15 research outputs found

    Effort to Increase Growth of Tilapian Fish (Oreochromis niloticus, Limnaeus) Using Different Doses of Ozonation

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    Tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus, L.) has been kept in an aquarium with ozone administration with different doses. Granting DSM ozone generator using ozone Aero 13.6 kV, currents of 7.3 mA, and a frequency of 2.8 kHz, with output of 6.66 mg/min. Each aquarium contains 10 tilapia. There are six treatment has been tested and a control. The volume of water in the tank is 12 liters, the treatment given is the provision of ozone for 4 minutes, 6 minutes, 8 minutes, 10 minutes, 12 minutes and 14 minutes. In this study was obtained Specific Growth Rate (SGRbody) and SGRbiomass, which the percentage growth ofish per day. Rated Highest SGRbiomass row is on Treatment V (177±016), Treatment VI (175±010), treatment III (153±018), treatment II (136±013), treatment IV (126±022), controls (124±011), treatment I (109±012). While the value of the highest SGRbody row show on treatment III (070±0009), treatment VI (067±0038), treatment V (065±0009), treatment II (053±0008), treatment IV (048±0796), controls (048±0009), treatment I (038±0009). From the results of the F test, the value of F table ≥99% confidence level. Furthermore, the advanced test. Keywords: Tilapia, Specific Growth Rate, Ozone, LSD Test, Growth

    Application of Polyculture Using Stratified Double Net Cage : A Case Study at Awerange Gulf, Barru, South Sulawesi, Indonesia

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    This research is aimed to develop aquaculture techniques, particularly the use of stratified double floating net cage (SDFNC) for polyculture to increase productivity, and maintain a healthy water ecosystem for sustainable aquaculture. Installation of SDFNC was done at the Gulf Awerange, Barru, South Sulawesi. The polyculture system consisted of macro algae (Euchema cottoni), rabbitfish (Siganus sp.), black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon), and Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei). Macroalgae was cultivated by binding to the algae using polyethylene strap transversely from the water surface to a depth of 5 m along the edge cage. A number of 50 ind. m-3 of rabbit fish were farmed in the bottom net cage; 100 ind. m-3 of 12 m3 in total of PL30 Pacific white shrimp and 50 individuals m-3 of 12 m3 in total of PL30 black tiger shrimps were located in the upper net cage. Biomonitoring was carried out by observing the structure of macrobenthic community. The condition of the water at the farmed area was still within the normal range, both at a depth of 1 m and 5 m from the surface, and 1 m of bottom waters. There was a significantly difference between polyculture and reference site, implying that there was a slight environmental disturbance of sedimentary habitat underneath the farm cage. Overall, the area is considerably suitable for the application of SDFNC, with water current range up to 14.1 cm sec-1. The growth of main biotas represented by Siganus sp. and L. vannamei farmed using SDFNC exhibited faster compared to monoculture farm, owing to the relatively high values of the relative growth rate (RGR) (2.3-6.2%) and specific growth rate (SGR) (1.05-1.4%). Key Words: biomonitoring, polyculture, growth rate, Euchema cottoni, Siganus sp

    Environmental Assessment of Polyculture Farming Practice Based On Macrobenthic Assemblages: A Study Case at Coastal Area of Kaliwungu, Kendal, Central Java, Indonesia

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    The purpose of this study was to determine environmental quality parameters using number of species, diversity and similarity of macrobenthic communities. This study was conducted at two locations, the Location I was a polyculture farming area, farming milkfish (Chanos Chanos) and black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) and seaweed Gracilaria sp. in the coastal area of Mororejo, Kendal District, Central Java. Location II was the coastal area of PT. Plywood Indonesia, which is located adjacent to industrial activities as well as directly affected the tide. Systematic random sampling was employed, measuring physical-chemical parameters of water and sediment. Samples of macrobenthos were taken from the sediment. Data was analysed using diversity and evenness indices approach. Samples of macrobenthos were taken from the sediment using Eckman grab, then was analysed using diversity and evenness indices approach. Results showed that the Location I was dominated by Cerithidea cingulata and Terebralia sulcata (Potamididae), Minima batillaria (Batillaridae). The Location II was dominated by Cirratulus sp., Cirriformia sp. and Aphelochaeta (Cirratulidae) and Prionospio sp. (Spionidae), which are considered as indicators of disturbed area. This results implied that the use of area for both polyculture and industrial activities may lead to environmental disturbance, thus environmental coastal management need to be applied in regular basis, both temporally and spatially. Keywords: Environmental disturbance, macrobenthos, moderately disturbed area, polychaete, polycultur

    The Impact of Ozonated Water Treatment On Growth Rate Srikandi tilapia (Oreochromis aures x niloticus)

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    The impact of ozonated water treatment on 'Srikandi' tilapia was assessed using ozone reactor with an airflow velocity of 1.5 L/min at a voltage of 10 kV, which leads to that the dissolved oxygen (DO) content increases from 0.99 to 11.11 mg/L/ The ozonized water treatment was divided into five groups based on the length of treatment period: 5 minutes as group I, 10 minutes as group II, 15 minutes group III, 20 minutes as group IV and 0 minutes (reference scale). The fish growth rate was measured in terms of length and weight per seven days for 30 days. The result indicated that the fastest growth rate of Srikandi tilapia occured at the group III. The fastest specific growth (SGR) of the fish occurs at the group III and the fastest Relative Growth Rate (RGR) of the fish occurs at the group III. The oxygen content, temperature, salinity to match the growth of Tilapia Srikandi are vital elements in Tilapia farming management. These results are considered to be useful to increase the production rate of Srikandi tilapia farming

