156 research outputs found

    CO2 Laser Marsupialization for Internal and Combined Laryngocele

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    Introduction Laryngocele is an air -filled dilatation of the laryngeal saccule that can be classified according to its extent (internal, external, or combined) and contents (laryngocele or laryngopyocele). To date, there is no consensus on the best treatment for laryngocele.Objective The present study aims to demonstrate for the first time the effectiveness of CO(2 )laser marsupialization for internal and combined laryngoceles. Methods A retrospective study was accomplished in our ENT Clinic of the University Hospital, from 2010 to today, recruiting patients according to strict criteria. All patients had internal or combined laryngocele/laryngopyocele treated with CO2 laser marsupialization.Results A total of 15 patients were enrolled for a total of 17 laryngoceles; 66.67% of the patients were males and the mean age was 54.4 (114.12) years old. Internal laryngoceles accounted for 64.71% of the total, and only 7 cases were laryngopyoceles. At the 3-year follow-up, no signs of recurrence were found.Conclusion CO2 laser marsupialization is efficacious in the treatment of laryngocele or laryngopyocele, both internal and combined, in terms of efficiency, safety, and fast postoperative recovery, without need for tracheotomy or open surgery

    NBI and Laryngeal Papillomatosis: A Diagnostic Challenge: A Systematic Review

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    Narrow-band imaging (NBI) represents a valid aid in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC) diagnosis for detecting vascular changes. However, LSCC and laryngeal papillomatosis (LP) show similar vascular patterns that may lead to misdiagnosis and improper treatment. This review aims to deepen this NBI limit in order to stress a careful preoperative evaluation of laryngeal lesions. The research was carried out on PubMed, Web of Science and Scopus databases using specific keywords. The topic of research was assessed by these parameters: accuracy, sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values. This review included only five articles: they demonstrated that NBI is better than white-light endoscopy in detecting LSCC and LP. They also reported that LP is frequently mistaken for LSCC, resulting in high rates of false positives using NBI. This is the first review that emphasized this NBI limitation in distinguishing between LP and LSCC in cases of a type V pattern of intraepithelial papillary capillary loop. Although NBI application increased the rate of early cancer detection, LP reduces NBI accuracy. This drawback may lead to misdiagnosis and improper treatment. Our advice is to be careful in cases of type V pattern on NBI and to research LP epithelial and clinical features because it could be a pitfall

    Sulcus Vocalis and Benign Vocal Cord Lesions: Is There Any Relationship?

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    Background: Sulcus vocalis (SV) is a longitudinal groove in the free edge of the true vocal cord. It may impair phonation with incomplete glottic closure, phonasthenia and hoarseness. This study aims to detect a correlation between benign vocal cord lesions and the incidence of the SV. Methods: A retrospective study was carried out on patients who underwent transoral surgery due to benign vocal fold lesions and were selected according to strict criteria. Patients were divided into a group with sulcus vocalis (Group wSV) and a group without sulcus vocalis (Group w/oSV). The possible correlations between variables were assessed by the Pearson chi-square test (p < 0.05). Results: The study included 232 vocal cord lesions in 229 patients: 62.88% were females whose mean age was 46.61 ± 14.04. The most frequent diseases were polyps (37.94%), nodules (18.53%) and Reinke's edema (21.12%). Statistically significant relationships were found between age and SV (p-value 0.0005) and between mild dysplasia and SV (p-value 0.03). Conclusions: This study did not detect a cause-effect relationship between SV and benign vocal fold lesions. SV within vocal fold lesions is more common in younger patients, suggesting a congenital nature of SV. In conclusion, in the case of a benign vocal fold lesion, a possible SV should be considered and researched to provide the patient the best healthcare

    Positive Delphian node in laryngeal cancer: Predictive of thyroid gland metastasis?

