53 research outputs found

    ¿Paridad equivale a igualdad? Eficiencia de la producción científica de las investigadoras venezolanas

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    ResumenLas políticas de igualdad de género promovidas desde distintos países y regiones han supuesto un avance importante a la hora de facilitar la plena incorporación de la mujer en la actividad científica. Esto ha dado lugar a la realización de numerosos estudios tendentes a determinar la posible existencia de diferencias en la actividad científica realizada por hombres y mujeres. El objetivo de este trabajo se ha dirigido a conocer si existen o no diferencias de productividad en determinadas áreas científicas en función del género de los investigadores, y la relación entre la posición en la carrera profesional de hombres y mujeres y su producción científica. Para ello se ha realizado un análisis bibliométrico de los 6015 currículums vitae de los investigadores venezolanos incluidos en el Programa de Promoción del Investigador (PPI) hasta el año 2009. Entre los resultados hay que destacar la mayor presencia de la mujer en el sistema de investigación venezolano, una menor presencia de mujeres en las categorías profesionales superiores, una menor productividad de las mujeres, o la diferente eficiencia que muestran las mujeres en función de las áreas temáticas consideradas.AbstractGender equality policies currently in place in many countries have spurred significant progress in advancing women in the fields of science. Nonetheless, numerous of recent studies have sought to measure differences between the scientific activity of men and women. The aim of this paper is to ascertain possible differences in scientific productivity in certain scientific disciplines carried out by men versus women and to determine importance of professional standing with regard to these scientific outputs. To this end, a bibliometric analysis was conducted of the curricula vitae of 6015 Venezuelan researchers participating in the country’s Researcher Promotion Program up to 2009. Findings show that the Venezuelan research system has more female than male participants, but fewer women in the highest professional echelons. Women also proved to be less productive, with performance varying significantly from field to field

    Citation journal impact factor as a measure of research quality

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    The aim of this paper is to determine if the scientific papers published in high impact journals are not only of sufficient "a priori" quality to be accepted by such journals, but acquire further impact because they are cited by journals with at least a similar impact. A normalized impact factor (NIF) is proposed as a measure to compare the visibility of research conducted by different university departments working in different disciplines. This analysis is supplemented by a study of the distribution by quartiles of the journals involved. In addition, the quality of the journals citing the papers in the sample selected for the study is evaluated to determine research prestige. The feasibility of using citation journal impact in the evaluation as an incentive for research quality is posed in this work. This paper will be of interest to those institutions interested in quality research evaluation as well as those involved in science policy

    La producción y colaboración científica por área temática de las Universidades públicas españolas

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    Due to the growing interest in the evaluation systems of scientific activity, especially in university rankings, by the scientific community and government organs responsible for science policy, it is necessary to have tools to show what the different dimensions involved in these evaluation processes, especially in the case of universities, which have different profiles. For this reason, compared to synthetic indicators, it is considered more appropriate to have a battery of indicators grouped by areas of knowledge, in order to avoid comparative grievances and get as fairly as possible among evaluation objects. We present some preliminary results, by subject area, in relation to scientific production and the degree of international collaboration of Spanish public universities. The data were collected from those contained in the observatory IUNE, showing the scientific activity of the Spanish Universities grouped into 6 major areas: Arts and Humanities (ART) Life Sciences (BIO) Experimental Science (EXP ), Architecture, Engineering and Computer Science (ENG); Medicine and Pharmacology (MED) and Social Sciences (SOC). The time period studied covered the years 2002-2011. These results show that the area of Experimental Sciences (EXP) has the highest scientific activity, representing approximately 40% of total public university system, ahead of ING and MED, with percentages representing about 25% each one. These documents are published in international collaboration in different proportions, with the area of EXP with 43% of this type of document, which stands over others, such as ING and MED whose average rates of international collaborative papers is about 30 %

    La producción y colaboración científica por área temática de las Universidades públicas españolas

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    Due to the growing interest in the evaluation systems of scientific activity, especially in university rankings, by the scientific community and government organs responsible for science policy, it is necessary to have tools to show what the different dimensions involved in these evaluation processes, especially in the case of universities, which have different profiles. For this reason, compared to synthetic indicators, it is considered more appropriate to have a battery of indicators grouped by areas of knowledge, in order to avoid comparative grievances and get as fairly as possible among evaluation objects. We present some preliminary results, by subject area, in relation to scientific production and the degree of international collaboration of Spanish public universities. The data were collected from those contained in the observatory IUNE, showing the scientific activity of the Spanish Universities grouped into 6 major areas: Arts and Humanities (ART) Life Sciences (BIO) Experimental Science (EXP ), Architecture, Engineering and Computer Science (ENG); Medicine and Pharmacology (MED) and Social Sciences (SOC). The time period studied covered the years 2002-2011. These results show that the area of Experimental Sciences (EXP) has the highest scientific activity, representing approximately 40% of total public university system, ahead of ING and MED, with percentages representing about 25% each one. These documents are published in international collaboration in different proportions, with the area of EXP with 43% of this type of document, which stands over others, such as ING and MED whose average rates of international collaborative papers is about 30 %