4 research outputs found

    Different strokes for different folks: the rich diversity of animal models of focal cerebral ischemia

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    No single animal model is able to encompass all of the variables known to affect human ischemic stroke. This review highlights the major strengths and weaknesses of the most commonly used animal models of acute ischemic stroke in the context of matching model and experimental aim. Particular emphasis is placed on the relationships between outcome and underlying vascular variability, physiologic control, and use of models of comorbidity. The aim is to provide, for novice and expert alike, an overview of the key controllable determinants of experimental stroke outcome to help ensure the most effective application of animal models to translational research

    ACE inhibition reduces infarction in normotensive but not hypertensive rats: correlation with cortical ACE activity

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    Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibition can reduce stroke risk by up to 43% in humans and reduce the associated disability, and hence understanding the mechanism of improvement is important. In animals and humans, these effects may be independent of the blood pressure-lowering effects of ACE inhibition. Normotensive (Wistar–Kyoto (WKY)) and hypertensive (spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR)) animals were treated with the ACE inhibitors ramipril or lisinopril for 7 or 42 days before 2 hours of transient middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAo). Blood pressure, serum ACE, and blood glucose levels were measured and stroke infarct volume was recorded 24 hours after stroke. Despite greater reductions in blood pressure, infarct size was not improved by ACE inhibition in hypertensive animals. Short-term ACE inhibition produced only a modest reduction in blood pressure, but WKY rats showed marked reductions in infarct volume. Long-term ACE inhibition had additional reductions in blood pressure; however, infarct volumes in WKY rats did not improve further but worsened. WKY rats differed from SHR in having marked cortical ACE activity that was highly sensitive to ACE inhibition. The beneficial effects of ACE inhibition on infarct volume in normotensive rats do not correlate with changes in blood pressure. However, WKY rats have ACE inhibitor-sensitive cortical ACE activity that is lacking in the SHR