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    Introduction: Laryngeal carcinoma represents the 22nd most common cancer worldwide. Thyroid metastasis from laryngeal cancer is extremely rare. Overall, thyroid gland involvement by metastatic carcinoma represents about 1.1-2.1 % among thyroid malignant diseases.Presentation of case: A male in his 70s came to our Otolaryngology Unit with a laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (cT3). Total laryngectomy , bilateral neck dissection were performed. Histological examination revealed a pT3 carcinoma with sub-massive metastasis of the Delphian node. The patient underwent close follow-up. After eight months, neck examination revealed a suspected nodule in the right thyroid lobe. A right thyroid lobectomy was performed , histological assessment revealed a nodule with squamous carcinoma metastasis in the superior pole of the thyroid lobe. The remaining thyroid tissue was affected by multinodular macrofollicular goitre. The patient underwent adjuvant therapy. One year after the second surgery, he showed no signs of recurrence. Discussion: Thyroid gland metastasis from laryngeal carcinoma is a very rare occurrence. In literature, we found only three articles that describes thyroid metastasis in overall 7 patients affected by laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma. Positive Delphian lymph node is usually related to poor prognosis: in 2007 a study reported tumour recurrence in 15 out of 25 patients with metastatic Delphian lymph node within the first two years of surgery.Conclusion: Thyroid gland metastasis from laryngeal carcinoma is rare; so close follow-up of oncologic patients is mandatory and, most of all, the positive Delphian node should not be underestimated for its predictive value

    Surgical treatment of choanal atresia with transnasal endoscopic approach with stentless single side-hinged flap technique: 5 year retrospective analysis

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    Introdução: A atresia de coanas é uma malformação congênita rara da cavidade nasal caracterizada pela obliteração completa da coana posterior. Nos 67% dos casos a atresia coanal é unilateral, acometendo principalmente (71%) a cavidade nasal direita. Diferentemente da forma unilateral, a atresia coanal bilateral é uma condição com risco de vida, frequentemente associada a angústia respiratória com alimentação e cianose intermitente exacerbada pelo choro. O tratamento cirúrgico permanece como a única opção terapêutica. Objetivo: Relatar a nossa experiência no uso de uma abordagem endoscópica transnasal com a técnica de retalho articulado de um lado só sem colocação de stent para o tratamento cirúrgico da atresia coanal. Método: Análise retrospectiva de 5 anos dos desfechos cirúrgicos de 18 pacientes tratados para atresia coanal com uma técnica transnasal com um único retalho de articulação lateral, sem colocação de stent. Todos os indivíduos foram avaliados no pré-operatório com uma endoscopia nasal e um exame de tomografia computadorizada maxilofacial. Resultados: Dez homens e oito mulheres com idade média no momento da cirurgia de 20,05 ± 11,32 anos foram submetidos a cirurgia para atresia de coanas. Tratamento cirúrgico de atresia de coana com abordagem endoscópica transnasal com técnica de retalho único e articulacão lateral sem colocac ¸ão de stent: análise retrospectiva de 5 anos. Quinze pacientes (83,33%) apresentaram placa atrésica óssea, enquanto 3 (26,77%) apresentaram uma placa atrésica ósseo-membranosa mista. Dois e dezesseis casos sofriam de atresia coanal bilateral e unilateral, respectivamente. Não foram observadas complicações intra e/ou pós-operatórias precoces. Entre 2 e 3 meses após a cirurgia dois casos (11,11%) de restenose parcial foram encontrados. Apenas um deles apresentou uma recidiva da obstrução nasal e, portanto, foi reparado com sucesso com um segundo procedimento endoscópico. Conclusão: A técnica cirúrgica descrita segue os requisitos básicos de cirurgia corretiva e possibilita boa visualização, avaliação e tratamento da placa atrésica e do terço posterior do septo, a fim de criar a nova abertura coanal. Pensamos que a utilização de um stent não é necessária, tal como recomendado no caso de outras técnicas cirúrgicas que envolvem o uso de mais retalhos de mucosas.Choanal atresia is a rare congenital malformation of the nasal cavity characterized by the complete obliteration of the posterior choanae. In 67% of cases choanal atresia is unilateral, affecting mainly (71%) the right nasal cavity. In contrast to the unilateral form, bilateral choanal atresia is a life-threatening condition often associated with respiratory distress with feeding and intermittent cyanosis exacerbated by crying. Surgical treatment remains the only therapeutic option. Objective To report our experience in the use of a transnasal endoscopic approach with stentless single side-hinged flap technique for the surgical management of choanal atresia. Methods A 5 year retrospective analysis of surgical outcomes of 18 patients treated for choanal atresia with a transnasal technique employing a single side-hinged flap without stent placement. All subjects were assessed preoperatively with a nasal endoscopy and a Maxillofacial computed tomography scan. Results Ten males and eight females with a mean age at the time of surgery of 20.05 ± 11.32 years, underwent surgery for choanal atresia. Fifteen subjects (83.33%) had a bony while 3 (26.77%) a mixed bony-membranous atretic plate. Two and sixteen cases suffered from bilateral and unilateral choanal atresia respectively. No intra- and/or early postoperative complications were observed. Between 2 and 3 months after surgery two cases (11.11%) of partial restenosis were found. Only one of these presented a relapse of the nasal obstruction and was subsequently successfully repaired with a second endoscopic procedure. Conclusion The surgical technique described follows the basic requirements of corrective surgery and allows good visualization, evaluation and treatment of the atretic plate and the posterior third of the septum, in order to create the new choanal opening. We believe that the use of a stent is not necessary, as recommended in case of other surgical techniques involving the use of more mucosal flaps

