55 research outputs found

    Risk-based internal audit concept development in agro-industrial economy sector

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    The authors also consider the contribution (in terms of advantages) of risk-based internal audit to the activities of the organization of the agro-industrial sector of the economy. Taking into account the constant digitalization of many aspects of the activities of various companies, the impact of this informatization on internal audit was also studied and the main risks and ways to combat them were identifie

    Organizational-administrative Features of the Implementation of Educational Services in the Two-level System of Training of Highly Qualified Personnel

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    It is education - the system of formation of the nation's intellectual capital and as one of the main areas of production innovation - creating the basic conditions for intensive growth of the markets on the basis of rapid updating of technologies and products. Education acts as the first link "education - research - innovation development of mass" of the innovation cycle. This educational sphere acts not only as a necessary element of reproduction of intellectual capital, but also as a dominant element of economic growth, which determines the stability of the external and internal competitive advantages of national economic systems. From the power of the national economy play an individual and a public intellectual capital, which implements the level of economic thinking of the nation, it is largely determined by economic strength, well-being, and the choice of its strategy and the subsequent trajectory of development in a global world order. In this connection, the Russian education there are urgent tasks related to the need to comply with the transformation of the education sector changes. Keywords: economic growth, educational service, training, educational organization JEL Classifications: G20, L00, O4

    The effect of cutting conditions on power inputs when machining

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    Any technological process involving modification of material properties or product form necessitates consumption of a certain power amount. When developing new technologies one should take into account the benefits of their implementation vs. arising power inputs. It is revealed that procedures of edge cutting machining are the most energy-efficient amongst the present day forming procedures such as physical and technical methods including electrochemical, electroerosion, ultrasound, and laser processing, rapid prototyping technologies etc, such as physical and technical methods including electrochemical, electroerosion, ultrasound, and laser processing, rapid prototyping technologies etc. An expanded formula for calculation of power inputs is deduced, which takes into consideration the mode of cutting together with the tip radius, the form of the replaceable multifaceted insert and its wear. Having taken as an example cutting of graphite iron by the assembled cutting tools with replaceable multifaceted inserts the authors point at better power efficiency of high feeding cutting in comparison with high-speed cutting

    Эффективность мази, содержащей экстракт водяники, при дерматите у крыс

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    The purpose of the research was studying influence of the ointment containing as the operating component an Empetrum black extract on some parameters of lipid peroxidation (diene conjugates, malonic dialdehyde, catalase) at allergic contact dermatitis at rats in plasma of blood and leather. As a result of experiment on model of allergic contact dermatitis it is established, that ointment with an Empetrum extract normalizes processes of the lipid peroxidation (level malonic dialdehyde, diene conjugates and catalase did not differ from the control), that in turn, apparently, can also improve therapeutic effect (initial parameters of an integument were restored). While using the ointment with an Empetrum extract terms of recover of animals are reduced to 4—5 days in comparison with a group of incurable rats, but at the same time it concedes a little to hormonal «Akriderm SK».Цель исследования - изучение влияния мази, содержащей в качестве действующего компонента экстракт водяники черной, на некоторые параметры перекисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ) (диеновые конъюгаты, малоновый диальдегид, каталаза) при аллергическом контактном дерматите у крыс в плазме крови и биоптате кожи. На модели аллергического контактного дерматита установлено, что мазь с экстрактом водяники нормализует процессы ПОЛ, улучшает терапевтический эффект (восстановление исходных параметров кожного покрова). При использовании мази с экстрактом водяники сроки выздоровления животных сокращаются на 4-5 дней по сравнению с группой нелеченых крыс, но в то же время она несколько уступает гормональному средству «Акридерм СК»


