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    Background: Treatment methods through traditional healers and using herbal ingredients are an alternative for the community in overcoming health problems experienced, in addition to using conventional health services. Objective: This study aims to determine the factors related to the use of health services at Traditional Community Health Center in Makassar (Balai Kesehatan Tradisional Masyarakat Makassar/BKTM) in 2023. Methods: This research was conducted at Traditional Community Health Center in Makassar in May 2023. The population of this study were all outpatients in all types of services. The sample size was 95 respondents. The research method employed was a cross-sectional design with a quantitative approach. The data analysis techniques used were univariate and bivariate, and the tests applied was chi-square test. Results: The study's findings revealed that the utilization of health services at Traditional Community Health Center in Makassar was associated with three factors: availability(p=0.048), affordability(p=0.000) and accessibility(p=0.085). Conclusion: The utilization of health services at Traditional Community Health Center in Makassar correlated with availability, affordability, and accessibility. It is recommended for the management to improve facilities that are not yet available, as well as increase promotion and publication regarding traditional health services and the existence of the Balai Kesehatan Traditional Masyarakat Makassar

    Upaya Pencegahan Stunting Melalui Edukasi dan Pemberian Tablet Tambah Darah pada Sasaran Kunci di Desa: Stunting Prevention Efforts Through Education and Provision of IFA Supplements to Key Targets in the Village

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    As one of the locus of stunting prevention in Takalar Regency, Bontokassi Village has 20 stunted children in February 2021 with 16 stunted categories and 4 severe stunted categories. Physical and non-physical interventions are carried out to prevent stunting, such as distributing booklets of six healthy behaviors, distributing IFA supplements (TTD), and nutritional counseling. This activity aimed to increase knowledge and awareness of pregnant women and breastfeeding mothers about stunting, and increase the coverage of iron supplement intake for pregnant women and adolescent girls. The results of the counseling showed that 21.7% of participants experienced an increase in knowledge after the intervention. A total of 21 targets received iron supplements, consisting of three pregnant women and 18 young women. Each target is given four TTD to drink once a week. This intervention activity needs to be carried out on an ongoing basis by Puskesmas officers assisted by Posyandu cadres in order to overcome the stunting problem in this area.   ABSTRAK Sebagai salah satu lokus pencegahan stunting di Kabupaten Takalar, Desa Bontokassi memiliki 20 balita stunting pada Februari 2021 dengan kategori pendek sebanyak 16 balita dan empat kategori sangat pendek. Intervensi fisik dan non fisik dilakukan untuk mencegah stunting, seperti membagikan booklet enam perilaku sehat, membagikan suplemen tablet tambah darah (TTD), dan penyuluhan gizi. Kegiatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran ibu hamil dan ibu menyusui tentang stunting, dan meningkatkan cakupan asupan suplemen TTD pada ibu hamil dan remaja putri. Hasil penyuluhan menunjukkan bahwa 21,7% partisipan mengalami peningkatan pengetahuan setelah intervensi. Sebanyak 21 sasaran mendapatkan suplemen TTD, terdiri dari tiga ibu hamil dan 18 remaja putri. Setiap sasaran diberikan empat TTD untuk diminum satu kali dalam sepekan. Kegiatan intervensi ini perlu dilakukan secara berkelanjutan oleh petugas Puskesmas dibantu oleh kader Posyandu dalam rangka mengatasi masalah stunting di daerah ini