3 research outputs found

    Pembelajaran Membaca Permulaan Melalui Permainan Bahasa Siswa Kelas I Sdn Bulakrejo Madiun

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    Early reading is a stage of learning reading for elementary school students of early grades. They learn to acquire the reading skill and techniques tosuccessfully decode passages. Learning atmosphere should be created through the language plays for reading. It goes with their characteristic of enjoying playing, Language playsplay a vital role to support their cognitive and social development. The current study aims to describe the process as well as the results of early reading through a language play at early grades of elementary school. Qualitatively approached, the current study involves participants of the first graders of the elementary school SDN BulakrejoMadiun. Data were collected through observation and documentation. Results show: (1) high achievement of average 80.7; (2) high enthusiasm specifically on the play batuloncatan (stepping stone); (3) the play could be carried out in and out of classroom and increasing their interest; and (4) headmaster, teachers and students appreciate the learning reading through the play

    Pengaruh Lama Perebusan Dan Konsentrasi Larutan Jeruk Nipis (Citrus Aurantifolia) Terhadap Kadar Timbal (Pb) Dan Kadmium (Cd) Pada Kerang Darah (Anadara Granosa)

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    Kerang darah merupakan salah satu hasil laut yang banyak dikonsumsi oleh masyarakat dan memiliki sifat menetap (Filter feeders). Cara hidup dari kerang darah yang menetap menyebabkan banyaknya kandungan logam berat yang terdapat dalam tubuhnya. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan cara mereduksi logam berat dalam tubuh kerang dengan menggunakan bahan sekuestran asam sitrat yang ada dalam buah jeruk nipis. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahui pengaruh perbedaan lama waktu perebusan dan konsentrasi larutan jeruk nipis terhadap kadar kadmium dan timbal pada kerang darah. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah RAL (Rancangan Acak Lengkap) pola Faktorial 2x3 dengan perlakuan lama waktu perebusan kerang darah(0, 15, 30 dan 45 menit)dan konsentrasi larutan jeruk nipis 1:1. Parameter yang diukur adalah kadar kadmium, timbal, kadar air, pH, kadar abu, kadar asam sitrat, dan nilai organoleptik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama waktu perebusan yang berbeda memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap kadar kadmium (59,33%; 60,67%; 63,33%), kadar timbal (29,67%; 44,39%; 69,67%), kadar air (8,94%; 8,82%; 8,72%), kadar abu (1,28%; 1,24%; 1,14%), kadar asam sitrat (4,33%; 7,19%; 11,60%), dan nilai pH (5,96; 5,12; 5,07). Hasil parameter uji organoleptik memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P<0,05) terhadap tekstur namun tidak memberikan pengaruh yang nyata (P>0,05) terhadap kenampakan, rasa dan bau. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dilihat dari banyaknya penurunan kadar kadmium dan timbal, maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa perebusan selama 30 menit dan konsentrasi larutan jeruk nipis 1:1 pada kerang darahmerupakan pengaruh perlakuan yang paling efektif untuk kualitas organoleptik kerang darah. Blood cockle is one of the many seafood consumed by the community and has settled (Filter feeders). The behaviour of blood cockle as filter feeder caused a large number of deposits that settled the heavy metals contained in its body. This research was conducted on how to reduce heavy metals in blood cockle using sequestran citric acid in lime. The purpose of this research is to know the influence of the difference boiling time and lime extract concentrationtoled and cadmium levelof blood cockle. Experimental design used is Completing Randomised Design using Factorial pattern 2x3 with the factor of boiling time treatment blood cockle (0,15,30 and 45 minutes) and the concentration of lime extract was 1:1. The parameters measured include the levels of cadmium, lead, water content, pH, ash levels, levels of citric acid, and organoleptic. The results showed that different boiling time gives a significant influence (P < 0.05) on the levels of cadmium (59.33%; 60.67%; 63.33%), levels of lead (29.67%; 44.39 69.67%;%), moisture content (8.94%; 8.82%; 8.72%), ash levels (1.28% 1.24%; 1.14%), citric acid levels (4.33%; 7.19%; 11.60%), and the value of pH (5.96; 5.12; 5.07). based on organoleptic-test the results showed significant influence (P<0.05) on the texture but provides no significant (P>0.05) on the appearance, taste and smell. Based on the research results reduction of cadmium and lead level, it can be concluded that the boiling time for 30 minutes and lime extract concemtration of blood cockle was 1:1 the most effective treatment while keeping the blood cockle for its organoleptic quality