12 research outputs found

    Indonesian Experience in Dealing with Trademark Law: Case Study of Batik SMEs

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    This research aims to observe whether the Trademark Law can contribute to protect Indonesia's batik business, particularly for the small-medium enterprises who produce and sell batik products (“Batik SMEs”). The individual trademark system has not been successful to support the batik SMEs' business. However, the fact that those SMEs gather in a community, organization, or kinships bring potentials for the development of collective trademarks, which can address the problems that individual trademark cannot anticipate. This research finds that, in order to anticipate the free-trade ‘attack,' i.e. imported textiles with batik patterns/motifs; Indonesian batik SMEs need to be nurtured and encouraged to register their own collective trademarks, and to build their branding infrastructure, through local batik community's standardization, and collective batik labeling. This recommendation is also proposed considering the government's ineffective policy on Batikmark. This research will take samples of Batik SMEs in several areas, namely Yogyakarta, Pekalongan, Solo, and Jakarta. Those areas have been recalled as some of the centers for Batik production and trading activities. This research is conducted through combining the quantitative and qualitative-empirical methods. Data are collected through literature studies, interviews, as well as questionnaires, including site visits and discussions with the SMEs in those areas

    The Effectiveness of National Collective Management Organization Regulation

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    Law Number 28 of 2014 concerning Copyright in Article 89 provides for two National Collective Management Organizations (briefly referred to as LMKN), both of which represent the interests of Authors and the Owners of Related Rights. Both of the said organizations possess the authority to impose, collect, and distribute royalty obtained from commercial users. The Minister of Law and Human Rights inaugurated commissioners assigned to the said Authors\u27 LMKN and Related Rights LMKN. The LMKN is bound to have an operational effect on previously existing LMKs in Indonesia. Therefore, the objective of this study is to assess whether the existing LMKs feel that their needs are accommodated by the introduction of the LMKN. This research also aims to reveal the causing factors of the conflict which has been occurring between LMK and Authors/ Musicians/Singers, between LMKs, and between LMK and Commercial Users of Songs/Music. This research also aims to elaborate on the existing regulation patterns concerning LMKs worldwide. The research will be conducted by using the normative and empirical legal research method. Normative research will be conducted to examine the normative aspects of LMK and LMKN. On the other hand, empirical research will be aimed at understanding and analyzing the outlook of actors, particularly LMKs existing prior to the 2014 Copyright Law coming into effect. This research is expected to come up with recommendations concerning the regulation of music/song LMKs in Indonesia in the future

    Author's Right is Not Only Copyright

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    This article discusses the difference between the concept of Author's Right and Copyright. These two concepts are often mistakenly considered to be inter-changeable. The purpose of this article is to help readers obtain a better insight into the basic concept of Author's Right and Copyright

    Teknologi Esktrasi dan Cara Pemisahannya untuk Mendapatkan Kembali Karotenoid dari Minyak Sawit : suatu Tinjauan

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    Minyak sawit kasar merupakan sumber karotenoid terkaya yang berasal dari tanaman sawit sebagai senyawa yang sama dengan retinol atau pro-vitamin A; sedangkan limbah pengolahan minyak sawit dihasilkan dari industri pengolahan minyak sawit yang berisi minyak dan karotene yang perlu diberi perlakuan terlebih dahulu sebelum dibuang. Karotenoid merupakan bahan penting yang diperlukan pada hewan dan manusia guna memperkuat tanggapan terhadap kekebalan, konversi ke vitamin A dan penangkapan gugus oksigen radikal. Dengan berkembangnya ketertarikan dalam mencari beta-karotene yang bersumber dari alam lain dan meningkatnya kesadaran untuk mencegah adanya pencemaran lingkungan, maka mendorong suatu industri untuk menggunakan CPO dan POME sebagai bahan baku untuk diekstrak karotenoidnya. Berbagai macam teknologi guna mengekstrak dan memisahkan karotenoid telah dikembangkan untuk mendapatkan kembali karotenoidnya. Makalah ini melaporkan dan membahas berbagai jenis teknologi yang telah dikembangkan guna mendapatkan kembali senyawa karotenoid dari kerusakan di dalam proses pemurnian minyak sawit secara komersial dan pengaruh beberapa perlakuan terhadap ekstrasi dan pemisahan karotenoid dari minyak sawit dan konsentrasi karotenoidnya. Pada prinsipnya, berbagai teknologi yang digunakan untuk mengekstrak dan memisahkan karotenoid terdapat perbedaan, dan terdapat salah satu teknologi yang digunakan untuk esktrasi dan pemisahan karotenoid adalah menggunakan bahan pelarut. Pelarut yang digunakan mempunyai peranan yang penting dalam teknologi ekstrasi; namun pelarut yang digunakan untuk mengekstrak tersebut mempunyai persoalan karena berpotensi mengganggu kesehatan dan membahayakan cemaran lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, pemilihan jenis teknologi yang aman, ramah terhadap lingkungan dan biaya yang efektif untuk penggunaan pelarut merupakan hal penting sebelum dilakukan desain metode/teknologi alternatif untuk esktrasi karotenoid. Pola produk molekuler kimia merupakan salah satu metode yang saat ini menjadi lebih populer untuk mencari pelarut dengan sifat-sifat yang dikehendaki sebelum diujicobakan

    Current Trends and New Approches for IP Education Training and Research: (Indonesian Perspective)

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    Trend in Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) is mainly influenced by certain situation that attracts public attention. In Indonesia, Trend is more oriented on the issues regarding to the recognition and protection of genetic resources and traditional knowledge and folklore. Cases such as maize varieties, avian influenza and genetic resources have brought impact and became trend in public discussion. This article is limited to share information about Trend in IPR Education, Training and Research based on the experience in Indonesia

    Perlindungan Folklore: Apakah Rezim Hak Cipta Memadai?

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    The government of Indonesia has given a protection for folklore in article 10 Undang-Undang Hak Cipta No. 19 Tahun 2002. It means the protection for forlklore is placed under Intellectual Property's Regime. The protection is about the regulations of permission for using Indonesian folklore by foreigner but there are some problems occurs. Is it right or wrong to place folklore, there are no evidences to prove that a folklore belongs to, do not mind when the folklore is used by foreigner. This article is trying to give a possibility to solve those problems by seeing the folklore protection in China

    Patent, Nanotechnology, and the Role of University

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    University has significant contribution tot the development of nanotechnology, The role of university can be implemented through the TTLO, particulary in an effort to build a bridge for bottom-up nanotechnology for commercial purposes. There will be an increasingly significant link betweent the patent system on the university role in the development of nanotechnology

    Culture and Intellectual Property Development in Indonesia

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    Essentially, viewed from the perspective of culture, IPR appears to be a highly embellished and colorful concept. That may be one of the reasons why the implementation of IPR protection in a plural society with diverse interests such as Indonesia invites debate and heated discussion so frequently. Given such circumstances, it would be naïve for anyone to hold on to their own perceptions on IPR without taking into account the existence of other views which are based on subjectivity. Speaking of IPR development, either from the legal, technological or from the economic aspect, IPR cannot be viewed from one single perspective. And this is exactly where the main issue arises. It is often difficult for sectors that are dealing with IPR to take an inclusive standpoint. It is in such context that the cultural study of IPR development becomes significant, both from the economic as well as from the technological point of view. IPR should not be taken out of its context, namely the society in which culture lives and develops