14 research outputs found

    Changes in patterns and outcomes of trauma patients after betterment in law and order situation of the city

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    Objective: To assess the impact of the law and order situation of a city on the pattern of traumatic injuries and the overall outcomes of trauma victims. Methods: The retrospective study of prospective trauma surgery data was done at Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi, and comprised data of patients with torso injuries before the improvement of law and order situation from January 2012 to March 2013 in Group A, and of those with similar injuries after the law and order situation improved in the city from January 2018 to March 2019 in Group B. The required data was collected by a single researcher using a predesigned questionnaire. Inter-group comparison was done to see the difference in patterns of injuries and outcomes. Data were analysed using SPSS 22. Results: Of the 676 cases reviewed, Group A had 416(61.5%); 363(87%) males and 53(13%) females with overall mean age of 37±13 years. Group B had 260(38.5%); 219(84%) males and 41(16%) females with overall mean age of 36±13 years (p\u3e0.05). Penetrating trauma alone or combined with blunt force was the most common mechanism in Group A i.e. 245 (59%) patients, while in group B blunt trauma was the commonest cause 209 (80.4%) patients. There was an overall 156 (37.5%) cases reduction in torso trauma cases. Mortality in Group A was 22(5.3%) and in Group B it was 7(2.7%). Conclusions: With the improvement in the law and order situation, there was reduction in overall trauma cases and the pattern of trauma shifted from penetrating to blunt injuries

    Disclosing bad news of cancer diagnosis: Patients\u27 preference for communication

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    The majority of relatives of cancer patients in Pakistan request their clinicians to adopt a do not tell approach while counselling the patients regarding their disease. The current study aimed to assess patients\u27 understanding of their disease and how they would prefer the physicians to deliver news about cancer diagnosis and its management plan. This was a cross-sectional study in which both patients and their immediate relatives were interviewed. The study enrolled 55 patients with six different types of cancers. The study showed that 35 (65.5%) patients did not know the stage of their illness at the time of diagnosis, while 40 (72.7%) patients did not know the current stage of their disease. In 22 (40%) cases, the patient\u27s family knew the diagnosis ahead of the patient, and 19 (86.3%) families asked the clinicians to hide the diagnosis from the patient. This study, which used a scoring questionnaire, demonstrates that specialist oncologists for breaking the bad news, family counselling, helping patients to figure out how to inform others, giving the news directly to the patient and the effects of cancer on daily life are preferred areas to communicate with cancer patients

    Congenital morgagni hernia presenting as complete small bowel obstruction in the adult - A case report

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    Introduction: Congenital Diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a condition in which there is a defect in the diaphragm present at the time of birth. Morgagni hernia is one of the two most common types of CDH which constitutes 2%-4% of diaphragmatic hernias. They mostly remain silent or discovered as an incidental finding on radiological studies. Symptomatic adult Morgagni hernias are extremely rare.Presentation of case: Elderly woman presented with a 1-day history of abdominal pain, vomiting, and acute onset of respiratory distress. There was no history of trauma to the chest or abdomen. After initial resuscitation, a Chest x-ray was performed which showed bowel shadow under the right hemidiaphragm. She then underwent computed tomography (CT), which showed a defect in the right hemidiaphragm and segment of herniated small bowel loop with fecalization into the thoracic cavity. After initial resuscitation, she underwent laparotomy, reduction of bowel loops, and primary repair of the hernia defect. Postoperatively she remained well and was discharged on 4th post-operative day.Discussion: Congenital diaphragmatic hernia occurs in 1 out of every 4000-5000 live births. A majority of the patients will be diagnosed either antenatally or will present with respiratory distress in the neonatal period. Presentation in adults is extremely rare and mostly characterized by abdominal pain, vomiting, intestinal obstruction with some acute respiratory distress, at the background of insignificant past medical history. Surgical management is the mainstay of treatment in symptomatic cases.Conclusion: CDH of Morgagni type can present uncommonly in adults with symptoms. A good history and clinical examination along with aid of chest x-ray and CT scan should establish the diagnosis. Early surgical intervention is key to prevent ischemia and later gangrene of intestinal content

    Changing face of trauma and surgical training in a developing country: A literature review

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    Trauma continues to be the major cause of disability and death globally and surgeons are often involved in immediate care. However there has been an exponential decrease in the number of the trained trauma surgeons. The purpose of the current review article is to summarize the published literature pertaining to trauma education in postgraduate surgical training programmes internationally and in a developing country as Pakistan. Several electronic databases like MEDLINE, PubMed, Google scholar and PakMediNet were searched using the keywords \u27trauma education\u27 or \u27trauma training\u27 AND \u27postgraduate medical education\u27, \u27surgery residency training\u27, \u27surgery residents\u27 and \u27surgeons\u27. The current training in most surgical residency programmes, locally and globally, is suboptimal. Change in trauma management protocols, and decrease in volume of trauma cases results in variable and/ or inadequate exposure and hands-on experience of the surgical trainees in operative and non-operative management of trauma. This warrants collaborative measures for integration of innovative educational interventions at all levels of the surgical educational programmes

    Current standards of postgraduate surgical education and training in Pakistan: Time to bridge the gaps in lieu of national necessity

