6 research outputs found

    Model Pengawasan Pembelajaran Pendidikan Jasmani di SD

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    A Model for the Supervision in the Learning of Physical Education in Elementary School. This study aimed to optimize the functions of principals and supervisors in the improvement of physical education teachers\u27 performance. It was a research and development study in which the preliminary steps employed the qualitative approach to obtain information on the existing models at present and attempts to develop one. The result of this study showed that the model for the supervision in the learning of physical education significantly affected the performance of physical education teachers in elementary schools. In other words, the model was effective to improve the quality of teachers\u27 performance and students\u27 achievement

    Supervision Extension of Learning Primary Physical Education Pandemic During Covid-19

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    The Covid-19 pandemic requires all parties to adapt to an unprecedented situation. The learning process which is usually carried out face-to-face today is very difficult because the pandemic has not subsided. Meanwhile, the quality of learning must be maintained for the sake of creating a generation that is ready to face the challenges of life in the future. Therefore, there is a need for supervision counseling carried out during this pandemic. Counseling is carried out so that teachers can prepare what items they have to do for the learning process that must continue during the covid-19 pandemic. With the presence of modern technology today that reaches all aspects of life, including the supervision of teachers, many are being developed through a touch of technology. One of them is the supervision of the learning system used by the teacher for virtual-based students. The aim is to analyze needs by referring to the supervisor's perception of the need for the development of a virtual-based supervision model that will be developed during the covid-19 pandemic. The development of this supervision model is needed because it is considered that currently supervision has not run optimally and effectively. Therefore, prior to the development of the supervision model, the authors conducted an analysis of these needs

    The Sp3or's Policy Evaluation in Sdp Perspective: New Direction for Sports Development in the Future

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the SP3OR's policy in the perspective of sport development and peace (SDP) for new directions of sports development in the future. Qualitative research was conducted, where semi-structured interview data were collected from participants, as were data from direct participant observations and organizational documents. Data analysis followed, according to triangulation. The results of this study indicate that the SP3OR's program through its tasks or activities to the community has received a very positive response, an increase in the number of community participation in sports in West Java Province tends to increase every year. So that the SP3OR's program is contained in the policy of Governor Regulation (Pergub) No.7 of 2018 so that the consistency of programs running in the community is maintained. Thus the SP3OR's Program in West Java is expected to become an example for other provinces in Indonesia so that they can utilize human resources, especially youth, to build a human development index through sports activities


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    Laporan Keuangan merupakan alat komunikasi yang efektif untuk memberikan Informasi mengenai kondisi keuangan perusahaan bagi pemangku kepentingan baik internal maupun eksternal. Pada konteks perusahaan yang terpisah antara pemilik dan pengelola, bagi pemangku kepentingan internal, seperti manajemen dan pegawai perusahaan Laporan Keuangan bermanfaat untuk melaporkan hasil kinerja operasional mereka dalam satu periode akuntansi/satu tahun buku, sebagai dasar penilaian oleh top manajemen atas kinerja manajemen lini menengah dan bawah serta kinerja pegawai. Bagi pemangku kepentingan eksternal, laporan keuangan bermanfaat untuk mendukung pengambilan keputusan antara lain menilai prospek investasi atau kemampuan perusahaan dalam membayar utang atau kewajiban lain. Hal ini membuat kemampuan menyusun laporan keuangan sangat diperlukan bagi pengelola perusahaan, baik pada perusahaan yang terpisah maupun tidak terpisah antara pemilik dan pengelola. Kualitas informasi dalam laporan keuangan sangat dipengaruhi oleh kepatuhan terhadap standar akuntansi dan didukung oleh sistem akuntansi yang handal. Untuk menghasilkan laporan keuangan yang berkualitas dibutuhkan sumber daya manusia yang memahami dan kompeten dalam akuntansi didukung oleh aplikasi yang manfaat dan bermutu. Penyusunan laporan keuangan perusahaan membutuhkan ketelitian yang sangat tinggi, sehingga semakin kompleks semakin besar lingkup usaha, maka semakin membutuhkan upaya yang lebih dalam penyusunnya terlebih ketika dilakukan secara manual. Untuk itu keberadaan aplikasi/software akuntansi sangat membantu mengorganisasikan transaksi ekonomi/bisnis perusahaan