5 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to create a design system for purchasing raw material information at CV Media Karya to facilitate the management of purchases. This study uses primary data and secondary data in the form of quantitative data and qualitative data. Data collection techniques used are observation, interviews and literature. This raw material purchasing system is made using Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0 while database storage uses Microsoft Access and Crystal Report 8.5 to generate reports. The development method used is SDLC (System Development Life Cycle). This raw material purchasing system application can overcome the problems found in CV Media's work on the raw material purchasing system and can provide a reminder of the stock in the use of raw materials. Input data in this application are supplier data, material type data, initial inventory balance, purchase and use of raw materials. This application generates purchase reports, supplier data reports, debt data reports, raw material reports and inventory mutation reports


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    ABSTRAK: Usaha Jamu 3 Putri dalam mengelola usaha dan pemasaran belum maksimal, peralatan penggiling empon-empon yang dimiliki untuk membuat wedang racik terbatas. Tujuan pengabdian ini untuk meningkatkan kompetensi mitra dalam menghadapi masalah tersebut. Berdasarkan kesepakatan dengan mitra, permasalahan yang dihadapi akan dibantu dengan memberikan pelatihan manajemen pengelolaan usaha, pemasaran online dan membantu peralatan berupa alat penggiling empon-empon. Dengan dilaksanakannya program ini, mitra dapat menjalankan usahanya dengan lebih baik, dapat meningkatkan kuantitas dan kualitas produk serta memperluas pasar sasaran.Kata Kunci: Usaha, Jamu, Wedang Racik

    The study of knowledge, attitudes and practices of husbands accompanying patients at obstetrics clinics of a tertiary care center about contraception

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    Background: Contraceptive practices are the main tool we have in controlling the ever increasing population. It also has a huge role in preventing sexually transmitted infections. The present study was undertaken to find the knowledge, attitudes and practices of husbands accompanying patient at obstetrics clinics of a tertiary care center about contraception.Methods: The study population was 100 husbands accompanying patients at obstetrics clinics of a tertiary care center. A simple questionnaire of 26 questions regarding knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding contraception was provided to the consenting husbands. The results were then analyzed.Results: Vast majority have adequate knowledge about male contraception (93%), vasectomy (85%) and sexually transmitted diseases (72%). Most of the husbands do not have adequate knowledge about female contraception (only 59%) and emergency contraception (only 27%). 70% of the husbands do not know about the free contraceptives provided by the Government of India. A staggering 74% do not participate in effective contraception. Also, 77% agreed that they would remain contended with a single child.Conclusions: This cross-sectional study clearly shows that husbands accompanying patients at obstetrics clinic of a tertiary care center have adequate knowledge about male contraception, vasectomy and sexually transmitted diseases. It is worth noting that most of the husbands do not have adequate knowledge about female contraception, emergency contraception and free contraceptives provided by the Government of India. Very few couples participate in effective contraception despite wanting to adopt a small family norm. This is a pointer towards the ineffectiveness of the family planning program of our country


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    The guitar industry in Sukoharjo Regency has developed very well and has contributed quite a lot to the APBD so that it is designated as a Regional Leading Product. It's a shame that at this time when the Covid 19 pandemic outbreak is rampant, the guitar industry, which is mostly in the form of SMEs, is experiencing a tremendous impact. Many of them had to stop operating because they could not sell their products. On the other hand, in the Industry 4.0 era, many businesses experienced good growth during the pandemic thanks to the implementation of Digital Marketing. It would be interesting if we could get data and patterns from the application of this digital marketing to be able to help the guitar industry which is in trouble. The research was conducted using an experimental approach, which means we take one sample object to be given digital marketing treatment. Within the specified timeframe, in this study an effort was made to build digital marketing through social media and the Digital Toko web. The data collected is then processed to compare the feasibility of investing between those who use digital marketing and those who do not so that the impact of implementing digital marketing is known.Digital marketing development begins with building Social Media through popular media, namely FaceBook and InstaGram. This social media is used as a means for communication and promotion of SMEs and their products to the public. For the SME product sales platform, the Online Store Web is used by choosing one provider that has many sellers (more than 570,000), easy, free, can be integrated with social media (facebook and IG), namely Tokotalk. The implementation of the marketing system is done by creating content that is uploaded to social media and efforts to increase followers on IG with the help of follower builder services. The online store is built and integrated into social media. The results of sales in online stores in 2 active weeks obtained sales data which seems to have increased.An investment analysis was carried out to assess the feasibility of this digital marketing and it was found that the value was low (1.8%/month) but was already higher than the percentage of income from savings in banking (1.3%/month). The feasibility of online marketing using roi analysis shows an acceptable or feasible value.The conclusion is taken with the assumption of an increase in sales and without looking at production capacity due to time constraints in collecting sales data with digital marketing. This is because the preparation of social media, websites and especially content takes a long time. It is proposed to conduct further research on the basis of marketing media that has been formed for a longer time so that the data obtained is sufficient

    Mathematic Learning Material Capabilities on Special Needs

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    Abstract: The purpose of this study was to see the application of students with special needs in inclusive schools and their absorption of Mathematics subject matter in the SMA National Examination 2018/2019 academic year. Although, the National Examination has legally abolished, the results of the last National Examination 2018/2019 can still be used to capture students' minimum academic abilities and also for reflection in order to improve the quality of education better. The ability of students can be seen from the results of the national exam, while the absorption of mathematics can be seen from the proportion of students with special needs in inclusive schools who can correctly answer questions on the National Mathematics Exam. The population of this study were all high school level students who took the National Examination for the 2018/2019 academic year, while the research sample was all inclusive high school students who took the National Examination for the 2018/2019 academic year. The data used is secondary data, namely the SMA National Exam data for the 2018/2019 academic year. Data analysis used Excel software, and then descriptive statistical analysis was carried out. The results showed the highest score of the National Mathematics Examination for students with special needs in inclusive schools was 54.02 and the lowest was 22.69 with an average score of 39.43. The average score of Mathematics for the Science Department is 45.66 (included in the poor category), the Language Department is 40.04 (including the poor category), while the Social Science Department is 29.28 (including the low category). The highest average absorption power of Mathematics in the Science department is 30%, in the scope of Algebra material, the lowest absorption is 23% in the scope of calculus material. In the social studies department, the highest average absorption power in mathematics is 29% each for algebra and statistics, the lowest absorption rate is 18% in the scope of Geometry and Trigonometry. Meanwhile, in the Language Department, the highest average absorption is algebra 38%, the lowest is 30% in the scope of Geometry and Trigonometry. The range of values for participants with special needs is very large so it needs assistance to improve the abilities of students. The weakness of special needs students in Mathematics is the material scope of Geometry and Trigonometry