1,362 research outputs found

    Business begins at home

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    One of the most significant trends in the post-industrial era has been for the home to become an important focus for work. The boundaries between work and home are now increasingly blurred, reversing the forces of the industrial era in which places deemed suitable for each were clearly demarcated and physically separate. The most recent published figures available from the Labour Force Survey (2005)1 indicate that 3.1m people now work mainly from home, 11% of the workforce. This represents a rise from 2.3m in 1997 (9% of the workforce), a 35% increase. The majority of homeworkers (2.4m or 77% of the total) are 'teleworkers' – people who use computers and telecommunications to work at home. The number of teleworkers has increased by 1.5m between 1997 and 2005, a 166% increase. Clearly, it is the growth in the number of teleworkers which is driving the increase in homeworking

    Restricted access : women's business ownership in profile

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    This report presents a profile of women-owned businesses in the United Kingdom. The data is drawn from a survey undertaken by the University of Strathclyde for the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB), published in May 2002. In total, 18,561 FSB members responded to the survey, of whom 1,750 (9%) stated that their business was wholly female-owned. In comparison, nearly 44% of respondents stated that their business was wholly male-owned and 42% that their business was owned jointly by men and women. Women-owned businesses are an important element of the SME sector and, as this profile shows, the characteristics of their businesses are rather different to the majority

    Securing a business loan : how important is gender

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    This report examines the role of gender in business and evalates whether there is a evidence of gender bias when it comes to securing bank loans

    Diversity and SMEs : Existing Evidence and Policy Tensions : ERC White Paper No.3

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    The purpose of this White Paper is to present an overarching review of the evidence that currently exists with regard to diversity and SMEs. It outlines longstanding concerns that entrepreneurial activities and ambitions are restricted to a narrow range of social groups, with others, in particular some ethnic minority groups and women, characterised as having both lesser interest in enterprise and lower levels of resources necessary to participate. Attempts to increase participation rates of under-represented groups have resulted in only modest changes. This White Paper introduces the key evidence relating to ethnic minority and women-led enterprises, explaining the context of each group, and summarising research evidence relating to their relative access to finance, markets and management. Research and policy within the field of diversity and SMEs is characterised by a number of tensions, relating to perceived or real discrimination; whether to promote a volume of new businesses or focus on high growth potential firms; whether specialist business support is more effective or desirable than mainstream provision; and whether there is evidence of market failure in the support provided to diverse enterprises

    The role of farms in rural business development

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    In recent years the rural enterprise has become a key theme in small business research. Despite an extensive and increasingly sophisticated literature analysing rural firms, the research effort has largely excluded agnculture. This exclusion reflects a wider separation of agriculture and industry which is apparent not only in scholarship, but in the political, social and economic institutions which surround the farm sector. Although there have been persuasive arguments for a more multi-disciplinary approach to the analysis of rurality and calls for comparisons to be drawn between farms and other small businesses, few such attempts have been made and the analysis of rural business development remains charactensed by disciplinary polarity. This thesis seeks to redress this by analysing farms using conventional small business paradigms and methodologies. Three specific issues were examined: the extent to which farms conform to small business norms; the engagement of farms in additional business activities; and the differences between farms undertaking additional business activities and those maintaining monoactive approaches. The results reveal similarities between farms and other rural enterpnses and demonstrate the continued importance of farms as creators of employment and wealth in rural areas Importantly, farms are shown to have a hitherto, unrecognized role in accommodating and fostenng rural small firms in non-farm sectors. The study supports the view that multiple business ownership activities may have been under-reported in the small business research literature. Tins analysis suggests that additional business activities are best viewed as a continuum, from the diversification of existing assets to the establishment of independent and separately registered firms. Policy liberalization, demand side changes and shifts in the demographic profile of farm owners are expected to increase the number of faims engaging in additional business activities. These factors are also expected to increase the smulanties between farms and other rural enterprises. The thesis concludes that there are benefits to be gamed from the inclusion of the farm sector in small business analyses. The sector is dominated by family owned, small businesses that have largely survived the transition through generations. As such, the sector offers small business researchers a unique opportunity to analyse issues at the centre of small business debate Moreover, it is argued that a small business approach to the analysis of the farm sector offers a particularly relevant, but hitherto absent, insight into the future development of rural areas

    Greater return on women's enterprise (GROWE) : final report and recommendations of the women's enterprise task force. SEEDA, women’s enterprise task force.

