167 research outputs found

    Aplikasi Teknik Penginderaan Jauh untuk Identifikasi Mulut Gua dan Sebarannya di Kawasan Karst Daerah Semanu, Gunungkidul, YOGYAKARTA

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    Kawasan karst dikenal dengan lahan tandus karena potensi yang ada berupa sungai bawah tanah, serta keindahan Speleotem belum banyak diketahui oleh masyarakat luas. Pengembangan teknologi satelit sumber daya saat ini, sudah banyak digunakan untuk keperluan berbagai disiplin ilmu pengetahuan, khususnya untuk keperluan pemetaan geologi dan kajian terkait. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji kemampuan citra landsat 8 pankromatik dalam memberikan informasi terkait identifikasi mulut gua serta agihan sebaran mulut gua di daerah penelitian.Aplikasi teknik penginderaan jauh untuk identifikasi mulut gua pada penelitian ini digunakan analisis pola aliran, analisis struktur dan morfologi. Variabel yang digunakan adalah pola aliran, kelurusan dan morfologi negatif dan vegetasi yang didapatkan melalui proses interpretasi visual.Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa di daerah Semanu memiliki tingkat ketelitian interpretasi citra dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis pola aliran, analisis struktur, dan analisis morfologi sebesar 72%, sehingga dapat dikatakan bahwa teknik penginderaan jauh dapat digunakan untuk identifikasi mulut gua

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Citra Perusahaan Terhadap Loyalitas Pelanggan (Studi Kasus Pada Hotel Ratu Mayang Garden Pekanbaru)

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    This study aims to determine the influence of service quality and corporate image on customer loyalti in Hotel Ratu Mayang Garden Pekanbaru. The Service quality as a variable (X1), corporate image as a variable (X2) andcustomer loyalty as a variable (Y).The Method in this research is descriptive and quantitative using SPSS 20, where samples were used that guess staying in the hotel Ratu Mayang Garden Pekanbaru with method by accidental sampling with respondens as many 100 people. For determine the number of samples used slovin formula and data collection through questionaires and interviews.Result of analysis using multiple linier regretion, t test and F test so that it can be seen that the service quality variable significant effect on customer loyalty, corporate image variable significant effect on customer loyalty and the service quality variable and corporate image variable significant effect on customer loyalty

    Pembuatan Aplikasi SMS Gateway Sebagai Media Informasi Pada Organisasi Uki Jashtis STMIK AMIKOM YOGYAKARTA

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    SMS adalah sebuah aplikasi yang digunakan untuk mengirim dan menerima pesan yang berisi teks antar operator penyedia layanan jaringan telepon selular GSM (Global System for Mobile Communication). Dalam penelitian ini, layanan SMS dimanfaatkan sebagai media informasi yang dirancang agar terjadi lintas informasi yang cepat antara pengurus dan anggota UKI JASHTIS (Unit Kerohanian Islam Jamaah Shohwatul Islam). Pada awalnya penyebaran informasi melalui SMS hanya menggunakan ponsel, tanpa menggunakan otomatisasi komputer. Dalam pembuatan aplikasi dengan memanfaatkan SMS Gateway dibutuhkan perangkat pendukung yang sesuai dengan spesifikasi agar aplikasi dapat digunakan dengan lancar. Perangkat Lunak yang digunakan adalah: Gammu, PHP Engine, MySQL dan Web Server, Web Editor, Web Browser, Adobe Photoshop CS3. Dan Perangkat keras yang dibutuhkan diantaranya Laptop, Modem/Ponsel, Kabel Data, SIM Car

    Analisis Dan Perancangan Pembatasan Akses Web Browser Di Kantor Camat Langgam Kabupaten Pelalawan Provinsi Riau

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    The Internet offers numerous benefits in this life but on the other hand also have potential negative impacts on environment education, government and society. Inaccessibility of websites that contain pornography within the government is certainly not good for the performance of employees There are two things that cause of action is difficult to do that is a great resource and the technology is constantly evolving. Use of Proxy Server can resolve Internet access is one way to solve the existing problems in the District Office of Langgam Pelalawan Riau Province. Proxy servers have been widely applied in various organizations and agencies, so that the Proxy Server client can not access websites containing pornographic, hateful, and gambling. In solution, used as a proxy Squid proxy server software that is configured to restrict internet access, URL filtering, storing cache, authentication username and password so that only the staff of the Office of Head Idioms are able to access the internet. After all applied in accordance with the existing design then all clients in the District Office of Langgam connected to the internet via a proxy that is designed to restrict access to the internet every client. So that all clients who want to access websites that contain elements of pornography, hateful, negative gambling and other content are allowed because it was blocked by a proxy server in the wake

