58 research outputs found

    Effects of Exercise on Glycemic Response after Consumption of Monster Energy

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    Energy drinks have been anecdotally associated with deleterious cardiovascular health outcomes. These drinks contain ingredients, including but not limited to caffeine, which could affect glycemic response to the carbohydrate ingredients in the drink. Exercise alters insulin sensitivity and could be a factor related to the response to acute energy drink response. The aim of this study was to determine if acute exercise would alter the glycemic and physiological response to the consumption of Monster Energy ©. Following an overnight fast, human subjects (age 19.11±1.39; 30 female; 5 male) were randomized to exercise on a stationary bike at 33% of their predicted VO2 max for 10 minutes with a five minute sitting rest after, or sitting (control) for five minutes prior to ingestion of Monster Energy. Blood glucose, heart rate, and blood pressure were measured 0-, 30-, 60- , and 90-minutes postprandially. Data is represented as LSM ± SE with significance analyzed using a t-test, or multiple comparison test. Significance is assumed when P\u3c 0.05. Blood glucose (mg/dL) for control at 0-, 30-, 60-, and 90-minutes 91.58±1.2, 133.7±4.29, 96.3±4.17, and 82.4±1.82 mg/dL, respectively. For those receiving bike exercise prior to ingestion blood glucose was 92.2±1.2, 126.6±3.79, 92.5±2.27, 84.0±1.77 mg/dL. There were no significant blood glucose differences observed between groups across time, within group significance in both groups was observed between 0 and 30, 30 and 60, and 60 and 90, for control only. Heart rate for control at 0-, 30-, 60-, and 90-minutes was 78.0±3.06, 78.2±2.55, 78.6±2.6, and 74.4±1.85 respectively. For those receiving bike exercise prior to ingestion heart rate was 88.7±3.71, 85.5±2.69, 83.1±2.35, and 80.3±2.89. There were no significant heart rate differences observed between groups across time, within group significance in both groups was observed between 0 and 30, 30 and 60, and 60 and 90, for control only. Blood pressure for control at 0-, 30-, 60-, and 90-minutes was 86.8±2.05, 89.2±2.05, 89.2±2.5, and 87.6±2.6. For those receiving bike exercise prior to ingestion blood pressure was 90.6±3.07, 88.98±2.3, 88.2±1.97, and 86.98±2.08. There were no significant blood pressure differences observed between groups across time, within group significance in both groups was observed between 0 and 30, 30 and 60, and 60 and 90, for control only. In conclusion exercise probably does not alter the glycemic and physiological response to energy drinks.https://openriver.winona.edu/urc2019/1092/thumbnail.jp

    Preliminary evaluation of central nervous system activity of (E)-N-2-methyl-3-phenylprop-2-enyl ((E)-N- α-methylcinnamyl) derivatives of selected aminoalkanols

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    A series of (E)-α-methylcinnamyl derivatives of selected aminoalkanols was synthetized and evaluated for activity in central nervous system. All compounds were tested as anticonvulsants and one additionally in antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like assays. The compounds possessed pharmacophoric elements regarded as beneficial for anticonvulsant activity: hydrophobic unit and two hydrogen bonds donor/acceptor features. The compounds were verified in mice after intraperitoneal (i.p.) administration in maximal electroshock (MES) and subcutaneous pentetrazole (scPTZ) induced seizures as well as neurotoxicity assessments. Eight of the tested substances showed protection in MES test at the dose of 100 mg/kg. The derivative of 2 aminopropan-1-ol was also tested in 6-Hz test in mice i.p. and showed anticonvulsant activity but at the same time the neurotoxicity was noted. The derivative of 2-amino-1-phenylethanol which possessed additional hydrophobic unit in aminoalkanol moiety was tested in other in vivo assays to evaluate antidepressant- and anxiolytic-like activity. The compound proved beneficial properties especially as anxiolytic agent remaining active in four-plate test in mice at the dose of 2.5 mg/kg (i.p.). In vitro biotransformation studies of 2-amino-1-phenylethanol derivative carried out in mouse liver microsomal assay indicated two main metabolites as a result of aliphatic and aromatic hydroxylation or aliphatic carbonylation. To identify possible mechanism of action, we evaluated serotonin receptors (5-HT1A, 5-HT6 and 5-HT7) binding affinities of the compounds but none of them proved to bind to any of tested receptors

