6 research outputs found

    Sublinear Algorithms for (1.5+E)-Approximate Matching

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    We study sublinear time algorithms for estimating the size of maximummatching. After a long line of research, the problem was finally settled byBehnezhad [FOCS'22], in the regime where one is willing to pay an approximationfactor of 22. Very recently, Behnezhad et al.[SODA'23] improved theapproximation factor to (212O(1/γ))(2-\frac{1}{2^{O(1/\gamma)}}) using n1+γn^{1+\gamma}time. This improvement over the factor 22 is, however, minuscule and theyasked if even 1.991.99-approximation is possible in n2Ω(1)n^{2-\Omega(1)} time. Wegive a strong affirmative answer to this open problem by showing(1.5+ϵ)(1.5+\epsilon)-approximation algorithms that run inn2Θ(ϵ2)n^{2-\Theta(\epsilon^{2})} time. Our approach is conceptually simple anddiverges from all previous sublinear-time matching algorithms: we show asublinear time algorithm for computing a variant of the edge-degree constrainedsubgraph (EDCS), a concept that has previously been exploited in dynamic[Bernstein Stein ICALP'15, SODA'16], distributed [Assadi et al. SODA'19] andstreaming [Bernstein ICALP'20] settings, but never before in the sublinearsetting. Independent work: Behnezhad, Roghani and Rubinstein [BRR'23]independently showed sublinear algorithms similar to our Theorem 1.2 in bothadjacency list and matrix models. Furthermore, in [BRR'23], they showadditional results on strictly better-than-1.5 approximate matching algorithmsin both upper and lower bound sides.<br

    The Landscape of Bounds for Binary Search Trees

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    Binary search trees (BSTs) with rotations can adapt to various kinds of structure in search sequences, achieving amortized access times substantially better than the Theta(log n) worst-case guarantee. Classical examples of structural properties include static optimality, sequential access, working set, key-independent optimality, and dynamic finger, all of which are now known to be achieved by the two famous online BST algorithms (Splay and Greedy). (...) In this paper, we introduce novel properties that explain the efficiency of sequences not captured by any of the previously known properties, and which provide new barriers to the dynamic optimality conjecture. We also establish connections between various properties, old and new. For instance, we show the following. (i) A tight bound of O(n log d) on the cost of Greedy for d-decomposable sequences. The result builds on the recent lazy finger result of Iacono and Langerman (SODA 2016). On the other hand, we show that lazy finger alone cannot explain the efficiency of pattern avoiding sequences even in some of the simplest cases. (ii) A hierarchy of bounds using multiple lazy fingers, addressing a recent question of Iacono and Langerman. (iii) The optimality of the Move-to-root heuristic in the key-independent setting introduced by Iacono (Algorithmica 2005). (iv) A new tool that allows combining any finite number of sound structural properties. As an application, we show an upper bound on the cost of a class of sequences that all known properties fail to capture. (v) The equivalence between two families of BST properties. The observation on which this connection is based was known before - we make it explicit, and apply it to classical BST properties. (...

    A Global Geometric View of Splaying

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    Splay trees (Sleator and Tarjan) satisfy the so-called access lemma. Many of the nice properties of splay trees follow from it. What makes self-adjusting binary search trees (BSTs) satisfy the access lemma? After each access, self-adjusting BSTs replace the search path by a tree on the same set of nodes (the after-tree). We identify two simple combinatorial properties of the search path and the after-tree that imply the access lemma. Our main result (i) implies the access lemma for all minimally self-adjusting BST algorithms for which it was known to hold: splay trees and their generalization to the class of local algorithms (Subramanian, Georgakopoulos and Mc-Clurkin), as well as Greedy BST, introduced by Demaine et al. and shown to satisfy the access lemma by Fox, (ii) implies that BST algorithms based on "strict" depth-halving satisfy the access lemma, addressing an open question that was raised several times since 1985, and (iii) yields an extremely short proof for the O(log n log log n) amortized access cost for the path-balance heuristic (proposed by Sleator), matching the best known bound (Balasubramanian and Raman) to a lower-order factor. One of our combinatorial properties is locality. We show that any BST-algorithm that satisfies the access lemma via the sum-of-log (SOL) potential is necessarily local. The other property states that the sum of the number of leaves of the after-tree plus the number of side alternations in the search path must be at least a constant fraction of the length of the search path. We show that a weak form of this property is necessary for sequential access to be linear

    Computing and Testing Small Connectivity in Near-Linear Time and Queries via Fast Local Cut Algorithms

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    Consider the following "local" cut-detection problem in a directed graph: We are given a seed vertex xx and need to remove at most kk edges so that at most ν\nu edges can be reached from xx (a "local" cut) or output \bot to indicate that no such cut exists. If we are given query access to the input graph, then this problem can in principle be solved without reading the whole graph and with query complexity depending on kk and ν\nu. In this paper we consider a slack variant of this problem where, when such a cut exists, we can output a cut with up to O(kν)O(k\nu) edges reachable from xx. We present a simple randomized algorithm spending O(k2ν)O(k^2\nu) time and O(kν)O(k\nu) queries for the above variant, improving in particular a previous time bound of O(kO(k)ν)O(k^{O(k)}\nu) by Chechik et al. [SODA '17]. We also extend our algorithm to handle an approximate variant. We demonstrate that these local algorithms are versatile primitives for designing substantially improved algorithms for classic graph problems by providing the following three applications. (Throughout, O~(T)\tilde O(T) hides polylog(T)\operatorname{polylog}(T).) (1) A randomized algorithm for the classic kk-vertex connectivity problem that takes near-linear time when k=O(polylog(n))k=O(\operatorname{polylog}(n)), namely O~(m+nk3)\tilde O(m+nk^3) time in undirected graphs. For directed graphs our O~(mk2)\tilde O(mk^2)-time algorithm is near-linear when k=O(polylog(n))k=O(\operatorname{polylog}(n)). Our techniques also yield an improved approximation scheme. (2) Property testing algorithms for kk-edge and -vertex connectivity with query complexities that are near-linear in kk, exponentially improving the state-of-the-art. This resolves two open problems, one by Goldreich and Ron [STOC '97] and one by Orenstein and Ron [Theor. Comput Sci. '11]. (3) A faster algorithm for computing the maximal kk-edge connected subgraphs, improving prior work of Chechik et al. [SODA '17].Comment: This paper resulted from a merge of two papers submitted to arXiv (arXiv:1904.08382 and arXiv:1905.05329) and will be presented at the 31st Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA 2020). Abstract shortened to respect arXiv's limit of 1920 character