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    This Women’s Enterprise Task Force (WETF) report, Greater Return On Women’s Enterprise (GROWE), sets out the economic case for women’s enterprise and advises partners and stakeholders how to achieve a greater economic return from investment in women’s enterprise. The Task Force has framed its recommendations to maximise existing investment and resources. We are mindful of the Government’s Business Support Simplification Programme and the effect the recession will continue to have on public spending, and so suggest that relevant Government departments and private sector organisations work together to streamline support and make best use of existing investment. In providing thought leadership to increase the quantity, scalability and success of women’s enterprise in the UK, the WETF has informed the national agenda on women’s enterprise for the last three years, concentrating its efforts on five specific Pillars: 1. gender-disaggregated business data 2. female-friendly business support 3. access to finance and technology 4. supplier diversity and procurement 5. strategic influencing and awareness raising. WETF highlights of the past three years include paving the way for a Business Link national data disaggregation methodology whilst influencing and shaping the establishment, direction and implementation of Aspire, a £12.5m women’s co-investment fund to support high-growth women-owned businesses. Alongside this, the WETF has played an important role in raising awareness of the economic case for women’s enterprise and the potential of female entrepreneurs in aiding the UK’s economic recovery. Perhaps most importantly, the WETF met with the Prime Minister and saw important policy developments taken forward in the Government’s Enterprise Strategy of March 2008. In 2009 the WETF contributed to the enterprise knowledge bank by producing two research reports into women’s enterprise: Impact of the Recession on Women’s Enterprise and Myths and Realities of Women’s Access to Finance. The Task Force welcomes progress made by the Ethnic Minority Business Task Force (EMBTF) in the advocacy of complementary areas which include the need for access to finance, disaggregated data and supplier diversity. Much of the groundwork for the WETF’s work was laid out in the Government’s 2003 publication, A Strategic Framework for Women’s Enterprise. In 2003, it was estimated that women constituted around 27% of self-employed people in the UK, and that only 12-14% of businesses were majority-owned by women (compared to 28% in the USA). From the Strategic Framework for Women’s Enterprise, to the establishment of the WETF and the Enterprise Strategy, Government has shown the importance that it attaches to women in enterprise and its recognition of the increased economic benefits women can contribute to UK plc. This must be even more important in emerging from recession. Recently, Government has a produced a policy statement, Building Britain’s Future: New Industry, New Jobs (NINJ), which sets out Government’s vision for economic recovery and growth by targeted intervention aimed at hightech, high-growth firms. The WETF has several recommendations for how enterprising women can take advantage of these interventions. Enterprise has a significant role to help women remain economically active and increase the productivity and international competitiveness of the UK. Recent figures from 2009 show that women, who make up 46% of the workforce, now constitute nearly 29% of the self-employed in the UK (up 2 percentage points). 15% of the 4.8 million enterprises in the UK are now majority-led by women. The longer-term quantitative targets outlined in the Framework included women accounting for 40% of customers using Government sponsored business support services; and women-owned businesses accounting for 18-20% of the UK total. Government has gone some way towards achieving these targets. Today, women-owned businesses account for around one third of Business Link customers, a major increase on the 22.3% or nearly 150,000 women customers in Q1 of 2005/6. However, overall progress has been very slow and neither of the Framework targets set for completion by 2006 has yet been met. More work needs to be done to address this and the other issues facing women’s enterprise today. This report examines how to further increase the current £70 billion Gross Value Added (GVA) and £130 billion turnover annual contribution made by women’s enterprise to the UK economy. Recent figures suggest that 900,000 more businesses would be created if the UK achieved the same levels of female entrepreneurship as in the US, resulting in an additional £23 billion GVA to the UK economy, thus largely closing the productivity gap with the US.1 In Britain alone, 150,000 extra businesses would be created per annum if women started businesses at the same rate as men.2 This is especially pertinent in this time of recession. With effective, targeted support, increasing the number of women entrepreneurs will be an important factor in driving economic recovery

