13 research outputs found

    Design and circular economy. Architectures that regenerate the built fabric

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    Although the circular economy has occupied a crucial place in the development agendas of industrialized countries in recent years, the construction sector still seems far from a mature understanding of the cultural dimensions related to the notion of circularity since, until now, its focus has been mainly on improving technological solutions. However, the circular economy opens up new operational frontiers beyond the scale of the construction detail. It embraces more complex social and cultural fields that ultimately question the changing relationship between man and inhabited space. The article assumes this perspective and examines the possible implications of circular logics’ spatial organizations at larger scales that have a great impact on settlement forms, proposing a critical comparison between two case studies characterized by two built fabrics with different densities. The first one is the regeneration of the Ilot de l’Arc de Triomphe district (high density and compactness), and the second one is the transformation of Contrada Bricconi (low density and rarefaction). The two design experiences ensurie a second life to inhabited artifacts and soils

    Drawing as Design Act: Expressing the Hidden Structure and the Design Perspective of Inner Periphery

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    The contribution aims to present an ongoing research work with Confcooperative Abruzzo, about the definition of community design actions within the regional inner area. Moreover, it shows the necessity of a series of devices to report the complex stratification of these territories.The paper traces the difficulties in describing through mapping these inner peripheries of the Italian central Appennino, pointing out the necessity of representing the complex, often subtle, dynamics and the physical asset of the area. The study displays how understanding these problems and lacks could produce a possibility in which the critical representation of the territory can become a methodological project through an interscalar point of view, so working at different scales of analysis.Finally, the illustration of some study drawings highlights how the territorial interpretation of inner territories could fore-see design actions, recognizing the intrinsic structure of these areas, overlapping tangible and intangible networks

    Clima y cultura como material de diseño: Las casas gubernamentales en Chandigarh de Pierre Jeanneret, una solución contemporánea

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    The crises affecting contemporary global society underline the need for a design reflection. The study presents an interpretation of the work of the architect Pierre Jeanneret for the government houses in Chandigarh. These, raised with the function of welcoming many people from various social classes, are the focus of the dissertation, in which, starting from the scale of the neighbourhood, a series of projects have translated climate and culture into tools and materials of the project. Therefore, through the presentation of the individual solutions, the relationships between composition, use of local materials, technique and tradition will be highlighted, outlining a systematic and attentive approach to the specific site, interpreting the place in a modern perspective. Finally, the research presents a reflection on how Pierre Jeanneret's project for domestic spaces can display a potential actualised approach, in which the needs related to climate and humanitarian crisis can be translated into opportunities for the project. This emphasizes the current difficulty in presenting a systematic design response, for which the development of a design sensitivity such as that presented by Pierre Jeanneret is instead hoped for.Las crisis que afecta a la sociedad global contemporánea subrayan la necesidad de una reflexión sobre el diseño. El estudio presenta una interpretación de la obra del arquitecto Pierre Jeanneret para las casas gubernamentales de Chandigarh. Éstas, proyectadas con la función de acoger a muchas personas de diversas clases sociales, son el centro de la disertación, en la que, partiendo de la escala del barrio, una serie de proyectos han traducido el clima y la cultura en herramientas y materiales del proyecto. Por lo tanto, a través de la presentación de las soluciones, se pondrán de relieve las relaciones entre la composición, el uso de materiales locales, la técnica y la tradición, esbozando un enfoque sistemático y atento al sitio, interpretando el lugar en una perspectiva moderna. Por último, la investigación presenta una reflexión sobre cómo el proyecto de Pierre Jeanneret para los espacios domésticos puede mostrar un enfoque potencialmente actualizado, en el que las necesidades relacionadas con la crisis climática  pueden traducirse en oportunidades para el proyecto. Esto pone de relieve la dificultad actual de presentar una respuesta de diseño sistemática, para la que se espera, el desarrollo de una sensibilidad de diseño como la que presenta Pierre Jeanneret

    Clima y cultura como material de diseño: Las casas gubernamentales en Chandigarh de Pierre Jeanneret, una solución contemporánea

