57 research outputs found

    On the Vulnerability of Diversity Management

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    Denne afhandling handler om mangfoldighed og etik. Mere specifikt sætter den spørgsmålstegn ved mangfoldighedsledelsens etiske fundament. Mangfoldighed ønskes ledet med det udgangspunkt, at det er et etisk anliggende. Det er etisk korrekt at sørge for ligestilling, at tilgodese minoriteter og dermed at opbygge en arbejdsplads, der er social ansvarlig. Dette etiske ønske betvivler jeg ikke, men jeg sætter spørgsmålstegn ved det etiske grundsyn. Mangfoldighedsledelse beror på etiske retninger som utilitarisme, deontologi og dydsetik. Denne afhandling argumenterer derfor for et skift mod en nærhedsetik, der tager udgangspunkt i Levinas’ lære om respekten for den Andens uendelige andethed. Derved argumenterer denne afhandling, at når forskelligheder på denne måde tydeliggøres og kategoriseres, øges fokus på forskellighederne—oftest negativt—i stedet for at tilgodese dem for hvad de i virkeligheden er. Afhandlingen konkluderes ved at sætte fokus på skrøbelighed. Først på den skrøbelighed i mangfoldighedsledelseslitteraturen, som ’kalder’ på etisk afbrydelse, derved på skrøbeligheden i den Sydafrikanske situation, og til sidst på den skrøbelighed jeg som forfatter har overfor min egen tekst

    The care of the self and the meaningful four-day workweek

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    Those who find their work meaningful often need to be more committed. Over-commitment, in turn, frequently results in stress, personal conflicts, and burnout. Such over-commitment, in other words, leads to employees needing to take more care of themselves. This paper considers the prospects for meaningful self-care in the context of working time reduction. For this, we consider the case of the four-day workweek, asking employees of such organizations to explain how they make meaning out of their newly found time off. Conceptually, we rely upon the work of Michel Foucault, particularly his analysis of the care of the self. On its basis, we coded five self-care practices: (1) rest and recuperation, (2) professional and personal development, (3) domestic work, (4) balancing work, and (5) additional work. We conclude by highlighting the theoretical and practical implications of work reduction for the analytical, ethical, and practical pursuit of meaningful work

    Time management between the personalisation and collectivisation of productivity:The case of adopting the Pomodoro time-management tool in a four-day workweek company

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    Time-management technologies and their adoption into daily working life have been discussed as solutions for managing individual productivity and as problems that intensify individualised productivity, enhance the norms of busyness and disconnect colleagues from one another. However, drawing on the case study of a company that implemented a four-day workweek, this paper argues that this is not always so. In our case company, a digital marketing agency, the Pomodoro time-management tool led to the personalisation of productivity and instances of collective working towards better work-life balance. We end the paper by suggesting that this fruitful adoption of time-management habits can be understood through John Dewey's notion of habit. Deweyan habit allows us to know how time-management habits are plastic and open to change while always being part of a material and social assemblage. We argue that these two features explain why time-management tools might lead to personalising productivity and enhanced neoliberal self-discipline. At the same time, these features point to how time-management habits under the right circumstances can be part of cooperation and better work-life balance.</p

    Situated Transgressiveness: Exploring One Transwoman\u27s Lived Experiences Across Three Situated Contexts

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    This study investigates the lived experience of one transwoman, Claire, a public advocate and a manager with client services responsibilities. We examine Claire’s story in order to discuss how situated contexts, such as different roles, locales, and interactions, shape the way she experiences and perceives her trans body and gender identity. In particular, our analysis centers on how Claire’s lived experience of personal and professional life shift across three different situated contexts, each enabling and constraining opportunities for political transgression. Our findings contribute to existing conversations within queer theory, transgender, and organization studies by highlighting how situated contexts mediate the political potential of queer bodies at work. By developing the concept ‘situated transgressiveness,’ this article challenges notions of transgender as a stable, ideal disruptive category and advances a more contextually sensitive approach to understanding the contingency of transgender lives and politics. Such insights are important in facilitating more nuanced understandings of the situatedness of transgression and transgender bodies within work and professional settings

    Ligestilling og mangfoldighed: Fortsatte skævheder i og udfordringer for dansk erhvervsliv

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    I sidste magtudredning blev det påpeget, at kønsmagten er under sociokulturel forandring, mens den politisk og økonomisk forbliver ulige fordelt i mænds favør. I de 20 år, der er gået, er det dog ikke lykkedes at rette op på det forhold. Snarere er Danmark sakket bagud på internationale ligestillingsranglister, særligt når det kommer til økonomisk magt. I denne artikel præsenterer vi dels de nyeste tal på området, dels argumenterer vi for, at ligestillingsdagsordenen må suppleres med et bredere blik for mangfoldighed. Særligt mangler der intersektionel forskning, dvs. forskning om de dynamiske relationer mellem forskellige identitetsdimensioner – og disses betydning for individers og gruppers muligheder for at tiltage sig og udøve magt. Vi fokuserer på de fortsatte skævheder i og udfordringer for dansk erhvervsliv, men peger også på deres bredere konsekvenser i et magtperspekti

    Unconscious bias in organizations: Discriminatory forces at work

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    This special issue revolves around the topic of unconscious bias in organizations. The six articles included draw on diverse disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological approaches to show how unconscious bias play out in organizational settings and how they lead to various forms of discrimination. The articles contribute to the current bias literature by (1) elevating the idea of bias from individualist perspectives toward more contextual considerations, (2) drawing on multiple perspectives from different research fi elds and thereby creating a more interdisciplinary understanding, (3) considering unconscious and discriminatory gender bias in intersection with other markers of social inequality, and (4) by reframing current understandings of bias in organizations toward a more actionable and change-oriented perspective. To conclude, the special issue illustrates novel approaches to and discussions on the matter of investigating bias at the root of discrimination in organizations.This special issue revolves around the topic of unconscious bias in organizations. The six articles included draw on diverse disciplinary, theoretical, and methodological approaches to show how unconscious bias play out in organizational settings and how they lead to various forms of discrimination. The articles contribute to the current bias literature by (1) elevating the idea of bias from individualist perspectives toward more contextual considerations, (2) drawing on multiple perspectives from different research fi elds and thereby creating a more interdisciplinary understanding, (3) considering unconscious and discriminatory gender bias in intersection with other markers of social inequality, and (4) by reframing current understandings of bias in organizations toward a more actionable and change-oriented perspective. To conclude, the special issue illustrates novel approaches to and discussions on the matter of investigating bias at the root of discrimination in organizations