3 research outputs found


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    This study aims to determine the effect of Working Capital Management to Financial Performance of The Company In Manufacturing Sector Listed on Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI) Period 2013-2016. The independent variables used in this study are some financial ratios that can give an idea of how a company manages its working capital, that is with Working Capital Turnover, Cash Ratio, Cash Conversion Cycle, Account Receivable Turnover, and Inventory Turnover. The dependent variable in this study is the financial performance of the firm described through ROA and Tobin's Q companies.Researchers also use control variables Firm's Size as a controller to strengthen the relationship between independent variables with dependent variable so as not influenced by external factors that are not examined in this study.Sources of data in this study is to use secondary data that is in the form of annual report (annual report) companies in the Manufacturing Sector listed on the Stock Exchange period 20132016. Sampling method used in this study using purposive sampling technique and analysis method used is panel data regression analysis. The results showed that the Working Capital Turnover, Account Receivable Turnover, and Inventory Turnover did not affect the Financial Performance in terms of profitability, that is ROA with or without the control variables Firm Size. Only Cash Ratio and Cash Conversion Cycle have a significant positive effect on ROA either with or without Firm Size control variable. Different results to Financial Performance in terms of market value of Tobin's Q with or without Firm Size control variables. By using the Firm Size control variable, only Inventory Turnover is proven to have a significant positive effect on the company's financial performance in terms of market value of Tobin's Q. However, without Firm Size control variables it is found that Account Receivable Turnover and Inventory Turnover have a significant positive effect on the company's financial performance in terms of market value Tobin's Q and other independent variables do not show a significant effect on Financial Performance in terms of market value Tobin's Q manufacturing companies in the period 2013-2016


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    ABSTRACT SARAH MAYSURI, The internship report at PT. Computrade Technology International. Management Studies Program, Department of Management, Faculty of Economics, State University of Jakarta, in 2014. The internship is one of the subjects that is required in accordance with the needs of the study program as a requirement of graduation of the students of State University of Jakarta (UNJ) in completing the study before preparing the thesis. The internships is compiled as media in order to make a link between corporation and university especially the Faculty of Economics and to get a broader perspective and experience about the world of work, preparing working mentality before come in working life and as a place to apply the theory that has been studied in the class of financial lectures. The internship was placed at PT. Computrade Technology International, Graha BIP Building 7th Floor, Gatot Subroto Street, Kav. 23, South Jakarta. Practicer placed as Finance Officer directly supervised by Finance Manager at COS division at CTI Holding office. The internship is going on during 40 days, starting from July 10 until 12 September 2017. The internship assignment include filing voucher payment, creating invoice, inputting electricity and water charges, recording the highest sales value of every business partner in 2016-2017, collecting PPH 23 pieces of evidence from every business partner via telephone, creating cost sheets, entering schedule messenger, employee claims on entertainment and transportation costs, create a Fiduciary Object List, up to participate in sales workflow training held regularly by the Company every month in order to improve the competence of new employees. Keywords: The Internship (PKL), PT. Computrade Technology International, Cost Sheet, Training Sales Workflow

    The Effect Of Working Capital Management To Financial Performance Of The Company In Manufacturing Sector Listed In Indonesia Stock Exchange (Idx) Pe-riod 2013-2016

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    This study aims to determine the effect of working capital management proxied by 5 independent variables, namely Working Capital Turnover (WCT), Cash Ratio (Csh R), Cash Conversion Cycle (CCC), Account Receivable Turnover (ARTO), and Inventory Turnover (ITO) on the company's financial performance in terms of profitability and market value which is equipped with Firm Size control variables in manufacturing companies listed on the IDX for the 2013-2016 period. The research method used is panel data regression using Random Effects Model and Fixed Effects Model. The results showed that only Csh R and CCC had a significant positive effect on Financial Performance with ROA proxy either with or without Firm Size control variables. Different results when compared to Financial Performance in terms of Tobin's market value using control variables, only (ITO) which proved to have a significant positive effect but without control variables found that (ARTO) and (ITO) also had a significant positive effect and the rest had no effect on Financial Performance manufacturing companies in the 2013-2016 period