14 research outputs found

    Old age as a basic concept of social gerontology: Linguistic-theoretical aspect

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    This article examines the views of modern scientists on the phenomenon of old age, as well as the range of problems and concepts of special social science –gerontology, designed to solve demographic, socio-economic problems of aging. It is noted that social gerontology, which is a branch of the abovementioned science, also relates to the group of sciences of the linguistic cycle: culture of speech, stylistics, sociolinguistics and others. It is pointed out that the speeches of elderly people are characterised by specific lexical units and idiomatic expressions. Issues related to the old age and the ageing of man since ancient times have been in the focus of philosophers' attention. The article mentions the works of the famous statesman of the Roman Empire, politician, philosopher and orator Mark Tullius Cicero (106-43). The author concludes that the integration of social gerontology with linguistic science may lead to the emergence of a new scientific field, that will possibly be named linguistic gerontology or gerontological linguistics

    Infrastructural development of agricultural products in the republic of Kazakhstan

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    This article explores the dependence of the agro-industrial products of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the development level of rural production, social and transport infrastructure. The paper presents main trend of the indices of the agribusiness infrastructural development in the Republic of Kazakhstan according to the time series based on the statistical data of Kazakhstan. The study revealed that the level of endowment in social and industrial infrastructure of agriculture in Kazakhstan remains extremely unstable. This circumstance can consequently form a tendency for a decline and even degradation of the Kazakh villages. As a result, it can lead to a violation and decline of the reproductive processes in the agribusiness, which, in turn, will negatively affect the endowment in products from agricultural raw materials. Hence, the formation and development of the agribusiness infrastructure is seen as an indispensable condition for the effective interaction of the actors of the main and auxiliary production, contributing to the development of general prerequisites for the growth and development of agricultural products. The results of the research can be used by the state in investing social, transport and production development of the village to ensure food security. Agricultural development of rural areas in Kazakhstan based on improving the infrastructure will increase the welfare of rural workers, solve the problem of quality food for the population of the country, and take an active part in the global task of eradicating hunger on the planet. © 2019 Stukach V. F., Saparova G. K., Sultanova G. T., Saginova S. A. Text


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    The paper reveals research results on influence of feeding broilers with extruded concentrated feedstuff in the early period on the growth rate and mortality rate of the poultry from its first day to 37th day. The experiment was carried out on boilers of cross IZA F15 in OOO “Kuzbasskiy broiler” of Kemerovo region. The authors arranged the control group and experimental one; each of them contained 120 broilers. The researchers fed broilers from the control group with conventional mixed feed; the broilers of experimental group were fed with mixed feed produced at the enterprise with 33 % extruded concentrated feedstuff additive. The feed additive contains 30 % of soy bean meal, 25 – of wheat, 25 – of sunflower seeds and 20 % of sludge and bone residues. The research declares average daily liveweight gain of the broilers from experimental group increased on 14.5 %; feed consumption pro 1 kilo of liveweight gain reduced on 16.5 % during the early ten days of rearing in comparison with the broilers from the control group. The researchers observed high growth of the broilers from experimental group till the end of rearing. The average body weight of broilers from control group and aged 37 days was 2.09 kilo; the broilers of the same age from experimental group weighed 2.195 kg. Applying of extruded concentrated feedstuff in mixed feed allowed increasing mortality rate of broilers from experimental group on 1.7 % in comparison with the broilers from control group. The authors suggest applying of extruded concentrated feedstuff contained non-merchantable products of poultry processing and sun-flower seeds when feeding broilers in the early age in order to increase poultry growth rate and mortality rate.Представлены результаты исследований по изучению влияния скармливания экструдированного концентрата в  начальный период выращивания бройлеров на интенсивность роста и  сохранность птицы с  суточного до 37-дневного возраста. Эксперимент проводили в ООО  «Кузбасский бройлер» Кемеровской области на цыплятах-бройлерах кросса Иза F15. Для проведения научно-хозяйственного опыта были сформированы контрольная и  опытная группы суточных цыплят-бройлеров по 120 голов в каждой. В течение первых 10 дней жизни цыплятам контрольной группы скармливали традиционный комбикорм, а цыплятам опытной группы – комбикорм, произведенный в кормоцехе предприятия с добавлением 33% экструдированного кормового концентрата. Кормовая добавка содержит 30% соевого шрота, 25 – пшеницы, 25 – семян подсолнечника и 20% мясокостных отходов. У цыплят опытной группы установлено увеличение среднесуточного прироста живой массы на 14,5%, снижение потребления корма на 1 кг прироста на 16,5% за первые 10 дней выращивания по сравнению с аналогами из контрольной группы. Высокая интенсивность роста цыплят опытной группы сохранилась до конца выращивания. Средняя живая масса бройлеров в  возрасте 37 дней в  контрольной группе составила 2,090  кг, в  опытной  – 2,195. Введение в  комбикорм экспериментального кормового концентрата позволило повысить сохранность цыплят-бройлеров опытной группы на 1,7% за весь период выращивания по срав- нению с контролем. По результатам проведенных исследований предлагаем в начальный период выращивания цыплят-бройлеров в целях повышения интенсивности роста, сохранности птицы включать в состав комбикорма экструдированный кормовой концентрат на основе малоценных продуктов переработки птицы и семян подсолнечника

    Investigation the structure and properties of deformed semi-finished products produced from chips of Al–Mg alloys system alloyed with scandium