    Papillomavirus Infection and Prevention: How Much Does the Sicilian Population Know? An Observational Study

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    Human papillomavirus is a sexually transmitted virus that is responsible not only for uterine cervical cancer, but also for the oral and oropharyngeal cancers. In this latter case, the virus indiscriminately affects both sexes at any age. Vaccination plays a key role in preventing infection and its possible consequences. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the degree of awareness of papillomavirus infection and its possible prevention in the Sicilian population. A prospective observational study was carried out on the Sicilian population through a self-administered questionnaire, consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions. The survey lasted from June 2021 to December 2021. A total of 844 respondents were included: 60.90% were female and 53.55% were aged between 21 and 30 years. Most of the surveyed population knew about the virus and the existence of the vaccine, however, many of them did not know about virus's effects on the oral and oropharyngeal sites (49.17%), or about the indication for vaccination for males (39.69%). Oral and oropharyngeal papillomavirus-related cancers are an increasingly frequent finding, especially in young adults. Therefore, it is necessary and quite mandatory to educate the population about the risks that certain voluptuous habits may cause, with the help of general practitioners, schools, social media, and social networks

    Hyposmia in COVID-19: Temporal Recovery of Smell: A Preliminary Study

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    Background and Objectives: Hypo/anosmia is a characteristic symptom of COVID-19 infection. The aim of this study is to investigate the time of smell recovery and to identify a possible order of perception recovery of different odors in COVID-19 patients. Materials and Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted on not hospitalized COVID-19 patients, selected according to eligible criteria. The study was approved by the Ethical Committee. A questionnaire formulated by our team was submitted to patients in order to know the duration of the hypo/anosmia and hypo/ageusia and the order of odor recovery: vanillin (mixed olfactory/gustatory substances), phenyl ethyl alcohol (rosewater) (pure olfactory substances), eucalyptol (mixed olfactory/trigeminal substances), and eugenol (mixed olfactory/trigeminal/gustatory substances). Results: 181 patients were included. Hypo/ageusia and hypo/anosmia lasted on average 10.25 (& PLUSMN;8.26) and 12.8 (& PLUSMN;8.80) days, respectively. The most frequent odor recovery sequence was: (1) phenyl ethyl alcohol; (2) eucalyptol; (3) vanillin; and (4) eugenol. In COVID-19 patients, hypo/anosmia occurs more often in women and at a young age. Conclusions: This preliminary investigation highlighted novel data: there is a chronological order in perception recovery of different olfactory substances and, therefore, in the restoration of the various sensitive nerve pathways involved in the sense of smell