    Peran Lembaga terhadap Prestasi Olahraga Bulutangkis pada Pelatihan Bulutangkis Angkasa di Pekanbaru

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    The problem in this study is about role of institutions on the performance of badminton at Angkasa Badminton Club Pekanbaru. Angkasa Badminton Club is the largest badminton club in Sumatra has been stand for five years. Angkasa Badminton Club has create some good athlete. Angkasa Badminton club has won in regional and national level badminton championship. It is about how the institutions make badminton athlete to reach the achievement. We know all of institutions has different advantage to achieve their own goal. The institutions must give something to make an athlete become a champion, example give the athlete free equipment or scholarship. This is the way to make athlete become more spirit to reach the achievement. All of parents in Angkasa Badminton Club Pekanbaru dont know about scholarship in there. They only know the club give discount for the equipment that sell in Angkasa Club Pekanbaru. Not only the institutions but all of people in there has responsibility for achievement. Athlete parents must work together with the institutions to reach the achievement. Good institutions must have their own structure organization and rule to achieve the goal. So in this case that we know the institutions has effect to reach the achievementKeywords: Institutions, achievement, scholarshi

    Aplikasi Mobile Informasi Kafe 24 Jam Di YOGYAKARTA Berbasis Android

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    The cafe is one of the places that many enjoyed by young people. In Yogyakarta there are many cafes with a wide range of facilities that provide comfort for visitors. But not all the cafes provide service for 24 hours, and the delivery of information about the cafe with a 24-hour service is still lacking. The only information obtained from mouth to mouth and rely on the Internet web.One medium that can be used to facilitate providing information that is using mobile smartphones based on Android. In the application named Info Kafe 24 Jam Jogja is a android based application developed to provide information about the cafe with a 24-hour service in Yogyakarta.With the application of Info Kafe 24 Jam Jogja is expected to be an application that can help make it easy for users to find information about

    Analisis Dan Perancangan Game E-budi Sebagai Media Pembelajaran Kebudayaan Indonesia Berbasis Android

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    Indonesia is an archipelago with vast geographical area and a very diverse culture. Cultural diversity can be seen physically that could be seen from a variety of language, traditional clothing, traditional foods, traditional ceremony, art owned by their respective regions. Almost every province in Indonesia has its cultural diversity, respectively. But along with the times,the people get carried away by globalization and customs began to forget the legacy of their ancestors.Along with the development of the mobile game industry at the moment, the game is now not only serve as entertainment games but games can be used to study media interest, one of which is learning about Indonesian culture. In this study developed an game E-Budi (Edukasi Budaya Indonesia) that was developed using the Android platform, where players will be given the questions about the culture of Indonesia, which is a question that will take the form of words, a video piece, piece mp3, so as to provide information about the Indonesian culture very clearly. Hopefully with the presence of this educational game will better understand and appreciate the diversity of cultures that exist in Indonesia

    Perancangan Online Marketplace Untuk USAha Kecil Dan Menengah (UKM) Di Kabupaten Purworejo

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    Currently in various regions have many Business Sector , of the Food Enterprises , Textile Business , Agriculture Industry Sector Enterprises and others . But of the many areas of business and the business is a lot of people who still do not know , and make the business venture less developed or less known to the general public . With so many people using the Internet as a media search technology at this time the information is made Redesign Online Market Place as a medium of online marketing .Designing Online Marketplace for Small and Medium Enterprises using a Website that has a basic PHP language and MySQL database as well as having the support of other languages such as CSS and others.With Design Online Marketplace for Small and Medium Enterprises may be useful as a System Information Market Place which has a range of businesses from the area or town as well as being able to develop Information Systems ( advertise ) the business venture . And the entrepreneur can fill out and share their business information here

    Sistem Informasi Raport Berbasis Web Di SMP N 4 Temanggung

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    The processed data with computer can be more convenient and practical compared with manual system. Data processing is done manually takes time and labor so much, that when dealing with complex data processing and large less efficient. Thus the use of a computer can be optimized. Therefore the "Web Based Information System Report Cards at SMP N 4 Temanggung" and as the title made in this thesis.Design of the information system of data processing was designed in order to process data effectively and efficiently in the process of inputting student data, teacher data, the value of data subjects as well as report cards, in addition to optimizing the use of existing computer in SMP N 4 Temanggung
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