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    The article presents the results of studies that make it possible to solve the problem of processing secondary waste from expensive aluminum alloys without irretrievable loss of metal. For this purpose, tasks were set and solved for the development of technological schemes for obtaining longish deformed semi-finished products from chip waste of Al–Mg alloys 01570 and 1580 alloyed with scandium using methods of powder metallurgy and metal forming. For their experimental verification, the operations of chip briquetting, combined rolling-extrusion (continuous extrusion), sectional rolling, hot extrusion and drawing in combination with heat treatment were applied. According to these schemes, semi-finished products in the form of rods and wires were obtained. Structure and mechanical properties were investigated. It has been revealed that when hot-extruded rods are obtained from chip briquettes of alloy 01570 on a vertical hydraulic press, even with significant degrees of deformation during extrusion, the margin of plastic properties is small and makes it possible to obtain a wire with a diameter of only 4.2 mm after drawing. The processing of briquettes from 1580 alloy chips using the combined rolling-extrusion method makes it possible to obtain after cold deformation a wire with a diameter of up to 3 mm. At the same time, the influence of the annealing process on the structure and properties of deformed semi-finished products from the investigated alloys was studied. It is shown that due to the low plasticity of the investigated material cold working of the rods must be carried out with small degrees of deformation, alternating it with intermediate annealing according to the proposed regime. An analysis of the physical and mechanical properties of the wire obtained using combined processing showed that its strength and plastic properties are comparable to the properties of the wire obtained from a cast billet, and the structure is characterized by a high degree of elaboration and compactness. Thus, as a result of the research, technological schemes have been developed and processing parameters have been determined for the production of rods and wire from graded chip waste of alloys 01570 and 1580 using compaction, discrete and continuous extrusion, as well as cold drawing. © 2022 The AuthorsMinistry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, Minobrnauka: FSRZ-2020-0013The research was carried out within the framework of the state assignment of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (scientific theme code FSRZ-2020-0013)

    Влияние тафлупроста на суточные колебания офтальмотонуса при первичной открытоугольной глаукоме

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    Glaucoma therapy is directed towards intraocular pressure stabilization. Pathological diurnal fluctuations of intraocular pressure (IOP), as well as its average value during 24 hours, is a significant risk factor or primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) progression. Currently, a whole range pharmacologi­cal drugs is used for IOP correction. They differ in hypoten­sive effect degree, which, in turn, can depend on the time of administration. Tafluprost, a prostaglandin analogue, has a significant hypotensive effect and can effectively decrease diurnal IOP fluctuations amplitude in patients with POAG.Терапия глаукомы направлена на стабилизацию офтальмотонуса. Патологические суточные колебания внутриглазного давления (ВГД), как и его среднее зна-чение в течение 24 часов, являются значимым факто-ром риска прогрессирования первичной открытоуголь-ной глаукомы. (ПОУГ). Для коррекции офтальмотонуса используется ряд фармакологических препаратов, кото-рые оказывают различное влияние на офтальмотонус, в том числе и в зависимости от времени их применения. Тафлупрост, относящийся к простагландинам, обла-дает значимым гипотензивным действием и способен эффективно уменьшать размах суточных колебаний у пациентов с ПОУГ

    Old age as a basic concept of social gerontology: Linguistic-theoretical aspect

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    This article examines the views of modern scientists on the phenomenon of old age, as well as the range of problems and concepts of special social science –gerontology, designed to solve demographic, socio-economic problems of aging. It is noted that social gerontology, which is a branch of the abovementioned science, also relates to the group of sciences of the linguistic cycle: culture of speech, stylistics, sociolinguistics and others. It is pointed out that the speeches of elderly people are characterised by specific lexical units and idiomatic expressions. Issues related to the old age and the ageing of man since ancient times have been in the focus of philosophers' attention. The article mentions the works of the famous statesman of the Roman Empire, politician, philosopher and orator Mark Tullius Cicero (106-43). The author concludes that the integration of social gerontology with linguistic science may lead to the emergence of a new scientific field, that will possibly be named linguistic gerontology or gerontological linguistics

    Epidemiological Features of Pandemic Influenza in Kyrgyzstan due to Influenza A(H1N1)pdm

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    Relevance. Virological laboratory of the Department of prevention of diseases and Sanitary Inspection Healthcare Ministry f of the Kyrgyz Republic is nominated as the National Centre for Influenza Surveillance and accreditated by WHO, and in 2009 is included into a global network of influenza Goal. The purpose of this study - Assessment of epidemic features of manifestations of pandemic influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 in 2009 on the territory of the Kyrgyz Republic, as a comparative study of the molecular and genetic characteristics of influenza A virus (H1N1) pdm09, circulating on the territory of the Republic and the influenza virus reference strains recommended WHO for inclusion in the vaccine for the northern hemisphere. Materials and methods. On the basis of long-term retrospective analysis of the incidence of influenza and severe acute respiratory infections (SARI), and sentinel epidemiological surveillance (SS) data studied pandemic especially in Kyrgyzstan due to influenza A(H1N1)pdm09. Comparative molecular genetic characteristics of influenza viruses A(H1N1)pdm09 allocated in Kyrgyzstan, with reference strains recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) for inclusion in the vaccine. Results. Overall, the analysis of the results of laboratory tests carried out as part of the routine and sentinel surveillance showed that from January 2009 to March 2010 at 38.8% of those surveyed from among, influenza viruses (at 655 out of 1687) were found. From January to April 2009 in the main circulating influenza A virus (H3N2), which accounted for 55.9 - 77.9% of the number of positive findings. Seasonal influenza A virus (H1N1) was detected in January - February (35.3 and 13.4%, respectively). The share of the flu virus in January accounted for 8%, in March-April - 25%. Not typeable influenza A virus was detected in February in 8.7% of cases. Conclusions. The results of the molecular genetic and virological studies have shown that the influenza pandemic in 2009 in the Republic was due to the spread of pandemic influenza virus A (H1N1) pdm09