2 research outputs found

    Perinatal health outcomes of women from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities: A systematic review

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    Background GRT communities are disadvantaged minority groups in Europe and experience some of the poorest health outcomes, including maternal and child health. This systematic review aimed to assess the maternal, perinatal and infant health outcomes of women from GRT communities and the factors associated with the reported outcomes. Methods Database searches were conducted from inception to June 2023 in 4 bibliographic databases supplemented with an additional Google Scholar search. Studies with quantitative data on maternal outcomes published in English were considered. A narrative synthesis was performed, and data were presented in text, figures and tables. Findings Forty-five studies from 13 European countries were included. Outcome factors related to mothers showing low healthcare engagement, high fertility rates and shorter gestation periods among GRT women. Child wantedness was also noted to influence pregnancy completeness, which included abortion and miscarriage. More negative infant outcomes were seen in GRT infants than non-GRT infants; this included higher preterm births, lower birth weight, higher rates of intrauterine growth restriction and infant mortality. Risk factors of poorer maternal outcomes were early reproduction, education, smoking, alcohol consumption, deprivation, poor nutrition and perinatal care. Conclusion This review provides evidence that GRT women and children experience more negative outcomes than general populations. It also highlights the gaps in ethnicity and health inequalities more broadly. The significant importance of this research is the need for increased focus on reducing health inequalities, especially among the GRT community.</p

    Cross-Sectional Study of University Students’ Attitudes to ‘On Campus’ Delivery of COVID-19, MenACWY and MMR Vaccines and Future-Proofing Vaccine Roll-Out Strategies

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    University students are a critical group for vaccination programmes against COVID-19, meningococcal disease (MenACWY) and measles, mumps and rubella (MMR). We aimed to evaluate risk factors for vaccine hesitancy and views about on-campus vaccine delivery among university students. Data were obtained through a cross-sectional anonymous online questionnaire study of undergraduate students in June 2021 and analysed by univariate and multivariate tests to detect associations. Complete data were obtained from 827 participants (7.6% response-rate). Self-reporting of COVID-19 vaccine status indicated uptake by two-thirds (64%; 527/827), willing for 23% (194/827), refusal by 5% (40/827) and uncertain results for 8% (66/827). Hesitancy for COVID-19 vaccines was 5% (40/761). COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy was associated with Black ethnicity (aOR, 7.01, 95% CI, 1.8–27.3) and concerns about vaccine side-effects (aOR, 1.72; 95% CI, 1.23–2.39). Uncertainty about vaccine status was frequently observed for MMR (11%) and MenACWY (26%) vaccines. Campus-associated COVID-19 vaccine campaigns were favoured by UK-based students (definitely, 45%; somewhat, 16%) and UK-based international students (definitely, 62%; somewhat, 12%). Limitations of this study were use of use of a cross-sectional approach, self-selection of the response cohort, slight biases in the demographics and a strict definition of vaccine hesitancy. Vaccine hesitancy and uncertainty about vaccine status are concerns for effective vaccine programmes. Extending capabilities of digital platforms for accessing vaccine information and sector-wide implementation of on-campus vaccine delivery are strategies for improving vaccine uptake among students. Future studies of vaccine hesitancy among students should aim to extend our observations to student populations in a wider range of university settings and with broader definitions of vaccine hesitancy