56 research outputs found

    Repairing and Retrofitting of Earthquake-Affected Exterior Beam-Column Connection by Using Resin Concrete

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    Reinforced concrete structures may suffer a failure that caused by natural events such as earthquake. If the damaged building still can be used, then a repair (retrofitting) on the damaged section is highly necessary. Retrofitting materials that can be used is the polymer concrete. The purpose of this study was to determine the behavior of beam-column connections after repair (retrofitting) using polymer concrete. Test sample in the form of exterior beam-column connection with cross-sectional size of the column 30 x 30 cm, length of 3.5 m and the size of the beam cross-section of 17 x 30 cm, length 1.8 m, consists of 3 pieces. Experiment test method was based on ACI T1.1-01. All samples were tested in two stages, the first stage of the test until targeted damaged level which controlled by crack width of 0.4 mm. Furthermore, the test object repaired using normal concrete (BKN- 1N) and polymer concrete (BKN-2R and BKN-3R). The second phase of test is done to collapse. Lateral force, deflection, and strain and crack pattern are observed. The data were processed to obtain the load-deflection relationship curve, stiffness, ductility ratio, energy dissipation and model of collapse. Beam-column joint behavior is compared with the acceptance criteria (ACI T1.1-01) to determine whether in accordance with the criteria required. Test results showed the value of the maximum lateral load test object BKN-1N, BKN-2R and BKN-3R,consecutively were 39.2 kN; 43.77 kN and 46.24 kN in the direction of curvature response (+) and the direction of curvature response (-), respectively for 59.1 kN; 62.73 kN and 69.91 kN. BKN-2R test objects have a greater ductility factor of 24.1% in the direction of curvature response (+) when compared with the test object BKN-1N. At the direction of curvature response (-), BKN-2R sample has a greater ductility 39.3% of the sample BKN-1N. Based on ACI T1.1-01, all samples have the response modification factor of 8. From SAP2000 modeling, BKN-1N, BKN-2R, and BKN-3R consecutively showed ability to withstand earthquake forces 3.36 times greater; 3.77 times; and 3.97 times greater than the earthquake forces are designed based on SNI 1726:2012. An advantage of using a resin concrete repair materials is very fast drying time

    Retrofitting on Flexural Strength of RC Columns Using Polyester Resin Concrete

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    Concrete column structures damages due to flexural moment need to be repaired and strengthened to avoid of sudden failure by applying appropriate methods. The method applied in this study was retrofitting by applying polyester resin concrete. In order to know the effect of polyester resin concrete against axial load capacity, stiffness, ductility and the damage pattern of columns by eccentrically loaded, an experimental laboratory was carried out. In this study, three column specimens are tested. The dimension of the specimen is 150 mm x 150 mm and the high of the column are 1200 mm with the effective high is 600 mm and 600 mm for corbel. The column specimens have a fixed eccentricity of 50 mm. First, initial column tested before yield point of reinforcing bar reached and concrete crack limited to 0,4mm. Further, retrofitting applied to each initial column specimen using normal concrete and polyester resin concrete with the level of resin 15% and 20%, respectively. Retrofitting column tested again with the same loading of initial column until it reaches the collapse load. The result of experiment compares to analysis method by Nawy and Whitney which represent the analysis of normal concrete column capacity. The result showed that levels of resin to be used is 20% because of better workability compared to 15% resin. Further, compressive test on resin concrete cylinder showed that the resin level at 15% and 20% are 82.82 MPa and 76.65 MPa, respectively. The strength of KR-ii decreased about 33.523%. The strength of KR-15ii and KR-20ii increased 5.08% and 24.827% respectively compared to initial column. Specimen column stiffness KR-ii. KR-15ii and KR-20ii decreased about 76.22%, 24.50% and 37.65%, respectively from the initial column. Furthermore, ductility of KR-ii, KR-15ii and KR-20ii decreased about 1.512, 1.250 and 2.50, respectively. The changes of the ultimate capacity load of KR-ii, KR-15ii and KR-20ii by Nawy Method respectively -26.54%, 12.66%, and 13.83%, whereas the method of Whitney respectively -17.68%, 26.25%, and 27.56%. The use of polyester resin concrete can change the pattern of collapse from brittle to ductile columns.Keywords: retrofit, ductility, stiffness, flexural column, eccentricit

