19 research outputs found

    The OVOP Approach to Improve SMEs Business Performance: Indonesia’s Experience

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    Small and Medium Scale Enterprises [SMEs] haveproven to be one industrial group that is most sustaining duringeconomic crises. From the year 1997 through 2000, thecontribution of the SME sector has reached more than 46% of theIndonesia’s GNP and as such it is vital to further stimulate itsgrowth. This Paper discusses the One Village One Product (OVOP)approach to develop the business performance of SMEs. The studywas carried out at nineteen SMEs producing processed-food. Thestudy runs through a few excerpts from literature connected withSMEs and their role in the macro economic growth whileidentifying the factors that had a role in their growth. An overviewof the OVOP approach is presented followed by an analysis anddiscussion of data gathered. Finally, concluding comments on theimplementation model of the OVOP approach is presented

    Implementing Technology Acceptance Model to measure ICT usage by smallholder farmers

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    In the era of industry 4.0, especially in the agricultural sector, using ICT as a communication and information-gathering medium for farmers is crucial. However, the ICT adoption level by smallholder farmers varies greatly. This study investigates the elements influencing the ICT adoption level and utilization and explores the application of the TAM to smallholder farmers. Using descriptive quantitative methodology on three villages in Ngawi regency, East Java (N=53), this study indicated that smartphone usage in the research location was extremely high at 90.5%. A Spearman correlation value of 0.24 indicates a relationship between the PU and the education level of farmers. T-Test Two Means Independent was used to compare respondents' perception of ICT utilization through Perceived Use (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEU); PU's average value of 17.5 was greater than PEU's average value of 13.9. It was determined that ICT perceived usefulness was felt more important than perceived ease of use by the respondents in their daily activities. Additionally, this study recommends that agriculture services development necessitates strategies to create ICT usefulness through smartphones. Such strategies will help increase the ICT effective adoption, reducing information gaps and raising the wealth of smallholder farmers


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    The marketing performance of the information technology industry in DKI Jakarta was still low, allegedly due to customer focus, cross-functional coordination, and relatively low organizational capability. The purpose of this research was to determine and analyze the effect of customer focus, cross-functional coordination, and organizational capability partially or simultaneously on marketing performance. Descriptive and explanatory survey methods, the method used in this research with a sample size of 200 respondents, while the data analysis method used a structural equation model. The results showed that customer focus, cross-functional coordination, and organizational capability partially or simultaneously had a positive and significant effect on marketing performance with a contribution of 76%. Cross-functional coordination was partially the most dominant variable influencing marketing performance. The results of other studies show that the most dominant dimension in measuring customer focus was the service process dimension. While product development and marketing program preparation are the dominant dimensions in measuring cross-functional coordination, interpersonal skills are the dominant dimensions in measuring organizational capability, and profitability is the most dominant dimension in measuring marketing performance.


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    National industries already have policies that are able to strengthen industrial competitiveness, especially small and medium businesses. Business activities in the form of manufacturing Small Industries are the backbone of the real economy that encourages the welfare of the community because the numbers are very large and spread in various regions. because it is generally close to residential and business centers. National policies that can encourage competitiveness, for example, are carried out in the form of soft loans, training, incentives, tax breaks, business assistance, ease of regulation and various forms of support. But it must be understood that what is no less important is how the small manufacturing industry itself can make competitive steps both in capturing markets and in the efficient form of work operations within its organization. At present, the 5S method (Seiri, Seiton, Seisō, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke) has been widely adopted by various industries in various countries. The 5S method (Seiri, Seiton, Seisō, Seiketsu, and Shitsuke) was first introduced in Japan as a determination to conduct sorting (Seiri), structuring (Seiton), cleansing (Seisō), maintaining steady conditions (Seiketsu), and self-awareness of the habits needed to carry out work well (Shitsuke). The implementation of community service activities in the form of socialization and training on the application of 5S (Seiri, Seiton, Seisō, Seiketsu, andShitsuke) to improve the quality of the work environment in the service industry is packaged in the form of simple, easy to understand concepts planned for three months

    Implementing Technology Acceptance Model to measure ICT usage by smallholder farmers

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    In the era of industry 4.0, especially in the agricultural sector, using ICT as a communication and information-gathering medium for farmers is crucial. However, the ICT adoption level by smallholder farmers varies greatly. This study investigates the elements influencing the ICT adoption level and utilization and explores the application of the TAM to smallholder farmers. Using descriptive quantitative methodology on three villages in Ngawi regency, East Java (N=53), this study indicated that smartphone usage in the research location was extremely high at 90.5%. A Spearman correlation value of 0.24 indicates a relationship between the PU and the education level of farmers. T-Test Two Means Independent was used to compare respondents' perception of ICT utilization through Perceived Use (PU) and Perceived Ease of Use (PEU); PU's average value of 17.5 was greater than PEU's average value of 13.9. It was determined that ICT perceived usefulness was felt more important than perceived ease of use by the respondents in their daily activities. Additionally, this study recommends that agriculture services development necessitates strategies to create ICT usefulness through smartphones. Such strategies will help increase the ICT effective adoption, reducing information gaps and raising the wealth of smallholder farmers


