69 research outputs found

    Analisis Penyebab Cacat Produk Keramik Tableware Yang Dihasilkan Mesin Dustpress Di PT. Sango Ceramics Indonesia Menggunakan Statistical Process Control (Spc)

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    PT. Sango Ceramics Indonesia produce ceramics type tableware (such a glass, bowl, mug, plate and others) using four different types of molding machines namely dustpress machine, roller, high casting presurre (HPC) and machine casting. PT. Sango Ceramics Indonesia suffered a decline in the quality of the product is shown by an decrease in yield number . on all a kind of machine . Dustpress machine decreased yield of 12,98 % , casting machine of 0.7 % , HPC machine of 12,39 % , and roller machine of 11,13 % .Reduction in the value of yield shown increase of a defective product resulted in the process of rework rise so that led to increase in the production cost . This research aims to identify the most amount of defective product based on engines and defective product types to get an alternative solution to reduce the number of defect ceramic. This research use method Statistical Process Control (SPC) with tools that use the pareto diagrams, fishbone diagrams, control chart and proposal of improvement 5W+1H. The highest number of defects occurred in the product is produced by machine dust press. Most defect prodct is a type of defect tobi (pinhole on the surface of the glaze penetrate into the body) with a percentage of 82,19%. The proposed improvements are given based on the analysis of the cause use cause and effect diagram by 5W+1H. There are six repair proposal for a cause deformed by humans , environment , machine , methods and material

    Joint Economic Lot Sizing Optimization in a Supplier-Buyer Inventory System When the Supplier Offers Decremental Temporary Discounts

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    This research discusses mathematical models of joint economic lot size optimization in a supplier-buyer inventory system in a situation when the supplier offers decremental temporary discounts during a sale period. Here, the sale period consists of n phases and the phases of discounts offered descend as much as the number of phases. The highest discount will be given when orders are placed in the first phase while the lowest one will be given when they are placed in the last phase. In this situation, the supplier attempts to attract the buyer to place orders as early as possible during the sale period. The buyers will respon these offers by ordering a special quantity in one of the phase. In this paper, we propose such a forward buying model with discount-proportionally-distributed time phases. To examine the behaviour of the proposed model, we conducted numerical experiments. We assumed that there are three phases of discounts during the sale period. We then compared the total joint costs of special order placed in each phase for two scenarios. The first scenario is the case of independent situation – there is no coordination between the buyer and the supplie-, while the second scenario is the opposite one, the coordinated model. Our results showed the coordinated model outperform the independent model in terms of producing total joint costs. We finally conducted a sensitivity analyzis to examine the other behaviour of the proposed model

    Manajemen Risiko Bagian Airside Menggunakan The Structured What-if Technique dan House Of Risk (Studi Kasus di PT Angkasa Pura 1 Cabang Bandar Udara Adi Sumarmo Surakarta)

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    Angkasa Pura Inc. is one company that is engaged in the management and operation of airport services and flight navigation. Angkasa Pura Inc. provides aeronautical and non-aeronautical services. Aeronautical services are services provided to aircraft and passenger .Each flight accident may causes fatal and unexpected losses. Statistically, nearly 80% of aviation accidents occurred at the airport. On November 30th, 2004 Lion Air Airlines with flight number JT 538 from Soekarno Hatta - Adi Soemarmo with 146 passengers crashed during landing at Adi Soemarmo Airport. This accident resulted in 26 victims died, 55 were seriously injured and 63 suffered minor injuries. Angkasa Pura I Inc. which branch at Adi Soemarmo Airport has not completed the project in 2014 amounted to 87% of the planned project on the work plan. If the project is delayed this may result in risks that can not be eliminated in the company. One of the causes of delayed projects can be caused by the shifting of the budget. This study uses the application of risk management phase of flight at airside at Angkasa Pura I Airports Adi Soemarmo. The method used are HOR (House of Risk), a combination of HOQ (House of Quality), FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and SWIFT (The Structured What-If Technique). At the risk of flight phase found 23 of risk event, 23 of risk agent and 19 proposed strategy to mitigate the risk. At the risk of work found 13 of risk event, 13 of risk agent and 8 proposed strategy to mitigate the risk The first priority of the strategy is the installation of CCTV at the airside

    Usulan Perbaikan Kualitas Pelayanan Pada Instalasi Rawat Jalan Dengan Metode Servqual Dan Triz (Studi Kasus Di RS Muhammadiyah Roemani)