    An Analysis of Energy Consumption in the Campus Building’s Operation (Case Study: The Building of Faculty of Engineering and Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Universitas Gadjah Mada)

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    Energy Consumption Intensity (IKE) is an indicator that is used to determine the amount of energy used per area by an air-conditioned building within a month or a year as a reference to determine how much energy conservation can be done in the building. To determine the energy consumption of buildings and to determine the savings opportunities, there should be an effort to review the energy consumption through energy audits. In this research, energy consumption analysis was conducted at the Main Office building of the Faculty of Engineering (KPFT) and Department of Civil Engineering and Environmental (CEED) of UniversitasGadjah Mada Yogyakarta. The analysis was conducted on the main variables of energy efficiency, namely: measurement of temperature and relative humidity, calculation of Overall Thermal Transfer Value (OTTV) and Roof Thermal Transfer Value (RTTV), calculation of Energy Consumption Intensity (IKE) in air-conditioned and non-air-conditioned rooms as well as an analysis of opportunities to increase the efficiency of energy consumption in the buildings.The results showed that the temperature and the relative humidity of the KPFT building = 28.4℃ and 62%, while CEED Building = 28.4℃ dan 65%. Calculation of average OTTV of the KPFT building = 17.61 W/m2 and CEED building = 43.05 W/m2. Average IKE of the KPFT building in 2015 was 3.25 kWh/m2/month and in 2016 was 3.45 kWh/m2/month, while the average IKE of CEED building in 2015 was 1.5 kWh/m2/month and in 2016 was 0.79 kWh/m2/month. Based on the calculation of IKE in both buildings, they are still considered in the category of efficient. However, based on the measurement of temperature and relative humidity, it shows that in both buildings air conditioning is still necessary to achieve the level of thermal comfort, therefore an increase of efficiency in the load is needed to avoid wastage

    Pengaruh Kualitas Produk Terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Pada CV Konveksi Inglorious Industries

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui dan menguji pengaruh Kualitas Produk terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan pada Perusahaan Konveksi Inglorious Industries di Kota Bandung. Penelitian mengunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif dengan teknik regresi linear sederhana. Data primer dikumpulkan melalui metode survey terhadap 100 responden dengan menggunakan teknik Random Sampling. Jenis penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dengan metode penelitian yaitu metode kuantitatif kepada 100 responden yang merupakan pelanggan Konveksi Inglorious Industries. Konveksi ini teknik analisis data yang Penulis gunakan adalah Analisis Linier Sederhana. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa kualitas produk berpengaruh sigfinikan terhadap kepuasan pelanggan. Berdasarkan pengujian memiliki hasil analisis deskriptif sebesar 75.82% untuk variabel Kualitas Produk dan 71.64% untuk variabel kepuasan pelanggan.dan menunjukan hasil bahwa adanya tingkat kolerasi yang sedang dan hubungan yang signifikan antara kualitas produk dengan kepuasan pelanggan. Sehingga, sesuai hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa secara parsial Kualitas Produk berpengaruh terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan sebesar 44.8% dan sisanya sebesar 55.2% dipengaruhi oleh faktor lain yang tidak diteliti dalam penelitian ini. Kata kunci : Kualitas Produk, Kepuasan Pelanggan, Konveksi, Inglorious Industries

    Effect of the Skilled Worker Certification on the Sustainable Infrastructure Development

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    Infrastructure plays an important role in the occurring development process, in which the human resource is an important factor in it. This research was conducted in the work area of the Construction Training Agency Region II Surabaya Unit (Balai Pelatihan Konstruksi Wilayah II Surabaya). The data were collected by using questionnaire or questions list, which was given to the provider and the user of the skilled labor—consisted of 60 people of 30 certified skilled workers and 30 non-certified skilled workers. The data was processed by using SPSS. The result showed that the number of certified skilled workers that know the characteristic of sustainable infrastructure is higher when compared with the non-certified skilled workers. The average 95.4% of certified skilled workers know about the characteristic, while it’s 91.1% in the non-certified skilled workers. Certified workers that implement the characteristic of sustainable infrastructure is of 75.9% and 62.8% of noncertified workers do the aforementioned. According to the calculation, there is some influence between the knowledge of sustainable infrastructure characteristic and the project implementation, based on 57 from total 65 research variables