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    The article is written by postgraduate students of the Sociological Department of the Lomonosov Moscow State University on the results of a general discussion of the possibilities of innovative development through the prism of related fields of knowledge. It reflects the urgency of studying the processes taking place in various institutions of society and causing innovative development. The publication discusses the features of the functioning and interaction between the social institutions of business and education in the context of innovative processes occurring in Russia (low conversion fundamental knowledge in innovation, the inability of young people to engage in science, the specialists outflow from the country, maintaining a balance between traditions and innovations in education, closure of complex industries, and others). The analysis of existing theories and examples of successful interaction between education and business organized to obtain innovative developments are presented (MSU Science Park and others).The data on innovative business models implemented in the countries of the world (Russia, China, Singapore, the United States) and the features of their implementation (the possibility of start-up visas, the problems of protecting the rights of entrepreneurs and investors, the time of launching the project and the idea before production), empirical data on the outflow of specialists From Russia, which is considered as one of the consequences of the lack of innovative production in Russia). The authors proposed the possible directions of the organization of education and innovative business, based on the successful experience of foreign countries. The article considers marketing mechanisms as a way of communication between education, business and government institutions in the creation and implementation of innovative developments in Russia, the peculiarities of marketing in the innovative context, in particular, the key role of marketing in acquiring the final innovative product by buyers.Статья написана аспирантами социологического факультета Московского Государственного Университета имени М.В. Ломоносова по результатам общего обсуждения возможностей инновационного развития сквозь призму смежных областей знаний. Она отображает актуальность изучения процессов, происходящих в различных институтах общества и обуславливающих инновационное развитие. В публикации рассмотрены особенности функционирования и взаимодействия между собой социальных институтов бизнеса и образования в контексте инновационных процессов, происходящих в России (низкая конвертация фундаментальных знаний в инновации, неготовность молодежи заниматься наукой, отток специалистов из страны, сохранение баланса между традициями и инновациями в образовании, закрытие сложных производств, и другие). Проведен анализ существующих теоретических исследований и приведены примеры успешного взаимодействия образования и бизнеса, организованного в целях получения инновационных разработок (Научный парк МГУ и др.).Приведены данные по инновационным моделям бизнеса, реализуемых в странах мира (Россия, Китай, Сингапур, США) и особенностям их реализации (возможности стартап-визы, проблемы защиты прав предпринимателей и инвесторов время запуска проекта и идеи до производства), эмпирические данные по оттоку специалистов из России, которые рассматривается как одно из следствий отсутствия инновационных производств в России). Авторами предложены возможные направления организации образования и инновационного бизнеса, основанные на успешном опыте зарубежных стран. Рассмотрены маркетинговые механизмы как способ коммуникации между институтами образования, бизнеса и государства при создании и реализации инновационных разработок в России, особенности маркетинга в инновационном контексте, в частности – ключевая роль маркетинга в приобретении покупателями итогового инновационного продукта

    Механизмы повреждения эритроцитов при токсическом действии метгемоглобинобразователей

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    Structural properties of lipid component of erythrocyte membrane of Wistar rats with methemoglobinemia were investigated after one injection of sodium nitrite and phenylhydrazin chloride in DL50 dose. It was shown that in methemoglobinemia cholesterol, lysophosphatidylcholine, sphingomyelin, phosphatidylserine levels are increased and phosphatidylcholine and phosphatidyletanolamine levels are decreased, and an increase of microviscousity of erythrocyte membrane lipid matrix was elevat-ed. The degree of the elucidated changes depends on a xenobiotic and a time of methemoglobinemia period.Исследованы структурные свойства липидного компонента эритроцитарной мембраны у крыс линии Wistar при метгемоглобинемиях, индуцированных однократным введением нитрита натрия и солянокислого фенилгидразина в дозах DL50. Показано, что при метгемоглобинемиях увеличивается содержание холестерина, лизофосфатидилхолина, сфингомиелина, фосфатидилсерина, снижается уровень фосфатидилхолина и фосфатидилэтаноламина, в мембране эритроцитов возрастает микровязкость липидного матрикса. Степень выявленных изменений зависит от вида ксенобиотика и продолжительности периода метгемоглобинемии


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    The article describes the main directions of development of foreign economic activity of Russia, conducted the evaluation of its foreign trade, the factors affecting the foreign trade policy of the country, the analysis of export-import operations


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    Ineffectiveness of the existing world monetary system that contributed to the resumption of its possible reform of the discussions has been revealed in the context of the global economic crisis. Due to the world economic interdependence of countries growing sharply raises the question of formation of the complex mechanism of global governance and the principles of a supranational character. This article analyzes the current trends and prospects of development of the world monetary system