5 research outputs found


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    Latar Belakang: Karies yang tidak dirawat dapat menimbulkan gejala berupa timbulnya rasa nyeri, rasa tidak nyaman, pembengkakan, serta infeksi akut maupun kronis. Kemampuan seseorang dalam melakukan aktivitasnya sehari-hari juga akan menurun, seperti aktivitas makan dan aktivitas tidur. Bahkan karies yang parah juga dapat meningkatkan resiko anak usia sekolah tidak hadir dalam kegiatan pembelajaran di sekolah, sehingga akan memengaruhi proses pembelajaran serta prestasi anak tersebut di sekolah. Untuk mengobservasi dampak karies terhadap aktivitas anak sehari-hari dapat menggunakan kuisioner Child Oral Impact in Daily Performances (COIDP). Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui distribusi kualitas hidup yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan gigi dan mulut/Oral Health Related Quality of Life (OHRQoL) pada anak usia 12 tahun di SDN Mojo III-222 Surabaya menurut tingkat keparahan karies. Metode: penelitian ini merupakan jenis penelitian deskriptif dengan desain penelitian cross-sectional study. Penelitian di lakukan di SDN Mojo III-222 Surabaya dengan total sampel berjumlah 53 siswa berusia 12 tahun. Pengukuran keparahan karies menggunakan indeks PUFA, sedangkan pengukuran OHRQoL menggunakan kuisioner COIDP. Data disajikan dalam bentuk prosentase dan dianalisa menggunakan nilai median dari masing-masing variabel. Hasil: Hasil menunjukkah bahwa siswa dengan karies yang tidak terawat memiliki tingkat kualitas hidup yang lebih rendah dibandingkan dengan siswa yang tidak memiliki karies yang tidak terawat daam rongga mulutnya. Simpulan: Kesehatan rongga mulut yang buruk, dimana ditemukan karies yang tidak terawat menurunkan tingkat kualitas hidup yang berkaitan dengan kesehatan rongga mulut siswa usia 12 tahun di SDN Mojo III- 222 Surabaya. Kata kunci : Karies yang tidak terawat, OHRQoL, COIDP, PUF

    Relationship Between HIV/AIDS and Periodontal Health Status among Population at High Risk of HIV/AIDS

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    Background. In 2017, there were sixty people who identified themselves as lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender/ transsexual (LGBT) people in Sememi Public Health Center, and seven of them were known to be people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA). People who are at high risk for HIV infection, especially the LGBT people and Female Sex Workers, are at even greater risk of developing a number of severe periodontal diseases. Periodontal problems, such as periodontitis, in HIV patients, are more severe and occur more frequently than uninfected patients. However, data on dental visit in Sememi Public Health Center as the primary health center in Sememi district is still limited, and there is still no data regarding periodontal health status among HIV patients. Objective. The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between HIV/AIDS and periodontal health status among the population who are at high risk of HIV/AIDS in Sememi Public Health Center area. Method. This study was conducted with a cross-sectional design. The sample size was determined using a total sampling technique and came up with 30 participants. Conclusion. Population with a high risk of HIV/AIDS in Sememi Health Center area in Surabaya City has poor periodontal status, due to a large number of bleeding on probing (BOP), periodontal pocket depth, and loss of attachment (LOA). There is no significant difference between BOP results and pocket depth between the HIV and non-HIV groups. But a significant difference was found between LOA in the HIV and non-HIV groups. On the contrary, we found that there is no significant relationship between HIV/AIDS and xerostomia in this study

    Effect of Blood Iron Level on Prevalence of Recurrent Aphthous Stomatitis (RAS) in Traffic Police Officers

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    Introduction: Iron is one of human micronutrients which is the most abundant micro mineral in the body. Iron deficiency can affect the human immune system because this mineral is essential for cell differentiation and growth. In addition, white blood cells that function to destroy bacteria becomes unable to work effectively and will result in changes in oral microorganisms which can increase intensity of oral mucosa inflammation including recurrent aphthous stomatitis (RAS). This study aimed to determine the association between blood iron levels and recurrent aphthous stomatitis in traffic police officers at Surabaya Police Department. Materials and Method: This research was an analytical observational with cross sectional approach. The respondents of this research were 98 traffic police officers at Surabaya Police Department, they were selected by simple random sampling method by fulfilling several criteria. Researchers then performed intra oral examination and anamnesis to know the history of ulceration in the mouth of the respondents. Results: Respondents who had abnormal iron levels experienced RAS more than respondents with normal iron levels. The correlation test between iron blood level of and RAS with chi-square test resulted in P-value of 0.034. Because the p-value (0.034) is less than significance level (0.05), the null hypothesis is rejected. Thus, this means that there is a relationship between blood iron levels and RAS. Conclusion: There is relationship between blood iron levels and Recurrent aphthous stomatitis in traffic police officers at Surabaya Police Department

    Education and Knowledge Level Analysis of the Teachers Regarding Dental Education Program in Primary Schools

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    Introduction: The highest caries prevalence occurs in the age group 10-14 which is the age of school children. Increased teacher knowledge about dental and oral health will determine students in behaving to maintain oral health. Objective: This study aimed to determine the level of education towards the level of knowledge of dental and oral health and School’s Dental Education Program for kindergarten and elementary school teachers. Method: This was an observational descriptive study with cross sectional approach. The population of this study were kindergarten and elementary school teachers in Public Health Center working area in Surabaya with a total sample size of 76 respondents. Results: Chi-Square analysis of education level did not correlate with the level of dental and oral health knowledge and School’s Dental Education Program (ρ = 0.951 and ρ = 0.098). Conclusion: There was no relationship between the level of education on the level of knowledge of dental and oral health and School’s Dental Education Programfor kindergarten and elementary school teachers

    Functional Factors on Compliance Drugs Consumption in Diabetes Melitus Patients Related to Periodontal Health

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    Background: Tambakrejo Health Center is one of the public health services in Surabaya that provides integrated dental and oral health services. As many as 69% of the community in health center working area were exposed to periodontal problems, and around 18% suffered from diabetes mellitus. Objective: This study aimed to identify the factors that play a role in compliance with drug consumption in patients with diabetes mellitus associated with periodontal tissue in the working area of Tambakrejo health center in Surabaya. Methods: This was an observational analytic study with cross sectional method. The study sample was 60 people with diabetes mellitus selected with a random sampling technique. Respondents filled out questionnaires to measure patients’ perceptions, knowledge, attitudes, and actions about drugs, diabetes mellitus, periodontal health, and the level of compliance with drug consumption. The sample oral hygiene status was determined using the Russell Index. Results: The data obtained showed that as many as 67% of the samples had low level of compliance. Whereas, 20% of the sample had moderate level of compliance. Only 13% of the sample had high level of adherence. Conclusion: There was a significant correlation between the level of compliance of patients taking antidiabetic drugs and the periodontal health