2 research outputs found

    Evaluating potential effects of solar power facilities on wildlife from an animal behavior perspective

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    Solar power is a renewable energy source with great potential to help meetincreasing global energy demands and reduce our reliance on fossil fuels.However, research is scarce on how solar facilities affect wildlife. With inputfrom professionals in ecology, conservation, and energy, we conducted aresearch-prioritization process and identified key questions needed to betterunderstand impacts of solar facilities on wildlife. We focused on animalbehavior, which can be used to identify population responses before mortal-ity or other fitness consequences are documented. Behavioral studies canalso offer approaches to understand the mechanisms leading to negativeinteractions (e.g., collision, singeing, avoidance) and provide insight into mit-igating effects. Here, we review how behavioral responses to solar facilities, including perception, movement, habitat use, and interspecific interactionsare priority research areas. Addressing these themes will lead to a morecomprehensive understanding of the effects of solar power on wildlife andguide future mitigatio