    The Role of the Gonads and Incest Avoidance in the Regulation of Sexual Behavior in Damaraland Mole-Rats

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    The Damaraland mole-rat (DMR; Fukoymys damarensis) is one of a small number of mammals that are eusocial. In this mating system, only a single pair reproduce while the other remaining colony members are non-reproductive. Non-breeders exhibit sexual behavior only when paired with unfamiliar opposite-sex individuals. The role of the gonads in the regulation of reproductive behaviors in non-breeders remains unknown; however, inbreeding avoidance has been hypothesized to account, in part, for the lack of reproductive behavior in non-breeding individuals. The mechanism that regulates incest avoidance also remains unknown. The aims of this study were twofold; first, to investigate the role of the gonads in the expression of sexual behaviors and second, to identify the mechanism of incest avoidance. The results indicate 1) that the expression of sexual behavior is largely independent of the gonads and 2) that rather than incest avoidance per se, DMR avoid mating with familiar individuals irrespective of relatedness


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    Acetolactate synthase (ALS) inhibiting herbicides are commonly used to eliminate weeds from mature turfgrasses. Field trials were conducted from 2004-2006, testing ALS herbicides for preemergence and early postemergence activity on newly seeded turfgrasses, using four species: Riviera bermuda, Zenith and Companion zoysia, L- 93 creeping bentgrass, and Poa annua L. Data collected were phytotoxicity and percent turf cover. Bermuda and zoysia herbicides were metsulfuron-methyl (42 g ha-1), trifloxysulfuron (29 g ha-1), flazasulfuron (53 g ha-1), foramsulfuron (30 g ha-1), bispyribac-sodium (112 g ha-1), and rimsulfuron (35 g ha-1). Treatments occurred the day of seeding and two-three weeks after seeding. Flazasulfuron, trifloxysulfuron and bispyribac-sodium caused significant damage in all treatments. Data suggests that bermuda and zoysia are tolerant of seedling treatments of foramsulfuron, rimsulfuron, and metsulfuron-methyl at these rates. Bentgrass and P. annua herbicides were foramsulfuron (15 and 30 g ha-1), siduron (2803 g ha-1), bispyribac-sodium (49 g ha-1), and paclobutrazol (281 g ha-1). Treatments occurred the day of seeding, two and four weeks after seeding. Foramsulfuron at 15 and 30 g ha-1 caused significant damage regardless of when it was applied. Data suggests that bentgrass and P. annua are tolerant of seedling treatments of siduron, paclobutrazol, and bispyribac-sodium at these rates

    Economic performance and sustainable growth : the role of women entrepreneurs in UK economic development

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    This research demonstrates that women entrepreneurs make important contributions to economic development, but are disadvantaged by initial under-capitalisation. Working with UK and devolved governments, leading banks and finance institutions, and regional enterprise support organisations, this research influenced policy debates; shaped women’s enterprise policy; improved understanding of factors underpinning access to finance for diverse enterprises; and influenced the work of business support organisations and commercial banks

    The Financing of Diverse Enterprises : Evidence from the SME Finance Monitor

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    This paper contributes to our understanding of the finance issues currently facing diverse SMEs by presenting a new analysis of the SME Finance Monitor. While prior studies have contributed substantial evidence regarding the effects of either gender or ethnicity on finance outcomes, these analyses have typically focused on either women-owned or ethnic minority owned enterprises. This study considers the experiences and outcomes of both women-owned and ethnic minority-owned enterprises, including the interaction effects of ethnicity and gender
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