    Antiarrhythmic and antioxidant activity of novel pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives with adrenolytic properties

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    A series of novel pyrrolidin-2-one derivatives (17 compounds) with adrenolytic properties was evaluated for antiarrhythmic, electrocardiographic and antioxidant activity. Some of them displayed antiarrhythmic activity in barium chloride-induced arrhythmia and in the rat coronary artery ligation-reperfusion model, and slightly decreased the heart rate, prolonged P–Q, Q–T intervals and QRS complex. Among them, compound EP-40 (1-[2-hydroxy-3-[4-[(2-hydroxyphenyl)piperazin-1-yl]propyl]pyrrolidin-2-one showed excellent antiarrhythmic activity. This compound had significantly antioxidant effect, too. The present results suggest that the antiarrhythmic effect of compound EP-40 is related to their adrenolytic and antioxidant properties. A biological activity prediction using the PASS software shows that compound EP-35 and EP-40 can be characterized by antiischemic activity; whereas, compound EP-68, EP-70, EP-71 could be good tachycardia agents

    Handel rolno-żywnościowy polski z krajami spoza Unii Europejskiej – analiza z wykorzystaniem modelu grawitacji

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    The main aim of the article was to indicate the influence of selected determinants of Poland’s agri-food export to countries outside the European Union. Although European Union countries have been the Poland’s main trading partners for years, the share of third countries in total Polish trade has gradually been increasing. In the case of Polish agri-food trade, a different tendency is observed, as the importance of non-EU countries is decreasing. In the analysis, covering the years 2000-2016, the gravity model was used. The dependent variable was Poland’s agri-food export to third countries, while independent variables included GDP, the geographical distance between partners, differences of GDP per capita of exporter and importer, agricultural value added, the preferential trade agreement and variable describing whether a given country was a post-socialist country. Research confirmed that the masses of economies expressed in GDP attract trade between countries, while the distance between partners limits it. A positive impact on Polish agri-food exports was observed for agricultural value added and more liberal trade regulations between partners, which were a result of preferential trade agreements between the European Union and selected third countries. On the other hand, historical conditions related to the fact that the country was in the group of socialist countries with economies undergoing a transformation process since the 1990s have limited Polish agri-food exports.Głównym celem artykułu jest określenie wpływu wybranych determinant eksportu rolno-żywnościowego Polski do krajów spoza Unii Europejskiej, z wykorzystaniem modelu grawitacji. Kraje Unii Europejskiej od lat są wiodącymi partnerami handlowymi Polski, ale mimo to zwiększa się udział krajów trzecich w handlu ogółem Polski. W przypadku obrotów rolno-żywnościowych obserwuje się tendencję odwrotną – udział krajów spoza UE obniża się. Analiza obejmowała lata 2000-2016. Zmienną objaśnianą był eksport rolno-żywnościowy Polski do krajów trzecich, w skład zmiennych objaśniających weszły: PKB, odległość geograficzna między partnerami, różnica PKB per capita eksportera i importera, wartość dodana w rolnictwie, preferencyjna umowa handlowa między importerem a Unią Europejską oraz zmienna opisująca czy dany kraj jest krajem postsocjalistycznym. Przeprowadzone badania potwierdziły, że masy gospodarek wyrażone w PKB przyciągają wymianę handlową, natomiast odległość ją ogranicza. Dodatni wpływ na polski eksport rolno-żywnościowy zaobserwowano dla wartości dodanej w rolnictwie oraz zliberalizowanych regulacji handlowych między partnerami, które były wynikiem wprowadzonych w życie preferencyjnych umów handlowych zawieranych przez Unię Europejską. Natomiast historyczne uwarunkowania, rozumiane jako uczestnictwo w grupie państw socjalistycznych, ograniczało polski eksport rolno-żywnościowy
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