8 research outputs found

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Kendali Motor Stepper Printer Canon BJC-S200SPx Untuk Prototipe Lengan Robot 5-DOF (Majabot)

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    Designing and building of motor stepper control system from unused printer Canon BJC-S200SPx of robot arm prototype with five degree of freedom (5-DOF) has been developed. That printer type is used because if trouble occur it is not only very difficult but also expensive to be repaired, so it is sold very cheap or misspent. Robot arm has 5 revolution joints, wherein each joint is limited by one degree of freedom to make the manipulator control systems and mechanics work easier. To control the systems device, it needs driver (control circuit) with data input in the form of computer command using programming software, with parallel port communicated in order to generate motor stepper pulses. The experiment results showed that low-precisian of robot arm movement occur cumulatively, although hardware and software control systems had been designed optimally

    Upaya Mengatasi Miskonsepsi Siswa Melalui Model Pembelajaran Children Learning in Science (CLIS) Berbasis Simulasi Komputer Pada Pokok Bahasan Listrik Dinamis

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sejauh mana model pembelajaran CLIS berbasis SimulasiKomputer dapat mengurangi kuantitas miskonsepsi siswa pada pembelajaran listrik dinamis.Pembelajaran CLIS berbasis Simulasi komputer dilakukan dengan pengerjaan LKS praktikum listrikdinamis yang dikerjakan dengan menggunakan bantuan software Phet Circuit Construction Kit DCOnl

    Algorithm of 32-bit Data Transmission Among Microcontrollers Through an 8-bit Port

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    This paper proposes an algorithm for 32-bit data transmission among microcontrollers through one 8-bit port. This method was motivated by a need to overcome limitations of microcontroller I/O as well as to fulfill the requirement of data transmission which is more than 10 bits. In this paper, the use of an 8-bit port has been optimized for 32-bit data transmission using unsigned long integer, long integer, and float types. Thirty-two bit data is extracted intobinary number, then sent through a series of 8-bit ports by transmitter microcontroller. At receiver microcontroller, the binary data received through 8-bit port is reconverted into 32 bits with the same data type. The algorithm has been implemented and tested using C language in ATMega32A microcontroller. Experiments have been done using two microcontrollers as well as four microcontrollers in the parallel, tree, and series connections. Based on the experiments, it is known that the data transmitted can be accurately received without data loss. Maximum transmission times among two microcontrollers for unsigned long integer, long integer, and float are 630 μs, 1,880 μs, and 7,830 μs, respectively. Maximum transmission times using four microcontrollers in parallel connection are the same as those using two microcontrollers, while in series connection are 1,930 μs for unsigned long integer, 5,640 μs for long integer, and 23,540 μs for float. The maximum transmission times of tree connection is close to those of the parallel connection. These results prove that the algorithm works well

    Pengurangan Subsidi BBM Dan Polusi Udara Melalui Kebijakan Program Konversi Dari BBM Ke BBG Untuk Kendaraan Di Propinsi Jawa Barat

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    The number of vehicle that use oil (BBM) is increasing every year in Indonesia while national oil reserve become smaller, so that the oil should be imported. The impact of using oil are increasing subsidy and air pollution. Thus, it is now becoming important to replace oil with another environmentally friendly energy, one of them is gas (BBG). Based on the number of vehicle and infrastructure in gas pipeline, part of northern West Java potentially can be chosen for the implementation of conversion program to gas (BBG). The number of vehicle in potential regions such as Depok, Cibinong, Bogor, Bekasi, Cikarang, Karawang, Purwakarta, Cirebon, and Bandung are around 875,505 units. From these data, we simulated the potential profit to be gained each year by converting 10% for the first year and increasing it to 5% for every year. By investing 3.16 trillion for conversion, 14.9 trillion can be achieved in the form of fuel subsidy savings. In addition, emission reduction converted to a CDM (clean development mechanism) can become local revenues. Total CDM generated during 5 years predicted is of U.S $ 772,385. From this study, it can be concluded that converting oil (BBM) to gas (BBG) is highly beneficial

