoderma boninense. This research was conducted by exploration, observation and experiment by using complete randomized design (RAL). The parameters observed were macroscopic characteristics of fungi from oil palm rhizosphere, disease severity index, fungus inhibition power from oil palm rhizosphere to G. boninense, colony diameter and growth rate of high antagonist rhizosphere fungus, hyperparasitic type of fungus from rhizosphere of oil palm plant with G. boninense and the morphological characteristics of fungi from high antagonist rhizosphere in macroscopic and microscopic. The results showed that 12 rhizosphere fungi isolates and 4 isolates were antagonist to G. boninense. Isolate J5 has a high antagonist power of 70.26% and is a genus Trichoderma, isolate J7 belongs to the genus Trichoderma, isolate J10 genus Aspergillus and isolate J12 genus Mucor

    Juridical Review of Cancellation of Registered Mark Rights Based on Bad Faith Elements (Study of Decision Number: 03/Pdt Sus Brand/2015/PN/ Niaga Mdn)

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    63 HalamanPenerapan dari itikad tak baik pada pendaftaran merek dijadikan sebagai alasan pembatalan merek berdasarkan Undang-Undang Merek, bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya penerapan persamaan pada pokoknya serta itikad tak baik pada suatu gugatan pembatalan registrasi merek. Sebuah merek yang terdaftar ternyata ditemukan adanya kecenderungan dalam merek yang ternyata telah terlebih dahulu terdaftar, maka hal tersebut dikatakan sebagai dasar asal itikad tak baik. . Hal tersebut ada di dalam Pasal 68 ayat (1) Undang-Undang Merek 2001 bahwa gugatan pembatalan registrasi merek bisa diajukan oleh pihak yang berkepentingan sesuai alasan di Pasal 4, Pasal 5, dan Pasal 6 Undang-Undang Merek 2001. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti akan mengambil judul AKIBAT HUKUM TERHADAP EMBATALAN HAK MEREK TERDAFTAR ATAS DASAR ITIKAD TIDAK BAIK (Studi Putusan Nomor : 03//Pdt Sus merek//2015/PN Niaga mdn ). Adapun permasalahan yang di akan diambil adalah 1. Bagaimana Penerapan Prinsip Itikad Tidak Baik dalam Pembatalan Merek Dagang yang Terdaftar? dan 2. Bagaimana pertimbangan hakim dalam pembatalan merek pada Putusan Nomor : 03//Pdt Sus merek//2015/PN Niaga mdn ?. pertimbangan hakim pada putusan Pengadilan Niaga Medan dalam hal ini hakim mengeyampingkan asas first to file dikarenakan berdasarkan bukti-bukti yang sudah terlampir hakim menyatakan bahwa benar tergugat melakukana pendaftaran sebuah merek “REZEKI” dengan itikad tidak baik dengan berniat membonceng nama toko REZEKI dan bergerak pada bidang yang sama yaitu sama-sama dibidang perabot atau furniture Hal ini sejalan dengan isi dari Pasal 6 Undang-Undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2001. hakim benar-benar mempertimbangkan bukti-bukti yang telah dilampirkan oleh kedua belah pihak. Walaupun pihak tergugat terlebih dahulu mendaftarkan mereknya secara sah, namun berdasarkan bukti-bukti yang telah dilampirkan oleh pihak penggugat maka hakim menyatakan pembatalan terhadap merek REZEKI yang dilakukan oleh tergugat dengan alasan bahwa pihak tergugat mendaftarkan mereknya dengan dasar itikad tidak baik. Hakim dalam hal ini mengeyampingkan asas first to file dan menggunakan asas first to use dimana pihak penggugatlah yang terlebih dahulu menggunakan merek tersebut. The application of bad faith in trademark registration is used as a reason for canceling a mark based on the Trademark Law, aiming to find out if there is an application of equality in principle and bad faith in a lawsuit for canceling a trademark registration. A registered trademark is found to have a tendency in a trademark that has already been registered, then this is said to be the basis for bad faith origin. . This is stated in Article 68 paragraph (1) of the 2001 Trademark Law that a lawsuit for cancellation of trademark registration can be filed by interested parties according to the reasons in Article 4, Article 5, and Article 6 of the 2001 Trademark Law. In this study, the researcher will take the title LEGAL DUE TO CANCELLATION OF RIGHTS TO A REGISTERED BRAND ON THE BASIS OF BAD FAITH (Study of Decision Number : 03//Pdt.Sus-brand/2015/PN.Niaga mdn). The problems that will be taken are 1. How is the application of the principle of bad faith in the cancellation of registered trademarks? and 2. What is the judge's consideration in the cancellation of the mark in Decision Number: 03//Pdt.Sus-brand/2015/PN.Niaga mdn?. the judge's consideration in the Medan Commercial Court decision, in this case the judge ruled out the first to file principle because based on the evidence attached the judge stated that it was true that the defendant registered the "REZEKI" trademark in bad faith with the intention of riding the REZEKI store name and was engaged in the field of This is in line with the contents of Article 6 of Law Number 15 of 2001. The judge really considers the evidence that has been attached by both parties. Although the defendant first registered his trademark legally, but based on the evidence attached by the plaintiff, the judge declared the cancellation of the REZEKI mark by the defendant on the grounds that the defendant registered his mark in bad faith. The judge in this case set aside the first to file principle and used the first to use principle where the plaintiff first used the mark