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    The growth up of society consciousness and education level, now the Society demand high quality of service, including health service provided by hospital. Quality service are defined as customer satisfaction.The policlinic as part of RSM Roemani which gives much more services than another part. In this time, IRJ RSM Roemani get many criticism from costumer to the less gratifying service quality of consumer, so RSM Romani have to evaluate the quality of its service so that it can immediately repair of quality of service to reach the customer satisfaction. The method that used to analyse the quality of service is SERVQUAL, whereas to produce ideal solution for the problem used TRIZ method.The result of this research shows, contain seven variable has been a problems, which that any gap between customer perseption and expectation consumer. It\u27s means that a service on the policlinic RSM Roemani is not satisfying yet. Based on analysis result with TRIZ method, give an idea for the repair of service quality such us, repairing system design service, installing the pasteboard or poster information on stragetic place on policlinic comprising a procedure and information services, trusting a health services with professional medic (doctor ang nurse) to create brand image on society, the policlinic provide the system of registration and inventory electronic and increase volume of seat on waiting room, and the policlinic repair the storey system of medical report

    Penerapan Lean Manufacturing pada Industri Proses dengan Fokus pada Pengolahan Tepung Ikan

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    Opportunities of local fishmeal raw material derived from fish waste is enormous. Besides will not reduce the quality of fish meal, fish waste utilization will reduce the impact of fish waste which is currently not managed properly. In CV Pendawa Kencana Multi Farm, low production of fish meal is caused there are a variety of waste in the production of fish meal. In an effort to increase productivity, activities that could increase the value-added of products (goods and / services) and eliminating waste is need to know. The appropriate method to analyze the activities efficiency and waste and also optimize productivity of fishmeal processing is Lean Manufacturing.Lean Manufacturing approach is done by analyzing the waste with value stream mapping, determine the wastes and cause of wastes that have the greatest influence on the productivity of the fishbone diagram and suggest proposals to overcome such wastes.Results from this study show that the fishmeal processing efficiency of 11.63%. From these results was found waste in the form of waiting waste, excessive inventory waste, inappropriate process waste and defect waste. The proposed recommendations to reduce waste is by applying 5S, production level, and developing of standardized work

    Evaluasi Pemilihan Supplier Terbaik Menggunakan Metode Taguchi Loss Functions Dan Analytical Hierarchy Process Di PT Indomaju Textindo Kudus

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    PT Indomaju Textindo merupakan produsen karung plastik yang menggunakan kalsium sebagai salah satu bahan bakunya. Saat ini terdapat 4 supplier kalsium, sementara masing – masing supplier memiliki performansi yang berbeda. Untuk itu Perusahaan menginginkan evaluasi terhadap masing – masing supplier. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengidentifikasi kriteria - kriteria yang menjadi pertimbangan di dalam pemilihan supplier dan melakukan pembobotan terhadap kriteria-kriteria tersebut, menentukan nilai loss function masing – masing supplier dan yang terakhir menentukan supplier kalsium terbaik. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengevaluasi supplier adalah Taguchi Loss Function dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP). Taguchi Loss Function digunakan untuk menghitung loss function masing-masing supplier, sedangkan AHP digunakan untuk membobotkan masing-masing kriteria. Kriteria pemilihan supplier dari penelitian ini adalah harga, kualitas, proses pengiriman dan pengepakan dengan bobot untuk masing-masing kriteria secara berturut-turut adalah 29%, 54%, 11% dan 6%. Besarnya loss function yang dibebankan pada Perusahaan akibat ketidaksesuaian terendah adalah dari supplier Indomaju, sehingga supplier ini yang, sehingga supplier yang memberikan kerugian minimum bagi Perusahaan yaitu supplier Indomaju. Kata kunci : kalsium, supplier, Taguchi Loss Function, Analytical Hierarchy Process PT Indomaju Textindo is a woven bag producer which used calcium as one of raw material in the production. In this time there are 4 calcium, whereas each of supplier have different performance, so the company want to evaluate their suppliers. Objective of this research are indentifing of criterions in supplier selection process and wight of the criterions, determining loss function value of the each suppliers and chosening the best supplier. This research used Taguchi Loss Function dan Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) for determining the best supplier. Taguchi Loss Function for calculating loss function each of supplier, while AHP for wighting aech of criterion. Criterion of the supplier selection are price, quality, delivery process and packaging, with wight for each criterion are 29%, 54%, 11% and 6% successively. The lowest value of Loss function is owned by Indomaju supplier's, so its given minimum loss for the company

    Analisis Penyebab Ketidaksesuaian Produk Adiprima pada PT. Adps Menggunakan Metode Seven Tools

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    PT. ADPS are one of the manufacturers which paper as main production Newsprint Paper and Writing and Printing Paper is a subsidiary of Jawa Pos Group, where 60% of production is the needs of the group, so that it becomes the minimum production per day. Therefore, to provide the best value for consumers PT. ADPS always increases their production and the quality of their products and provide the best service to customers. Based on the data from Quality Control Department noted that often occur some kind of nonconformities of Adiprima 58/48.8 Yellowish product. One method used by PT. ADPS for quality control is Statistical Process Control. The purpose of this study was to analyze the causes of dominant nonconformities in products Adiprima 58 / 48.8 Yellowish and solve the solution. Retrieval of data come from variable data of nonconformities Adiprima 58 / 48.8 Yellowish products which ranging from October 2013 to January 2014. Based on the data processing using the Seven Tools, the most cause of dominant nonconformities is color which not according to the standard that influenced by human factors, materials, machines, and methods used. Therefore, there should be improvements in processes involving these factors

