5 research outputs found

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Fraud Pada Dinas Pengelolaan Kekayaan Dan Keuangan Daerah

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    Fraud is a intentionally faulth which could harming many people in goverment sector, fraud is harming for public. This research is aimed to anylyze the perception of employees in goverment agencies about factors that impact fraud. Data in this research were collected using a survey method with help of research instruments such as questionnaires were distibuted to 81 employees by respondent goverment agencies working in finance and wealth management agency. Data in this research will be analyzed using multiple linear regression using SPSS ver.20.0. To test the validity and reability of research instrument used pearson correlation and cronsbach alpha. There are several findings in this research, first all instruments used in this research was reliabel and valid. Second, distribution of respondens was normal. Third, the result of the research showed that there is an effect betwen leadership style with fraud with significant 0.039, there is an between effectivenesess of internal contro with fraud with significant 0.000, there is an effect between approprriateness compensation with fraud with significant 0.006, there is an effect between organization commitment with fraud with significant 0.003, there is an effect between organization ethical culture with fraud with significant 0.000

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Terjadinya Fraud Pada Dinas Pengelolaan Kekayaan Dan Keuangan Daerah

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    Fraud is a intentionally faulth which could harming many people in goverment sector, fraud is harming for public. This research is aimed to anylyze the perception of employees in goverment agencies about factors that impact fraud. Data in this research were collected using a survey method with help of research instruments such as questionnaires were distibuted to 81 employees by respondent goverment agencies working in finance and wealth management agency. Data in this research will be analyzed using multiple linear regression using SPSS ver.20.0. To test the validity and reability of research instrument used pearson correlation and cronsbach alpha. There are several findings in this research, first all instruments used in this research was reliabel and valid. Second, distribution of respondens was normal. Third, the result of the research showed that there is an effect betwen leadership style with fraud with significant 0.039, there is an between effectivenesess of internal contro with fraud with significant 0.000, there is an effect between approprriateness compensation with fraud with significant 0.006, there is an effect between organization commitment with fraud with significant 0.003, there is an effect between organization ethical culture with fraud with significant 0.000

    Diversifikasi Produk Pendekatan Islamic Ethic dalam Meningkatkan Omset Bisnis Retail

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    This article aims to determine the motivating based on  Islamic business ethics in anticipation of external changes, then obtaining empirical data regarding forms of product diversification that are relevant and effective in an effort to maintain and increase turnover in the retail business. In order to obtain accurate information and data, apart from reviewing the literature on Islamic law sources, related research articles, as well as information from primary sources from retail business actors. Thus, comprehensive data will be obtained to be analyzed as material to obtain accurate conclusions. Based on the data and the results of qualitative data analysis in this study, it was found that the motivation of Islamic business ethics is very strong to be the basis for making changes or in the form of diversification. Economically and managerial, concentric diversification is considered the most applicable to be done, although to measure the level of effectiveness it takes a relatively long time. Through the discussion and conclusions in this article, it is hoped that readers and retail business people in particular can find the right solution in facing intense competition and changes in external conditions such as pandemics and economic crises. For the next researcher, a quantitative test can be carried out regarding the influence of motivation and concentration diversification in increasing retail business turnover

    Perspektif Amanah dalam Al-Qur'an

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    In the Qur'an Allah Subhanahu Wa Ta'ala also teaches us many things, including worship, peace, and behaving like a Muslim, one of which is being trustworthy as our Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam. He was famous as an honest, trustworthy, and responsible merchant, not only among Muslims but among quraysh infidels, the Prophet was known as a trustworthy man. An important lesson that we can take here is that Prophet Muhammad Shallallahu 'Alaihi Wasallam on the way was sent to be a Prophet and Apostle, he built and practiced this trait in peace or trading, as we know that one way if we want to see one's trust attitude then be united in the affairs of money with him. This paper discusses the verse that is our basis in examining the perspective of the Mandate in the Qur'an

    Implementasi E-ticketing Uji Kelayakan Kendaraan Bermotor untuk Meningkatkan Pelayanan Publik

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    Pemerintah Tradisional yang identik dengan paper-based administration mulai ditinggalkan, karena sistem tersebut menjadikan pelayanan kurang efektif dan efisien. Transformasi traditional government menjadi electronic government (e-Government) menjadi salah satu isu kebijakan publik yang hangat dibicarakan saat ini, karena hampir semua Perusahaan dan instansi sudah beralih ke sistem yang komputerisasi. Salah satunya pengelolaan layanan uji kendaraan bermotor, dalam proses layanannya banyak permasalahan terutama pada pelayanan pendaftaran pengajuan uji KIR yang masih manual, itu mengakibatkan penumpukan antrian karena dibatasinya kuota uji kendaraan, banyak pemilik kendaraan yang tidak mendapatkan informasi berapa jumlah antrian yang sudah masuk, hal ini menjadi permasalahan yang harus segera diperbaiki agar pelayanan publik semakin membaik. Model pendekatan yang digunakan dalam pengembangan sistem ini yaitu model waterfall, dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP (Hypertext Prepocessor) dan databasenya menggunakan MySQL. Tujuan penelitian yaitu menerapkan sistem informasi E-Ticketing untuk memberikan kemudahan dalam mengelola informasi dengan cepat, tepat dan akurat serta memberikan kemudahan kepada pemilik kendaraan untuk melakukan pendaftaran uji kendaraan tanpa harus datang langsung ke Dinas Perhubungan Kota Sukabum