14 research outputs found

    One- and two-particle dynamics in microfluidic T-junctions

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    Advances in precise focusing of colloidal particles in microfluidic systems open up the possibility of using microfluidic junctions for particle separation and filtering applications. We present a comprehensive numerical study of the dynamics of solid and porous microparticles in T-shaped junctions. Good agreement with experimental data is obtained on the location of particle-separating streamlines for single solid particles with realistic parameters corresponding to the experiments. We quantify the changes in the position of the separating line for porous, partially penetrable colloids. A prediction of the full phase diagram for particle separation is presented in the case of two successive particles entering a T-junction. Our results suggest the intriguing possibility of using the one- and two-particle T-junctions as logic gates.Peer reviewe

    Controlled propulsion and separation of helical particles at the nanoscale

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    Controlling the motion of nano and microscale objects in a fluid environment is a key factor in designing optimized tiny machines that perform mechanical tasks such as transport of drugs or genetic material in cells, fluid mixing to accelerate chemical reactions, and cargo transport in microfluidic chips. Directed motion is made possible by the coupled translational and rotational motion of asymmetric particles. A current challenge in achieving directed and controlled motion at the nanoscale lies in overcoming random Brownian motion due to thermal fluctuations in the fluid. We use a hybrid lattice-Boltzmann Molecular Dynamics method with full hydrodynamic interactions and thermal fluctuations to demonstrate that controlled propulsion of individual nanohelices in an aqueous environment is possible. We optimize the propulsion velocity and the efficiency of externally driven nanohelices. We quantify the importance of the thermal effects on the directed motion by calculating the P\'eclet number for various shapes, number of turns and pitch lengths of the helices. Consistent with the experimental microscale separation of chiral objects, our results indicate that in the presence of thermal fluctuations at P\'eclet numbers >10>10, chiral particles follow the direction of propagation according to its handedness and the direction of the applied torque making separation of chiral particles possible at the nanoscale. Our results provide criteria for the design and control of helical machines at the nanoscale

    Biopolymer Filtration in Corrugated Nanochannels

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    We examine pressure-driven nonequilibrium transport of linear, circular, and star polymers through a nanochannel containing a rectangular pit with full hydrodynamic interactions and thermal fluctuations. We demonstrate that with sufficiently small pressure differences, there is contour length-dependent entropic trapping of the polymer in the pit when the pit and the polymer sizes are compatible. This is due to competition between flow and chain relaxation in the pit, which leads to a nonmonotonic dependence of the polymer mobility on its size and should aid in the design of nanofiltration devices based on the polymer size and shape.Peer reviewe

    The Hydrodynamic Radius of Particles in the Hybrid Lattice Boltzmann-Molecular Dynamics Method

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    We address the problem of the consistency of different measures of the hydrodynamic radius of solid point and composite solute particles incorporated into the hybrid lattice Boltzmann--molecular dynamics (LBMD) multiscale method. The coupling between the fluid and the particle phase is naturally implemented through a Stokesian type of frictional force proportional to the local velocity difference between the two. Using deterministic flow tests such as measuring the Stokes drag, hydrodynamic torques, and forces we first demonstrate that in this case the hydrodynamic size of the particles is ill-defined in the existing LBMD schemes. We then show how it is possible to effectively achieve the no-slip limit in a discrete simulation with a finite coefficient of the frictional force by demanding consistency of all these measures, but this requires a somewhat modified LB algorithm for numerical stability. Having fulfilled the criteria, we further show that in our consistent coupling scheme particles also obey the macroscopically observed fluctuation-dissipation theorem for the diffusion coefficient of a single particle without any adjustable parameters. In addition, we explicitly show that diffusion alone is not a good criterion for calibration of the frictional coupling.Peer reviewe

    Comment on ``Passage Times for Unbiased Polymer Translocation through a Narrow Pore''

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    One of the most fundamental quantities associated with polymer translocation through a nanopore is the translocation time τ\tau and its dependence on the chain length NN. Our simulation results based on both the bond fluctuation Monte Carlo and Molecular Dynamics methods confirm the original prediction τ∼N2ν+1\tau\sim N^{2\nu+1}, which scales in the same manner as the Rouse relaxation time of the chain except for a larger prefactor, and invalidates other scaling claims.Comment: 1+pages, 1 Figure, Minor change

    Controlled propulsion and separation of helical particles at the nanoscale

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    Controlling the motion of nano and microscale objects in a fluid environment is a key factor in designing optimized tiny machines that perform mechanical tasks such as transport of drugs or genetic material in cells, fluid mixing to accelerate chemical reactions, and cargo transport in microfluidic chips. Directed motion is made possible by the coupled translational and rotational motion of asymmetric particles. A current challenge in achieving directed and controlled motion at the nanoscale lies in overcoming random Brownian motion due to thermal fluctuations in the fluid. We use a hybrid lattice-Boltzmann molecular dynamics method with full hydrodynamic interactions and thermal fluctuations to demonstrate that controlled propulsion of individual nanohelices in an aqueous environment is possible. We optimize the propulsion velocity and the efficiency of externally driven nanohelices. We quantify the importance of the thermal effects on the directed motion by calculating the Péclet number for various shapes, number of turns and pitch lengths of the helices. Consistent with the experimental microscale separation of chiral objects, our results indicate that in the presence of thermal fluctuations at Péclet numbers >10, chiral particles follow the direction of propagation according to its handedness and the direction of the applied torque making separation of chiral particles possible at the nanoscale. Our results provide criteria for the design and control of helical machines at the nanoscale

    Shape and scale dependent diffusivity of colloidal nanoclusters and aggregates

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    © 2016, EDP Sciences and Springer.The diffusion of colloidal nanoparticles and nanomolecular aggregates, which plays an important role in various biophysical and physicochemical phenomena, is currently under intense study. Here, we examine the shape and size dependent diffusion of colloidal nano- particles, fused nanoclusters and nanoaggregates using a hybrid fluctuating lattice Boltzmann-Molecular Dynamics method. We use physically realistic parameters characteristic of an aqueous solution, with explicitly implemented microscopic no-slip and full-slip boundary conditions. Results from nanocolloids below 10 nm in radii demonstrate how the volume fraction of the hydrodynamic boundary layer influences diffusivities. Full-slip colloids are found to diffuse faster than no-slip particles. We also characterize the shape dependent anisotropy of the diffusion coefficients of nanoclusters through the Green-Kubo relation. Finally, we study the size dependence of the diffusion of nanoaggregates comprising N ≤ 108 monomers and demonstrate that the diffusion coefficient approaches the continuum scaling limit of N−1/3