    Evaluasi Manajemen Perawatan Dengan Metode Reliability Centered Maintenance (Rcm) II Pada Mesin Blowing I Di Plant I PT. Pisma Putra Textile

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    PT. Pisma Putra Textile is a yarn spinning company which have various production machines which often breakdown on production process. So, the company should have optimum maintenance policy which could reduce breakdown frequency and maintenance cost. The methods which applied in this research is Reliability Centered Maintenance (RCM). Based on data which was given, it shows that Blowing I Machine have the highest downtime so the research focuses on Blowing I Machine. Based on data which was given, it shows that Blowing I Machine have the highest downtime so the research focuses on Blowing I Machine. Based on machine's breakdown frequency and total downtime, the results shows that the critical components on Blowing I Machine are flat belt and Apron berpaku component. Based on maintenance interval analysis and optimum total cost shows that maintenance for bumpy flat belt surface, flat belt cut-off, spike lattice wood cut-off, spike lattice cut-off with scheduled discard task is 580 hours and Rp 14.661.546,36 ; 465 hours and Rp. 18.350.303,77 ; 490 hours and Rp. 18.966.057,6 ; 450 hours and Rp. 13.419.317,27 respectively. Then, maintenance interval analysis and optimum total cost for flat belt looses with scheduled restoration task is 340 hours and Rp. 16.338.431,41. So, there's a reduction cost Rp. 21.587.975,45 or 20,89% lower than the company's maintenance cost

    Analisis Tingkat Kepentingan Atribut Perpustakaan Berbasis Riset Melalui Metode Conjoint Analysis Studi Kasus Di Universitas Diponegoro

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    Setiap Perguruan Tinggi mempunyai tugas untuk menjalankan Tridharma Perguruan Tinggi, yaitu mendukung kegiatan pendidikan atau pengajaran, pengabdian masyarakat dan penelitian. Kegiatan penelitian dan perpustakaan memiliki hubungan yang saling terkait. One can not complete his research work without the help of library. Di satu sisi kegiatan penelitian tidak akan terselesaikan tanpa bantuan perpustakaan dan sisi lain tidak dimungkinkan pula dihasilkan suatu penelitian yang baik tanpa sebuah perpustakaan. Maka konsekuensi logis dari Perubahan status Universitas Diponegoro menjadi Research University akan menuntut perpustakaan Universitas Diponegoro untuk mengakselerasi dirinya dari tahap gudang buku ke tahap pendidikan dan penelitian. Dalam penelitian ini, metode yang digunakan adalah metode Analisis Konjoin. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah memberikan suatu konsep rekomendasi dalam membangun perpustakaan riset yang dibangun dengan pusat kajian detail fenomena tertentu dengan prioritas pada pengembangan wilayah pesisir dan laut tropis. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah utility function untuk tiap-tiap taraf atribut. Karakteristik atribut yang terpilih berdasarkan pada identifikasi preferensi stakeholder adalah perpustakaan riset yang dibangun dengan standar khusus jenis riset fundamental, dengan permasalahan bidang kajian lingkungan hidup, sumber informasi yang diprioritaskan berasal dari jurnal, koleksi yang diprioritaskan pada disiplin ilmu oseanografi, adanya kebijakan alokasi hibah dana untuk meningkatkan hasil kegiatan penelitian, jejaring informasi yang berformat digital library silang layan, sistem pelayanan perpustakaan yang closed access dan sumber daya manusia yang ahli teknologi informasi. Kata Kunci : Universitas Diponegoro, perpustakaan riset, analisis konjoin. Every colleges had assignment to enforce Threedharma, they are support of education and instruction, serving the community and research at all levels. Research and library are inter related. One can not complete his research work without the help of library and no good research is possible without a library. So, the logical from the Diponegoro University status changes to be a research university will be trundle Diponegoro University library's to regenerate it from store house period to educational and research period. The methods used in this research is Conjoint Analysis. Steerage from applied this method is give a rough copy recommendation to created a research library, it is special library generally treat only one subject matter is coastal area and tropical newcastles expansion. The results from this research is utility function for each an item of all. For an item have the best of identifying stakeholders' preferences are the research library would have been created with special criterion research kind fundamental, with the investigates life surroundings, the predominant information resources from journal, the predominant branch of science church collection oceanography, there are the donation grant to increase research results, the information networking with the form digital library service crosswise, service system closed access and human resources good at information technology
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