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    Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk mengindentifikasi, mengukur serta menganalisa kesenjangan yuang terjadi saat implementasi Good Pharmacy Practice (GPP) di PT. Kimia Farma Apotek, Unit Bisnis Jaya 2 Business Unit. Selain itu, proses perencanaan aksi dalam rangka pencapaian nilai tertinggi.Metode penelitian yang dilakukan adalah analisa deskripsi kualitatif, pencarian data melalui audit, observasi dan interview. Teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah analisa tulang ikan untuk mendapatkan akar penyebab dan sesi pencerahan dalam rangka perancangan peningkatan aksi perencanaan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kesenjangan terjadi disebabkan oleh keterlambatan aktifitas manajemen mutu, siklus PDSA, seperti perancangan tata letak dan infrastruktur farmasi, sosialisasi tentang GPP, pembahasan deskripsi kerja, audit hasil evaluasi dan peningkatan kerja secara komprehensif. Rekomendasi rencana aksi untuk sebagai sebuah upaya improvisasi juga disampaikan pada bagian akhir dari tulisan ini


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    Semakin berkembangnya dunia industri perusahaan manufaktur membuat semakin ketatnya  persaingan pasar untuk mencukupi kebutuhan konsumen. Selain itu perusahaan juga dituntut untuk dapat memuaskan konsumen dengan cara  menyelesaikan pesanan konsumen tepat pada waktunya. Sehingga perlu ditunjang oleh sistem produksi yag efisien. Untuk dapat menciptakan sistem produksi yang efisien maka diperlukan suatu perencanaan yang baik. Peramalan dan perencanaan material untuk box panel menjadi alasan yang kuat untuk meminimalkan stok gudang, khususnya PT. TIS.  Adapun untuk perencanaan persediaan material box panel tersebut memerlukan peramalan yang optimal dengan memafaatkan metode Simple Moving Average (SMA) dan Single Exponential Smoothing (SES). Dengan membandingkan kedua metode tersebut dihasilkan data bahwa dengan metode Simple Moving Average menghasilkan nilai eror (MAD dan MSE) paling kecil, yaitu sebesar MAD 7,3 dan MSE 72. Sedangkan untuk perencanaan material menggunakan metode MRP Lot for Lot (LFL) dan Fixed Order Quantity (FOQ). Hasil perbandingan kedua metode tersebut menghasilan sistem Lot for Lot lebih efisien dan sesuai diterapkan pada PT. TIS karena total biaya persediaan minimum, yaitu sebesar Rp 199.692.470


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    Law No 33 Year 20014 on halal product assurance affecting Indonesian market requirement of a product. Based on this regulation all products marketed in Indonesia must be a halal certified product. Flavor product is categorized as the material which requires halal certificate due to the complexity of the ingredients. Assessment Institute for Food, Drugs, and Cosmetic, The Indonesian Council of Ulama (AIFDC – ICU) taking the role as the halal certification body in Indonesia. Prerequisite program on halal certification is the implementation of Halal Assurance System (HAS). HAS contained eleven criteria, one of them is a written procedure for critical activities. This paper is to identify which stage of production activity that considered as critical activity. A qualitative empirical study performed in this research and the result showed that incoming material, production processes, quality inspection, packing, warehousing, and distribution are the critical activity in halal certified flavor production. Written procedure for critical activities cannot stand alone, this criteria is related to HAS criteria number four and six, material and production facility

    Peningkatan nilai OEE pada mesin printing kaca film menggunakan metode FMEA dan TPM

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    Mesin dikatakan memiliki produktivitas tinggi jika dapat menghasilkan produk secara cepat dengan sumber daya yang terbatas namun menghasilkan kualitas tinggi. Sebuah mesin printing berfungsi mencetak logo pada kaca film memiliki produktivitas yang cukup rendah. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah menganalisis six big losses pada mesin printing kaca film dan menerapkan metode FMEA serta TPM untuk menigkatkan nilai OEE Mesin printing kaca film. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian observatif (non-eksperimental). Data kuantitatif akan diambil dengan melihat permasalahan yang terjadi pada perusahaan. Berdasarkan hasil perhitungan Nilai OEE setelah perbaikan Available Rate mengalami kenaikan sebesar 7%, Performance Rate naik 2%, dan Quality Rate naik sebesar 17%. Maka dengan hasil ini Nilai OEE setelah perbaikan menjadi 39%. Berdasarkan analisis six big losses didapat loss terbesar adalah Quality Loss yaitu sebesar 25.597 menit atau dengan persentase 21,84%. Berdasarkan analisis FMEA masalah prioritas terkait Severity, Occurence, dan Detection yang prioritas yaitu (1). Tegangan roll film tidak stabil, (2). Tidak mencetak, (3). Operator terjepit, dan (4). Dot matrix mengalami dislokasi. Penerapan autonomous maintenance, kaizen, dan planned maintenance berhasil meningkatkan Nilai OEE Mesin Printing Kaca Film