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    The provision of good-quality surgical care is a salient feature of every public health system. Pakistan is ranked among low and middle-income countries where the burden of surgical disease is rapidly increasing, but the capacity of the health system has not expanded at the same pace to cater current needs. One of the key components is the dearth of trained surgical specialists and lack of easy access to surgical care. College of Physicians and Surgeons, Pakistan is the main certifying institution for surgeons, while public and private teaching hospitals bear the burden of responsibility for surgical education and training. The current review article was planned to describe current standards of postgraduate surgical education and training in Pakistan and to highlight the challenges that need to be faced and the existent deficiencies that need to be met to match the nation\u27s demand against the immense burden of surgical diseases

    Impact of a global pandemic on surgical education and training- review, response, and reflection

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    The catastrophic effects of the coronavirus disease-2019 global pandemic have revolutionised human society. The unprecedented impact on surgical training needs to be analysed in detail to achieve an understanding of how to deal with similar situations arising in the foreseeable future. The challenges faced by the surgical community initiated with the suspension of clinical activities and elective practice, and included the lack of appropriate personal protective equipment, and the self-isolation of trainees and reassignment to coronavirus patient-care regions. Together, all these elements had deleterious effects on the psychological health of the professionals. Surgical training irrespective of specialty is equally affected globally by the pandemic. However, the global crisis inadvertently has led to a few constructive adaptations in healthcare systems, including the development of tele-clinics, virtual academic sessions and conferences, and increased usage of simulation. The current review article was planned to highlight the impact of corona virus disease on surgical training and institutions\u27 response to the situation in order to continue surgical training, and lessons learnt from the pandemic

    Acute presentation of cocoon abdomen as septic peritonitis mimicking with strangulated internal herniation: A case report

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    Background: Abdominal cocoon syndrome is a rare cause of intestinal obstruction in which loops of small bowel get entrapped inside a fibro-collagenous membrane. Condition is also known in the literature as sclerosing peritonitis and in the majority of cases, it has no known cause. Although the majority of patients exhibit long-standing signs and symptoms of partial bowel obstruction in an out-patient clinic, its acute presentation in the emergency room with features of sepsis is extremely rare. This case report aims to describe the emergency presentation of cocoon abdomen with septic peritonitis.Case presentation: A 35-year-old male with no known co-morbidity and no prior history of prior laparotomy presented in emergency room first time with a 1-day history of generalized abdomen pain, vomiting, and absolute constipation. He was in grade III shock and had metabolic acidosis. The clinical impression was of the perforated appendix, but initial contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CECT) was suggestive of strangulated internal herniation of small bowel. Emergency laparotomy after resuscitation revealed hypoperfused, but viable loops of small bowel entrapped in the sclerosing membrane. Extensive adhesiolysis and removal of the membrane were performed and the entire bowel was straightened. Postoperatively he remained well and discharged as planned. Histopathology report confirms features of sclerosing peritonitis.Discussion: Cocoon abdomen is a very rare cause of acute small bowel obstruction presenting in an emergency with features of septic peritonitis. Condition is mostly chronic and generally mimics abdominal TB in endemic areas like India and Pakistan. A high index of suspicion is required in an emergency setting and exploratory laparotomy is diagnostic and therapeutic as well and the condition mimics internal herniation in acute cases.Conclusion: Cocoon abdomen as a cause of septic peritonitis is extremely rare and might be an unexpected finding at laparotomy. Removal of membrane and estimation of the viability of entrapped bowel loops is the treatment of choice, which may require resection in the extreme case of gangrene

    In a digitally connected world through likes, hashtags and followers - advancing surgical research through a social media: A narrative review

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    In this era of modern information technology, the world is now digitally connected through various platforms on social media, which has changed the way medical professionals work, communicate and learn. The use of social media in surgery is expanding, and it is now becoming an essential tool for surgical training, research and networking. Articles, journal clubs and surgical conferences are within reach of everyone regardless of geographical location worldwide. Electronic publications have now resoundingly replaced printed editions of journals. Collaborative research through social media platforms helps collect diverse data, enhancing the research\u27s global generalisability. The current narrative review was planned to discuss the importance of social media in advancing surgical research and the use of different social media applications in the context of promoting and disseminating surgical research alongside its evolving ethical challenges

    Gastrointestinal anastomosis (GIA) stapler as a safe and efficacious damage control tool for high-grade liver injury in hemodynamically unstable patient- A case report

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    Introduction: Liver injury occurs in approximately 5% of all trauma admissions. There are many traditional ways of controlling hemorrhage from the liver and here we report a case in which a GIA 75 stapler was successfully used to manage Grade IV liver injury in a hemodynamically unstable patient.Presentation of case: 45 years old policeman presented in the emergency, after sustaining a gunshot injury to his abdomen. At presentation, he was hemodynamically unstable and had a single entry wound in the epigastrium. He was rushed to the operating room (OR) for exploratory laparotomy which revealed a shattered left lobe of the liver. Gastrointestinal anastomosis 75 stapler device was used for non-anatomical left segmentectomy (segments I and II). Perihepatic packing was done and the patient shifted to the surgical intensive care unit (SICU). He was re-explored within 24 h. No active bleeding was seen after the packs were removed and the abdomen was closed. The next day he was moved out of SICU and was discharged on the 10th day of admission.Discussion: The concept of damage control surgery rests on quick control of life-threatening bleeding and a GIA stapler can be effectively used for rapid non-anatomical resection of the liver in trauma. This can prevent the depletion of physiological reserves and the life-threatening death triad.Conclusion: GIA stapler device is an effective, safe, and rapidly deployable tool for managing high-grade liver injury in a hemodynamically unstable patient