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Kontrol Mekanisme Pelacakan Matahari Beserta Fasilitas Telekontrol Hemat Energi

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    Solar energy produced by concentrated solar heat collector panels requires tracking mechanisms for a more optimal direction. This paper presents the design and construction of a low energy solar tracking control system with telecontrol facilities. To accelerate the movement of the panel in always adjusting itself to the direction of the sun, a combination of the timer and light sensor was used. In this control system, the reference signal is taken from two pieces of light sensors while the feedback is taken from the position and temperature sensors. The program has been developed using C language and was implemented on the microcontroller ATMega8535 as the brain of the system. Telecontrol facilities for monitoring the data to a computer uses transceiver modules via RS-232 connection. A DC motor having power capacity of 0.74 watts was used and was clutched with 1:7,300 gearbox ratio. Experiments on light sensor characteristics and simulated movement of the panel were carried out. From the light sensor experiment it can be concluded that the sensor produces 0-4 volt output signal when bright 3.3-3.9 volts, when cloudy and 1.5-3.3 volts when sunny. From the simulation of panel movement, it is known that the solar tracking control system moves the panel and tracks the direction of the sun movement

    Analisis Konsepsi Siswa Konsep Dinamika Gerak

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    This research is a kind of qualitative descriptive research that aims to determine the level of misconception and understanding of students' concepts on the subject of motion dynamics in one of the State High Schools in West Aceh District Day. This study was conducted on 40 students of class XII majoring in Natural Sciences with sampling techniques carried out by purposive random. Data retrieval is done by means of diagnostic tests and interviews, to distinguish students who experience misconceptions, misconceptions, and concepts that are in accordance with scientific concepts used the CRI (Certain Respondent Index) method. The results showed that the average level of physics misconception of students in the concept of style was 41.64%, 18.36% answers were in accordance with scientific concepts, and as many as 40% of students lacked knowledge. From the results of the study it can be said that the average level of physical misconception of students is high compared to the answers of students who answer questions according to scientific concepts. The high percentage of students who experience misconceptions and students who lack knowledge shows that students' conceptual understanding is still very low. It is expected that the teachers and lecturers can analyze the students' initial conception so that misconceptions can be overcome from the beginning.   Kata kunci: Miskonsepsi, Dinamika Gerak, Certain Responden Index) &nbsp

    Pengembangan Karakter Anak melalui Literasi Budaya Berbasis Cerita Rakyat NTB Bermitra dengan Tbm Literasi Lumbung Lombok Sengkerang

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    Modernisasi dan globalisasi tak hanya memberi dampak positif, namun dapat menjadi ancaman bagi jati diri bangsa Indonesia. Arus Perubahan sosial budaya membawa krisis bagi pewarisan budaya nasional. Tokoh lokal terlupakan dan tergantikan dengan idola-idola baru produk modernisasi. Begitu juga kehidupan sosial budaya di Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB) yang kaya budaya dan cerita rakyat yang memuat kisah inspiratif. Hal ini mendasari tujuan kegiatan pengabdian yaitu mengembangkan karakter anak melalui literasi budaya berbasis cerita rakyat NTB. Tim MT. Al-Kahfi Unram bermitra TBM Literasi Lumbung Lombok melaksanakan Program Holistik Pembinaan dan Pemberdayaan Desa (PHP2D) atas pendanaan Dirjen Belmawa Kemendikbud berupa pelatihan mendongeng dan penyelenggaraan Festival Cerita Rakyat NTB. Hasil dari kegiatan tersebut ialah terbentuknya kelompok pelatihan mendongeng, terciptanya Buku Cerita Rakyat NTB, peserta mengenal cerita rakyat NTB (70%), terimplementasi nilai-nilai karakter yang terkandung dalam cerita rakyat NTB dengan sangat baik (84%), peserta memiliki keterampilan berbahasa dengan baik (72%), tumbuhnya minat baca yang sangat tinggi (86%), dan peserta dapat membaca dengan lancar (75%)