4 research outputs found
Pemahaman Nilai-nilai Pappasang dalam Meningkatkan Karakter Bangsa yang Berkearifan Lokal
Indonesian consists of various different people, tribes, languages which is enrich byculture. As part of Indonesian, Makassar society is very proud of their languages, arts,and the culture. It can be reflected that Makassar language are still be spoken by itspeople. Makassar language is part of Indonesian that have value sublimes for itssociety. Value sublimes can be found on pappasang. Pappasang is wise words fromMakassar ancestors that contains about the rules in life, live hoods, also the rule inrelationships with with the God. Through the application of pappasang, it is expectedto form the characters and also give benefits to the society, especially to Makassar society and Indonesian in general. Besides, pappasang values can be as direction totransform the society to be better. By deep understanding about pappasang, it will makeIndonesian as opened mind country with the current globalization which is can keep ofthe ethics and morality among human so that humanity aspect and modernity will noterase the local wisdom that have already become an important fundamental of nation inestablishing the characters. The aim of this paper to describe pappasang values asmedia to develop nation characters with local wisdom. The method is descriptive byanalyzing the context of pappasang values. In pappasang, the researcher found variousvalues such as honesty, spiritual, leadership, abashment, and unity values. The values inpappasang is very high because there are pearls that adore by Makassar society.Therefore, the understanding of pappasang values are needed for Indonesian live in thepresent.
Evaluasi Keamanan Informasi pada SMA Islam Al-azhar (Smaia) 4 Kemang Pratama Berdasarkan Indeks Keamanan Informasi (Kami) Sni Iso/iec 27001:2009
The existence of the technology in a system information becomes very important due to being able to support the process of work and business processes be optimized. SMAIA 4 Kemang Pratama is a formal private education institutions. Increasing management of information technology (IT) in school activities, demanded the holding of information technology audit, which focused on the security of the system, to assess whether the General control and security of information systems able to meet the goal. To find the measure of the level of completeness and maturity of the 5 areas that have been adapted to International standards, i.e. ISO 27001:2005 this research uses Information Security Index (us). The results suggested that Al-Azhar Islamic SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL 4th Kemang Pratama has High category in the role and TIK interests namely of 29 of a total of 48 overall assessment and results of the fifth area is done of the overall total of 588 381 fall into the category needs improvement. There is improvement strategy on information security governance area is adding a special staff, create a regular schedule for staff assessment and audit IT, while the information security technology area that is sikronisasi the whole system that has existed and evaluate and improve system security log recording primarily as security gaps
Argumentasi dalam Teks Pidato Mahasiswa
Argumentasi berkaitan erat dengan pola pikir seseorang untuk mencapai tujuan komunikasi. Adapun fokus penelitian ini, yaitu komponen argumentasi, model argumentasi, dan gaya penulisan argumentasi. Data penelitian ini berupa kata, kalimat, dan paragraf dari teks pidato mahasiswa S1 Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas Negeri Malang. Mahasiswa S1 yang dijadikan sumber data merupakan mahasiswa tahun ajaran 2019/2020. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa argumentasi dalam teks pidato mahasiswa Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia Universitas Negeri Malang memuat komponen, model, dan gaya penulisan argumentasi yang bervariasi. Ketiga hal tersebut telah dikonstruksikan oleh mahasiswa dalam teks pidato. Komponen, model, dan gaya penulisan tersebut memiliki bentuk konkret dan fungsi masing-masing dalam memperkuat argumentasi yang dikemukakan dalam teks pidato
Rancang Bangun Smart Alert
Sepeda motor merupakan penyumbang kecelakaan berkendara terbesar di Indonesia. Beberapa kecelakaan yang terjadi tersebut diakibatkan oleh kelalaian dari penumpang yang tidak memerhatikan pakaian yang dikenakan ketika akan menaiki sepeda motor. Smart Alert merupakan inovasi yang dirancang sebagai upaya pencegahan terlilitnya rok atau hijab penumpang pada rantai atau jari-jari sepeda motor. Alat ini memanfaatkan beberapa komponen elektronik sederhana seperti baterai, sensor, microcontroller, buzzer serta LED sebagai rangakaiannya. Alat yang mendeteksi jarak ini dikendalikan sepenuhnya oleh sebuah microcontroller dengan sebuah sensor ultrasonik untuk mendeteksi jarak pada suatu sisi beserta komponen-komponen penunjangnya. Dengan adanya Smart Alert maka potensi kecelakaan dapat dihindari dan diminimalisir sehingga menurunkan angka kecelakaan berkendara di Indonesia.
Kata Kunci
Buzzer, Kecelakaan, LED, Microcontroller, Smart Aler