24 research outputs found

    Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pengembangan Desa Wisata di Desa Tanjung Kecamatan Koto Kampar Hulu Kabupaten Kampar Provinsi Riau

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    Tanjung Village Koto Kampar Sub District Hulu Kampar District has been awarded God with interesting tourism resources to visit. Rural development is geared towards integrated and comprehensive development activities by tricking every component of the community in order to improve the development of each village. The purpose of this research is as follows: To know community participation in the development of tourism village in Tanjung Village Koto Kampar Hulu District, Kampar District, Riau Province, To know the tendency of community participation in development of tourist village in Tanjung Village Koto Kampar Hulu District, Kampar Regency, Riau Province. Research uses quantitative methods. The study took place in Tanjung Village Koto Kampar Hulu Subdistrict of Kampar District. The population of 5.205 people using the Slovin formula is the total sample of 104 people spread in VII hamlet. Sampling method with probability sampling. From 10 (ten) questions asked in the research, it is concluded that: Tanjung Village society Koto Kampar Hulu Subdistrict of Kampar Regency tends to agree Tanjung Village is used as a tourist village, tends to hesitate to have ideas / input in the development of Desa Tanjung as a tourist village, - invited to participate in a meeting about Tanjung Desa development planning as a tourist village, tended to disagree with the meeting about the development of Desa Tanjung as a tourist village, tends to disagree directly involved in the development of Tanjung Village as a tourist village, tends to agree to benefit after Cape Village is made tourist village, tends to agree there is a lack of facilities in the development of Tanjung Village as a tourist village, tends to disagree on the development of Tanjung Village as a tourist village in accordance with the results of the meeting, tending to hesitate to follow gotong royong in the development of Tanjung Village as a tourist village, The endorsement disagrees with the management of the tourist village in Tanjung Village

    Perancangan Dan Implementasi Survei Kepuasan Pengunjung Berbasis Web Di Perpustakaan Daerah Kota Salatiga

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    Survei kepuasan pelanggan merupakan salah satu contoh dari CRM (Customer Relationship Management). Selama ini survei kepuasan pelanggan dilakukan dengan cara menyebarkan angket kuisioner kepada pelanggan. Dengan kemajuan teknologi informasi dan infrastruktur jaringan internet saat ini, memungkinkan untuk membuat aplikasi survei kepuasan pelanggan yang terhubung dengan internet (online). Selain dapat menekan biaya, survei kepuasan pelanggan yang terin-tegrasi dengan internet akan memudahkan pelanggan untuk mengisi kuisioner di mana saja dan kapan saja selama peri-ode tertentu. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi survei kepuasan pelanggan online yang berbasis web dengan menggunakan metode SERVQUAL dalam menganalisa data dari responden

    Degradasi Lapisan Aluminida Pada Paduan Intermetalik 2-Ti3Al / -TiAl Akibat Oksidasi Siklik

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    Two-phase inter-metallic alloy 2-Ti3Al/-TiAl is developed to operated at high temperature in oxidative environment. However its oxidation rate can not be tolerated due to formation of TiO2 which is not protective. If the alloy is used in gas turbine that often have thermal cycle, it will cause cracking and flaking oxide crust. Coating is correct solution to improve properties of this alloy so that it can be used at high temperature. By enriching the material surface with significant amount of Al element there will be a formation of Al2O3 protective oxide. The method applied to get formation of Al2O3 is the pack cementation. This study discusses of characteristic coating and oxide crust formation at two-phase inter-metallic alloy of 2-Ti3Al/-TiAl from pack aluminizing proces

    Pendugaan Emisi Karbondioksida (Co2) Permukaan Tanah di Hutan Larangan Adat Kenegerian Rumbio Kecamatan Kampar Kabupaten Kampar

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    The forestry sector in Indonesia is one of the main sources of greenhouse gases (GHG), given the extensive forests owned Indonesia is one of the largest in the world, along with the high rate of deforestation, forest degradation and degraded land. Forests as one ecosystem dominated by trees vegetation, has the ability to absorb carbondioxide (CO2) from the air and carbon stock in the form of biomass. Indigenous forest Prohibition in the villages Rumbio, Pulau Sarak, Padang Mutung and Koto Tibun is one form of local wisdom that have been implemented long ago by societyof indigenous forest prohibition Kenegerian Rumbio with the aim of maintaining the existence of the forest. This study aimed to quantify the potential emissions of carbondioxide (CO2) in the area of indigenous forests prohibition Kenegerian Rumbio. Potential emissions of CO2 in the soil surface at indigenous forests prohibition Kenegerian Rumbiois 1824.15 t/ha/yr. Overall potential emissionsof CO2in the soil surfaceat indigenous forests prohibition Kenegerian Rumbio is 966,799.5 t/y. Sparse vegetation density of CO2 emissions from the soil surface was higher (125.48 t/ha/yr) then moderate vegetation (84.50 t/ha/yr) and dense vegetation (61.10 t/ha/yr). Differences related CO2 emissions released by the micro-climate conditions such as air temperature and soil temperature, as well as the rate of CO2 emissions from the soil surface in each type of vegetation density

    Perencanaan Sistem Drainase Kali Kendal

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    Kendal river is always overtopped during rainy day, certainly in central city and densely populated area. The flood duration around 4-8 hours with 40-60 cm depth caused the secondary channel can't flow into the primary channel. The problem of flooding caused by the capacity of Kendal River is decreasing. Base on that condition, this final project was aimed to redesign Kendal River system based on capacity and functionality. The first step on redesign drainage system is hidrology analysis for determining a flood discharge, analysis hidrolic analysis by HEC-RAS software to evaluate the capacity exsisting channel. The conclution of the evaluation result is the maximum channel capacity could be increased to 10 years discharge flood only (34,94 m3/s). Increase the capasity of the trapezium channel by enlarge a basis channel along 10 m at Kendal River (11,750 m), include the revetment construction (2,300 m) on P.5+050 – P.10, P.11 - P.12, P.13+050 - P.15, P.44+050 - P.45+050, P.65 - P.80. Anchored wall construction decided as a retaining wall for a rectangular channel type (2,050 m) at P.24 - P.4+050. And then, for accomodate 25 years flood discharge (45,43 m3/s) need 7 ha retention pond. Total cost is Rp. 63,847,420,000,00 for 10 years discharge desain