3 research outputs found


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    This paper aims to analyse the greatest gender-specific dimensions toward women in the case of the tsunami that hit Aceh Province in Indonesia in 2004. Using three gender dimensions, which are gender identity, gender structure and gender symbolism, it argues that this catastrophe was not gender-neutral and its impacts could be shown in four conditions of women; which were women’s worsened insecurity and vulnerability, the feminization of poverty, the presence of “tsunami marriageâ€, and the reinforced gendered roles. The concept of ‘intersectionality’ is useful to show the heterogeneous identity of women and how they were impacted by the disastrous event. It concludes that the 2004 tsunami brought many changes in the lives of both men and women in Aceh and worsened the inequalities between them.   Keywords: Aceh, women, tsunami, gender dimensions     Abstrak   Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dimensi-dimensi terbesar yang spesifik-gender dalam kasus tsunami yang melanda Provinsi Aceh di Indonesia pada tahun 2004. Menggunakan tiga dimensi gender, yakni identitas gender, struktur gender dan simbolisme gender, tulisan ini menyatakan bahwa bencana ini tidaklah netral-gender dan dampaknya dapat ditunjukkan dalam empat kondisi perempuan; yaitu ketidakamanan dan kerentanan perempuan yang semakin memburuk, feminisasi kemiskinan, munculnya “pernikahan tsunamiâ€, dan peran-peran berbasis gender yang semakin menguat. Konsep ‘interseksionalitas’ berguna dalam memperlihatkan identitas heterogen perempuan dan bagaimana mereka terkena imbas dari peristiwa bencana tersebut. Tulisan ini berkesimpulan bahwa tsunami di tahun 2004 itu membawa banyak perubahan dalam hidup laki-laki dan perempuan di Aceh, serta memperburuk ketimpangan di antara mereka.   Kata Kunci: Aceh, perempuan, tsunami, dimensi gende

    Delivering Justice for Women Victims of Conflicts: How Judicial Mechanisms Perpetuated Gender Inequality in Timor-Leste

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    Abstrak: Timor-Leste adalah salah satu kisah sukses operasi perdamaian Perserikatan Bangsa-Bangsa (PBB) terlepas dari lamanya operasi tersebut dilakukan. Intervensi PBB di Timor-Leste bersifat khusus karena PBB menetapkan dua mekanisme peradilan selama operasi perdamaian berjalan, yaitu Serious Crime Unit (SCU) atau Unit Kejahatan Serius dan Komisi Kebenaran (CAVR). Baik SCU maupun CAVR memiliki mandat yang berbeda dengan tujuan bersama untuk mengatasi pelanggaran HAM yang terjadi di Timor-Leste. Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengkritik kedua mekanisme tersebut, khususnya mengenai bagaimana inisiatif ini mengusahakan keadilan bagi perempuan korban konflik di Timor-Leste. Kritik berfokus pada mandat, tindakan dan otoritas mereka. Berdasarkan ketiga aspek ini, kesimpulan yang dihasilkan adalah mekanisme –mekanisme ini gagal memberikan keadilan bagi para perempuan korban di Timor-Leste. Kata Kunci: Timor-Leste, operasi perdamaian PBB, pelanggaran HAM, mekanisme peradilan, SCU, CAVR, perempuan korban Abstract: Timor-Leste is one of few success stories of the United Nations (UN) peacekeeping operations despite its long period. The UN intervention in Timor-Leste is unique because it established two justice mechanisms during the peacekeeping operations, namely the Serious Crime Unit (SCU) and the Truth Commission (CAVR). Both SCU and CAVR have different mandates with a common objective to address human rights violations committed in Timor-Leste. This paper tries to criticize these two mechanisms, particularly on how these initiatives delivered justice for women victims of conflict in Timor-Leste. The critique focuses on their mandate, performance, and authority. Based on these three aspects, it is concluded that these mechanisms failed to deliver justice to women victims in Timor-Leste. Key Words: Timor-Leste, UN peacekeeping operation, human rights violations, justice mechanism, SCU, CAVR, women victim


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    This paper aims to analysethe greatest gender-specific dimensions toward women in the case of the tsunamithat hit Aceh Province in Indonesia in 2004. Using three gender dimensions, which are gender identity, gender structure and gender symbolism, it argues that this catastrophe was not gender-neutral and its impacts could be shown in four conditions of women; which were women’s worsened insecurity and vulnerability, the feminization of poverty, the presence of “tsunami marriage”, and the reinforced gendered roles. The concept of ‘intersectionality’ is usefulto show the heterogeneous identity of women and howthey were impacted by the disastrous event. It concludes that the 2004 tsunami brought many changes in the lives of both men and women in Aceh and worsened the inequalities between the