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    The crises affecting contemporary global society underline the need for a design reflection. The study presents an interpretation of the work of the architect Pierre Jeanneret for the government houses in Chandigarh. These, raised with the function of welcoming many people from various social classes, are the focus of the dissertation, in which, starting from the scale of the neighbourhood, a series of projects have translated climate and culture into tools and materials of the project. Therefore, through the presentation of the individual solutions, the relationships between composition, use of local materials, technique and tradition will be highlighted, outlining a systematic and attentive approach to the specific site, interpreting the place in a modern perspective. Finally, the research presents a reflection on how Pierre Jeanneret's project for domestic spaces can display a potential actualised approach, in which the needs related to climate and humanitarian crisis can be translated into opportunities for the project. This emphasizes the current difficulty in presenting a systematic design response, for which the development of a design sensitivity such as that presented by Pierre Jeanneret is instead hoped for.Las crisis que afecta a la sociedad global contemporánea subrayan la necesidad de una reflexión sobre el diseño. El estudio presenta una interpretación de la obra del arquitecto Pierre Jeanneret para las casas gubernamentales de Chandigarh. Éstas, proyectadas con la función de acoger a muchas personas de diversas clases sociales, son el centro de la disertación, en la que, partiendo de la escala del barrio, una serie de proyectos han traducido el clima y la cultura en herramientas y materiales del proyecto. Por lo tanto, a través de la presentación de las soluciones, se pondrán de relieve las relaciones entre la composición, el uso de materiales locales, la técnica y la tradición, esbozando un enfoque sistemático y atento al sitio, interpretando el lugar en una perspectiva moderna. Por último, la investigación presenta una reflexión sobre cómo el proyecto de Pierre Jeanneret para los espacios domésticos puede mostrar un enfoque potencialmente actualizado, en el que las necesidades relacionadas con la crisis climática  pueden traducirse en oportunidades para el proyecto. Esto pone de relieve la dificultad actual de presentar una respuesta de diseño sistemática, para la que se espera, el desarrollo de una sensibilidad de diseño como la que presenta Pierre Jeanneret


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    economia circolare, agriculture, food policy, sostenibilità sociale, cambiamento climatic

    Città ai lati. Strategie progettuali di economia circolare e resilienza nel ridisegno di Porto di Mare.

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    Co-evolution between space, nature, and society. The Milanese fringes: Porto di Mare as a case study

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    Il contributo presenta i risultati di una ricerca orientata al progetto sul tema della coevoluzione fra spazio, natura e società, concentrandosi su una frangia urbana di Milano in cui le attività umane e il capitale naturale co-esistono senza dialogo. Il progetto assume così il framework del New European Bauhaus, interpretandone la spazializzazione delle istanze proposte, cercando di restituire le ricadute fisiche di una trasformazione che tende a processi di co-evoluzione. L’esito della ricerca è la promozione di azioni progettuali atte ad un prototipo di paesaggio resiliente, connettendo le attività produttive al capitale naturale e sociale, attraverso l’uso di soluzioni circolari e nature-based. Quindi, si pone attenzione su configurazioni spaziali che hanno l’obiettivo di incrementare la biodiversità nell’insediamento umano, attraverso la progettazione di corridoi ecologici, e all’inclusività, nel ridisegno degli ex impianti industriali e degli habitat delle comunità locali.The contribution presents the results of a design driven research about the topic of co-evolution between space, nature and society, focusing on a Milanese fringe, in which human activities and natural capital co-exist with no dialogue. The project assumes the new European Bauhaus as a framework, reflecting upon the spatialization of theoretical instances aimed at the physical impacts of a co-evolutionary transformation. The output of the research is the promotion of design actions for a resilient landscape prototype, linking productive activities to natural and social capital, through circular and Nature-based solutions. Thus, attention is given to spatial configurations that aim to increase biodiversity in human settlement, through the design of ecological corridors, and to inclusiveness, in the redesign of former industrial facilities and local community habitats