    Linking Chemical and Physical Parameters of A Coastal Water Ecosystem With Macrobenthic Assemblages to Assess Environmental Disturbance

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    macrobenthic assemblages (across various spatial and temporal scales) in terms of taxa richness, animal abundance, and animal biomass. Such changes may be used as an indicator and can provide a quantitative basis when assessing the levels of disturbance. This study is aimed to assess environmental disturbance caused by fish farming by linking chemical and physical parameters to differences in the structure of macrobenthic communities. The study sites comprised coastal water ecosystems in the Awerange Gulf, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The study compared macrobenthic communities associated with polyculture and monoculture farming against reference sites. The tendency of reduction in their abundance occurred at polyculture and monoculture sites, compared to the reference site, i.e. 5882 ind.m-2, 3531 ind.m-2, 2112.5 ind.m-2, respectively. The results from multivariate and graphical methods using NMDS plots, k-dominance curve, and ABC curves, tend to be in accordance with the results from index values, thus both methods may be used as a apart of rapid assessment of level of environmental disturbance in coastal water ecosystem. Carbon and nitrogen contents in sediment and dissolved oxygen (DO) were the most chemical and physical parameters influencing structure of macrobenthos (r=0.457; BIO-ENV). Keywords: Macrobenthic assemblages, Awerange Gulf, chemical and physical parameters, fish farm, and multivariate analysi

    Corona Discharge Plasma Technology to Accelerate the Growth of Black Soybean Plants

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    Corona glow discharge plasma has been used to accelerate the growth of soybean black seed plants. This system consists a corona reactor with configuration of electrodes of multi points to plane. Multi points to plane electrodes system are designed with the distance between the electrodes 2 cm and number of points electrode was 64 of needles. Seeds were grouped to 5 groups of samples. Grouping was based on treatment time of plasma that were 6 minutes, 12 minutes, 18 minutes, 24 minutes and 30 minutes. The growth of the soybean seed black’s crop has been carried out by analyzing the amount of percentage germination, measuring the length of the stem, the width of the leaves. Measurement have been taken each five days until 30 days. The research results showed that 5 groups of samples irradiated by glow discharge corona plasma (IGDCP) more progressive growth comparing with seeds without irradiated by corona plasma (control).  Moreover, we found that the effectiveness of growth increases with increase of treatment irradiation time. For treatment irradiation time of 30 minutes after planted for 30 days, and compared with control samples, we found that escalates in length of 71.38%, number of leaves increases of 3.27%, wide leaves augment of 16.47%.  Percentage germination of samples with 30 minutes’ treatment time was 314.28% compare with control. We suppose that the increasing growth parameter of soybean black seed is cause of increasing nitrogen in seed by intrusion of nitrogen ion when irradiation corona discharge plasma. Keywords: electrodes, irradiation, plasma, soybean black seed, nitrogen ion

    Environmental assessment of polyculture farming practice based on macrobenthic assemblages: a study case at coastal area of Kaliwungu, Kendal (Central Java, Indonesia)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine environmental quality parameters using number of species, diversity and similarity of macrobenthic communities. This study was conducted at two locations, the Location I was a polyculture farming area, farming milkfish (Chanos Chanos) and black tiger shrimp (Penaeus monodon) and seaweed Gracilaria sp. in the coastal area of Mororejo, Kendal District, Central Java. Location II was the coastal area of PT. Plywood Indonesia, which is located adjacent to industrial activities as well as directly affected the tide. Systematic random sampling was employed, measuring physicalchemical parameters of water and sediment. Samples of macrobenthos were taken from the sediment. Data was analysed using diversity and evenness indices approach. Samples of macrobenthos were taken from the sediment using Eckman grab, then was analysed using diversity and evenness indices approach. Results showed that the Location I was dominated by Cerithidea cingulata and Terebralia sulcata (Potamididae), Minima batillaria (Batillaridae). The Location II was dominated by Cirratulus sp., Cirriformia sp. and Aphelochaeta (Cirratulidae) and Prionospio sp. (Spionidae), which are considered as indicators of disturbed area. This results implied that the use of area for both polyculture and industrial activities may lead to environmental disturbance, thus environmental coastal management need to be applied in regular basis, both temporally and spatially

    The use of maggot (Hermetia illlucens) oil in artificial feeds on the growth performance and survival rate of saline tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus)

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    Tilapia is one of the commodities favored by the community and is widely cultivated in Indonesia. At this time, the development of tilapia cultivation has entered the location of marine and brackish waters, known as saline tilapia. The increase in tilapia cultivation has increased feed production, so the price of raw materials, especially fish oil, has increased. The source of crude fat that is usually used in feed formulations is fish oil, but the availability of fish oil is limited, so the price is increasing. One of the alternatives that can replace fish oil is maggot oil. Maggot contains 42-48% lipids. The purpose of this study is to find the effect of giving maggot oil on the growth and survival of saline tilapia. The method used was experimental, with a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 4 treatments and three replications. The treatments tested were treatment A (control), B (1.5 ml of maggot oil), C (2 ml of maggot oil), D (2.5 ml of maggot oil)) on 100 grams of feed. The saline tilapia used was 1.4-1.9 grams/head. The fish were reared for 30 days in 15-liter volume containers, ten fish density, and were fed three times a day. The results showed that fish oil substitution using maggot oil (H. illucens) significantly affected FUE, SGR, absolute weight, FCR, and SR of saline tilapia. The best dose of maggot oil was found in treatment B with a dose of 1.5 ml/100 grams of feed capable of producing FUE (88.78±3.80%), SGR (7.98±0.23%/day), absolute weight (41 .17± 4.57gram), FCR (1.13±0.05), and SR (100±0.00%). Keywords: BSF Brackish water SGR Production Weigh