606 research outputs found


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    The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the effects on quality-related learning resulting from the use of the quality cost information (QCI). More specifically, we intend to analyze to what extent the diagnostic and interactive uses of QCI contribute to the development of quality-related learning. A conceptual model was developed and tested using structural equation modelling. To this end, a questionnaire survey was conducted in Portuguese companies with the ISO 9000 certification. The results of the estimation process shed light on the causal links between the variables, showing that the interactive use of QCI has a positive effect on quality-related learning. Inversely, the diagnostic use hasn’t a direct positive impact on qualityrelated learning. However, the diagnostic use of QCI has an indirect positive impact on learning through the positive effect it on interactive use

    Analysing the Employability of Business and Administration Study Programs in Portugal

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    This paper presents an analysis on the higher education graduates' employability in the field of Business and Administration in Portugal. Using econometric techniques, we consider the impact of several variables in the unemployment "propensity" of the pair study program/institution. The results show that there are important differences between public and private institutions, between study programs of great and small size, between the several fields of graduation within Business and Administration as well as regional differences.Graduates;Business and Administration Science; Employability; Higher Education; Fractional Models.

    Implementação de um Sistema de Gestão da Qualidade numa Pequena Empresa de Serviços

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    Como implementar um SGQ numa PME? O caso de uma pequena empresa de serviços

    A Qualidade e a Segurança Alimentar nos Produtos de Distribuição da marca DIA

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    Como Garantir a Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar a Produtos de Marca de Distribuição? O caso dos produtos de marca DIA

    A Gestão numa PME. O que fazer para sobreviver à crise?

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    O que fazer para as PME sobreviverem à crise? Serão os métodos e as técnicas ao dispor da Gestão um factor preponderante

    A Filosofia de Deming e a Gestão da Qualidade Total no Ensino Superior Português

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    No presente artigo procura-se analisar, de uma forma sistemática e acessível, informação relevante acerca da filosofia da qualidade total (TQM), debruçando-se essencialmente sobre os 14 Princípios de Deming. Por outro lado, pretende-se averiguar se as técnicas da Gestão da Qualidade Total, desenvolvidas por esse “Guru” da qualidade, poderiam ser aplicadas no ensino superior português. Neste sentido, aplicou-se um inquérito por questionário em duas instituições de ensino superior portuguesas: o ISCTE-IUL e a Universidade de Évora. Os resultados deste estudo evidenciaram que as duas instituições de ensino superior portuguesas poderiam imple-mentar alguns dos 14 princípios de Deming e a sua correcta aplicação permitiria caminhar no longo percurso da qualidade até à excelência

    A Fiscalidade como factor preponderante na Estratégia das Empresas em Tempos de crise

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    Será a fiscalidade um factor preponderante na estratégia das empresas em tempos de crise

    Higher Education System in Portugal; An Exploratory Study about the Challenges Setting by the New Bologna Paradigm

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    Total quality management is a process based on a “to do differently” strategy. This strategy implies trying to achieve continuous improvement by sharing responsibilities reducing misused resource and meeting customer’s expectations. Typically, Total Quality Management is implemented in industry and services using a group of principles. The implementation of such principles guides the organizations towards the improvement of quality standards. Deming contributed to the total quality management process by proposing the set of principles and techniques that helps organisations to improve their quality process. We implement the total quality management principles inn two Portuguese high education institutions: ISCTE and University of Évora. We use separate questionnaires in order to verify if the techniques of the Total Quality Management, proposed by Deming, which were applied in Japanese and US companies, could be applied similarly in Portuguese high education institutions. Likewise for industrial companies, application of Total Quality Management techniques may help higher education institutions in their adaptation to the constantly changing education environment. The improving of quality in higher education will result in a general quality improvement of people’s skills which ultimately will improve the level of efficiency contributing to the development of markets and the economy. The results of this study show a set of difficulties as well as benefits from implementation of Total Quality Management, which may be a consequence of the cultural environment of the institutions. This study concludes that the two higher education institutions can still improve the application of the 14 principles proposed by Deming, and that correct application of these principles may permit them to evolve to the excellence level. However, it is important to notice that the principles should be applied in a flexible way and in agreement with the specific needs of each organization

    The Total Quality Management philosophy: The Deming's principles in two Portuguese institutions of high education

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    Usually, the process of TQM is implemented in the industry and in services through the adoption of a group of principles. Deming that presented a set of principles to improve the quality process in a organisation. The study applied some of the Deming’s principles in two Portuguese institutions of high education. The objective was to understand if the Deming’s principles could be applied. The results showed a group of possible difficulties and benefits and concluded that can be implemented. Their correct application could allow them to evolve from quality to excellence

    Avaliação da Qualidade Organizacional em Cuidados de Saúde Primários, através da Common Assessment Framework - o caso da região do Alentejo

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    O modelo de auto-avaliação Common Assessment Framework (CAF) foi construído para ajudar as organizações do sector público dos países europeus a utilizar as técnicas de gestão da qualidade. Face à reforma em curso nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários em Portugal, a qual conduz a novas formas de gestão e a mudanças ao nível dos profissionais de saúde, questiona-se em que medida a ferramenta CAF permite a auto-avaliação destes serviços e qual o contributo da aplicação do referido modelo para a melhoria da qualidade dos serviços prestados aos utentes. Pretendendo-se analisar a aplicabilidade da CAF, como ferramenta de auto-avaliação dos serviços públicos, nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários, designadamente nos Centros de Saúde ou Unidades Funcionais da Região Alentejo, procura-se, com o presente trabalho de investigação, dar um contributo para a compreensão da aplicação do processo de auto-avaliação da qualidade nesses serviços. Para tal, com base na ferramenta da CAF, é desenvolvido um desenho de investigação que inclui a aplicação de um inquérito junto de profissionais de saúde das unidades funcionais dos Centros de Saúde de um dos seis Agrupamentos de Centros de Saúde da Região Alentejo, o qual se constitui a amostra do estudo, com a finalidade última de realizar um diagnóstico dos serviços em estudo, identificando os pontos fortes e fracos e apresentar propostas de melhorias