71 research outputs found

    Routine placental histopathology findings from women testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy: Retrospective cohort comparative study

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess the impact of maternal Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) infection on placental histopathological findings in an unselected population and evaluate the potential effect on the fetus, including the possibility of vertical transmission of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). DESIGN: Retrospective cohort comparative study of placental histopathological findings in patients with COVID-19, compared with controls. SETTING: During the COVID-19 pandemic, placentas were studied from women at University College Hospital London who reported and/or tested positive for COVID-19. POPULATION: Of 10 508 deliveries, 369 (3.5%) women had COVID-19 during pregnancy, with placental histopathology available for 244 women. METHODS: Retrospective review of maternal and neonatal characteristics, where placental analysis had been performed. This was compared with available, previously published, histopathological findings from placentas of unselected women. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Frequency of placental histopathological findings and relevant clinical outcomes. RESULTS: Histological abnormalities were reported in 117 of 244 (47.95%) cases, with the most common diagnosis being ascending maternal genital tract infection. There was no statistically significant difference in the frequency of most abnormalities compared with controls. There were four cases of COVID-19 placentitis (1.52%, 95% CI 0.04%-3.00%) and one possible congenital infection, with placental findings of acute maternal genital tract infection. The rate of fetal vascular malperfusion (FVM), at 4.5%, was higher compared with controls (p = 0.00044). CONCLUSIONS: In most cases, placentas from pregnant women infected with SARS-CoV-2 virus do not show a significantly increased frequency of pathology. Evidence for transplacental transmission of SARS-CoV-2 is lacking from this cohort. There is a need for further study into the association between FVM, infection and diabetes

    Placenta-Specific Slc38a2/SNAT2 Knockdown Causes Fetal Growth Restriction in Mice

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    Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is a complication of pregnancy that reduces birth weight, markedly increases infant mortality and morbidity and is associated with later-life cardiometabolic disease. No specific treatment is available for FGR. Placentas of human FGR infants have low abundance of sodium-coupled neutral amino acid transporter 2 (Slc38a2/SNAT2), which supplies the fetus with amino acids required for growth. We determined the mechanistic role of placental Slc38a2/SNAT2 deficiency in the development of restricted fetal growth, hypothesizing that placenta-specific Slc38a2 knockdown causes FGR in mice. Using lentiviral transduction of blastocysts with a small hairpin RNA (shRNA), we achieved 59% knockdown of placental Slc38a2, without altering fetal Slc38a2 expression. Placenta-specific Slc38a2 knockdown reduced near-term fetal and placental weight, fetal viability, trophoblast plasma membrane (TPM) SNAT2 protein abundance, and both absolute and weight-specific placental uptake of the amino acid transport System A tracer, 14C-methylaminoisobutyric acid (MeAIB). We also measured human placental SLC38A2 gene expression in a well-defined term clinical cohort and found that SLC38A2 expression was decreased in late-onset, but not early-onset FGR, compared with appropriate for gestational age (AGA) control placentas. The results demonstrate that low placental Slc38a2/SNAT2 causes FGR and could be a target for clinical therapies for late-onset FGR

    Integrated Placental Modelling of Histology with Gene Expression to Identify Functional Impact on Fetal Growth

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    Fetal growth restriction (FGR) is a leading cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. Altered placental formation and functional capacity are major contributors to FGR pathogenesis. Relating placental structure to function across the placenta in healthy and FGR pregnancies remains largely unexplored but could improve understanding of placental diseases. We investigated integration of these parameters spatially in the term human placenta using predictive modelling. Systematic sampling was able to overcome heterogeneity in placental morphological and molecular features. Defects in villous development, elevated fibrosis, and reduced expression of growth and functional marker genes (IGF2, VEGA, SLC38A1, and SLC2A3) were seen in age-matched term FGR versus healthy control placentas. Characteristic histopathological changes with specific accompanying molecular signatures could be integrated through computational modelling to predict if the placenta came from a healthy or FGR pregnancy. Our findings yield new insights into the spatial relationship between placental structure and function and the etiology of FGR

    Population history and genome wide association studies of birth weight in a native high altitude Ladakhi population