    Suitability Analysis of Office Building Design against Maintenance Cost (Case Study of Serayu Opak River Basin Organization, Yogyakarta Province)

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    This study aims to determine the effect of building design's inaccuracy against the cost of maintenance, by taking the research in Serayu Opak River Basin Organization, Water Resources Field and Water Resources Management Center in Yogyakarta Special Region. The first step is to analyze the inaccuracy of building design based on the result of interview and observation during field survey. The second step is to analyze the cost of building maintenance. The third step is to analyze the maintenance costs used to minimize the effects of the inaccurate design of the building. The result shows the inaccuracy of building design in the form of the use of clear glass without coated glass film and the absence of heat insulator on the roof of the building cause the room to become hot. The installation of rain gutters without vertical pipes, toilet facilities in the entire building is not yet complete, inadequate accessibility for persons with disabilities, and inadequate corridor design. There is a small portion of the maintenance budget used for reducing the impact of building design's inaccuracy, so it can be concluded that the design of the building is less meet the requirements of the Government regulations

    Mix Design of Self Compacting Concrete Based on Ultra High Compressive Strength Flow Mortar Mix

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    Mix design of Self Compacting Concrete or SCC is not straight forward because many parameters control its rheological properties. The case becomes more complicated if high compressive strength is also to be achieved. Therefore simpler approach is used, that is by firstly determining the flow mortar mix which is easier to be designed even with the requirement of ultra-high compressive strength. The mix design of SCC is then determined by simply adding the coarse aggregate with a certain amount of that mortar mix. In this research the ultra-high compressive strength flow mortar was made of Type I cement, 15% of cement weight silica fume, weight ratio of cement and curve No IV sand was 1: 0.35. The water-cementious ratio was 0.22 and the amount of plasticizer was 1.3%, 1.4%, 1.5% and 1.6% of the cement weight. For the SCC, the used coefficient was taken to be 1.4, 1.6, and 1.8 of the volume of that aggregate void for mortars, the aggregate value was at the volume of the remaining count of mortar and its size was 4.8 mm - 9.6 mm. Test results show that the mortar flow ability was 170 mm, 180 mm, 220 mm and 250 mm, where the achieved compressive strength was 83.1 MPa, 96.8 MPa, 111.4 MPa, and 135.5 MPa respectively. Mortar mix with 1.6% super plasticizer was then used for making the SCC and the results show that the concrete flow were 460 mm, 580 mm and 660 mm and the compressive strength were 88.2 MPa, 100.0 MPa, and 97.9 MPa.  It can be concluded that using this simpler approach the SCC can have 580 mm flow and 100 MPa compressive strengt


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    The Director General of Highways issued the 2010 revision 3 specification concerning minimum flexural strength for rigid pavement of 45 kg/cm2 or approximately 4.5 MPa, but the reality of obtaining such flexural strength should be using  high enough concrete quality and it will incur considerably high cost also. In this study was using a normal concrete method with the purpose of research to know  the relationship of compressive strength and flexural of concrete with the addition of variation of fiber 0%, 0,5%, 0,65% and 0,8% from weight of the concrete mixture. The results from this research showed that the compressive strength and flexure had increased successively in the fiber variation 0%, 0.5% and 0.65% amount 31.23 MPa, 33.06 MPa, 35.23 MPa and 4.58 MPa, 4.75 MPa, 5.04 MPa. It is because the fiber contained in the concrete has a fairly even distribution of fiber and does not have clumping. When variations of fiber above 0.65% such as 0.8% variation in the direction of fiber are difficult to control and at the time of mixing occurs clumping, So the value of compressive strength and flexural of concrete are decreases. The relation of compressive strength and flexural of concrete using a variation of steel fiber to obtain equation fs = 0,1226.fc '+ 0,7173 with value R2 = 0,9915 and ? 0,82. The results obtained from the test is a rather good when compared with ACI and SNI T- 15-1991-03 method