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    Pathological low birth weight due to fetal growth restriction (FGR) is an important predictor of adverse obstetric and neonatal outcomes. It is more common amongst native lowlanders when gestating in the hypoxic environment of high altitude, whilst populations who have resided at high altitude for many generations are relatively protected. Genetic study of pregnant populations at high altitude permits exploration of the role of hypoxia in FGR pathogenesis, and perhaps of FGR pathogenesis more broadly. We studied the umbilical cord blood DNA of 316 neonates born to pregnant women managed at the Sonam Norboo Memorial Hospital, Ladakh (altitude 3540m) between February 2017 and January 2019. Principal component, admixture and genome wide association studies (GWAS) were applied to dense single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) genetic data, to explore ancestry and genetic predictors of low birth weight. Our findings support Tibetan ancestry in the Ladakhi population, with subsequent admixture with neighboring Indo-Aryan populations. Fetal growth protection was evident in Ladakhi neonates. Although no variants achieved genome wide significance, we observed nominal association of seven variants across genes (ZBTB38, ZFP36L2, HMGA2, CDKAL1, PLCG1) previously associated with birthweight

    Simplistic Attachment and Multispectral Imaging with Semiconductor Nanocrystals

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    Advances in spectral deconvolution technologies are rapidly enabling researchers to replace or enhance traditional epifluorescence microscopes with instruments capable of detecting numerous markers simultaneously in a multiplexed fashion. While significantly expediting sample throughput and elucidating sample information, this technology is limited by the spectral width of common fluorescence reporters. Semiconductor nanocrystals (NC’s) are very bright, narrow band fluorescence emitters with great potential for multiplexed fluorescence detection, however the availability of NC’s with facile attachment chemistries to targeting molecules has been a severe limitation to the advancement of NC technology in applications such as immunocytochemistry and immunohistochemistry. Here we report the development of simple, yet novel attachment chemistries for antibodies onto NC’s and demonstrate how spectral deconvolution technology enables the multiplexed detection of 5 distinct NC-antibody conjugates with fluorescence emission wavelengths separated by as little as 20 nm

    Chromosome microarray analysis as first-line test in pregnancies with a priori low risk for detection of submicroscopic chromosomal abnormalities

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    n this study, we aimed to explore the utility of chromosomal microarray analysis (CMA) in groups of pregnancies with a priori low risk for detection of submicroscopic chromosome abnormalities, usually not considered an indication for testing, in order to assess whether CMA improves the detection rate of prenatal chromosomal aberrations. A total of 3000 prenatal samples were processed in parallel using both whole-genome CMA and conventional karyotyping. The indications for prenatal testing included: advanced maternal age, maternal serum screening test abnormality, abnormal ultrasound findings, known abnormal fetal karyotype, parental anxiety, family history of a genetic condition and cell culture failure. The use of CMA resulted in an increased detection rate regardless of the indication for analysis. This was evident in high risk groups (abnormal ultrasound findings and abnormal fetal karyotype), in which the percentage of detection was 5.8% (7/120), and also in low risk groups, such as advanced maternal age (6/1118, 0.5%), and parental anxiety (11/1674, 0.7%). A total of 24 (0.8%) fetal conditions would have remained undiagnosed if only a standard karyotype had been performed. Importantly, 17 (0.6%) of such findings would have otherwise been overlooked if CMA was offered only to high risk pregnancies.The results of this study suggest that more widespread CMA testing of fetuses would result in a higher detection of clinically relevant chromosome abnormalities, even in low risk pregnancies. Our findings provide substantial evidence for the introduction of CMA as a first-line diagnostic test for all pregnant women undergoing invasive prenatal testing, regardless of risk factors

    Application of In Vivo Induced Antigen Technology (IVIAT) to Bacillus anthracis

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    In vivo induced antigen technology (IVIAT) is an immuno-screening technique that identifies bacterial antigens expressed during infection and not during standard in vitro culturing conditions. We applied IVIAT to Bacillus anthracis and identified PagA, seven members of a N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase autolysin family, three P60 family lipoproteins, two transporters, spore cortex lytic protein SleB, a penicillin binding protein, a putative prophage holin, respiratory nitrate reductase NarG, and three proteins of unknown function. Using quantitative real-time PCR comparing RNA isolated from in vitro cultured B. anthracis to RNA isolated from BALB/c mice infected with virulent Ames strain B. anthracis, we confirmed induced expression in vivo for a subset of B. anthracis genes identified by IVIAT, including L-alanine amidases BA3767, BA4073, and amiA (pXO2-42); the bacteriophage holin gene BA4074; and pagA (pXO1-110). The exogenous addition of two purified putative autolysins identified by IVIAT, N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidases BA0485 and BA2446, to vegetative B. anthracis cell suspensions induced a species-specific change in bacterial morphology and reduction in viable bacterial cells. Many of the proteins identified in our screen are predicted to affect peptidoglycan re-modeling, and our results support significant cell wall structural remodeling activity during B. anthracis infection. Identification of L-alanine amidases with B. anthracis specificity may suggest new potential therapeutic targets