14 research outputs found

    Analisis Prediksi Motion Sickness Incidence (Msi) Pada Kapal Catamaran 1000 Gt Dalam Tahap Desain Awal (Initial Design)

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    Gerakan kapal terombang – ambing atau naik turun di laut lepas yang diakibatkan oleh ombak yang besar dan terus menerus dapat mengakibatkan gejala sakit berupa kepala pusing, mual bahkan muntah yang seringkali diistilahkan sebagai mabuk laut (sea sickness atau motion sickness). Pada kapal penumpang(ferry)kondisi ini menjadi suatu persyaratan penting yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam proses desain. Dalam penelitian ini dilakukan kajian terhadap hasil perhitungan dan simulasi percepatan vertikal gerakan kapal catamaran 1000GT sehingga bisa dilihat unjuk kerja kapal terhadap Kenyamanan penumpang. Kenyamanan pada penumpang dilihat dari indeks jumlah penumpang yang mengalami mabuk laut pada periode tertentu dengan mengacu pada standard ISO-2631/1997. Perhitungan dan simulasi dilakukan pada beberapat titik di kapal untuk melihat percepatan vertikal yang terjadi. Dari hasil simulasi didapatkan pengaruh dari lokasi pengukuran, durasi dan arah ombak terhadap persentase jumlah penumpang yang mengalami gejala mabuk laut atau motion sickness incidence (MSI)

    Studi Perancangan Kapal Ferry Tipe Catamaran 1000gt

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    Pada tahap awal desain, untuk mendapatkan desain kapal yang optimum perlu dilakukan analisa untuk menentukan parameter utama dari kapal. Dalam penelitian ini akan dilakukan analisa terhadap pemilihan parameter utama dari kapal ferry catamaran kelas 1000GT untuk mendapatkan desain kapal ferry yang optimal. Parameter utama kapal ditentukan dari optimasi data utama kapal yang mirip yang dijadikan acuan set based design untuk mendapatkan ukuran kapal kapal ferry catamaran yang diinginkan. Geometri bentuk lambung kapal kemudian dioptimasikan dan dianalisa hambatannya menggunakan metode perhitungan, simulasi dan uji tarik. Rencana umum kapal kemudian dikembangkan untuk mendapatkan penataan ruang dan penentuan kapasitas kapal yang otimum. Dari hasil perhitungan menunjukkan bahwa kapal ferry catamaran 1000GT memiliki gross tonnage (GT) sebesar 1130GT dan nett tonnage (NT) 197GT. Dan daya mesin yang digunakan adalah 4 x 810 HP, untuk kecepatan dinas 15 knots


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    Abstract - The conditioning tower is a vertical evaporative cooling tower. Designed to reducing the temperature of the gas for lower temperature thermal processing. The gas of suspension preheater (SP) use for drying and transportationing in the Raw mill and Coal Mill, before be discharged into the environment through out the stack. The installation of the clean water piping system will be channeled to the conditioning tower, it use a spray that functions to reducing the temperature, pressure, and volume of gas that still contains the required dust. It’s removed before being channeled to the back filter, which final product is gas through the stack. Then perform calculations starting from headloss, pump head, pump power, and a amount of water needed. Modeling analysis with the help of pipe flow expert software in order to make comparisons with the calculations carried out and estimate the cost of the material needed. The total head pump obtained is 63.763 m and the pump power is 30.536 kW. The efficiency of manual head pump calculation with software is 3.13 % and pump power is 4.39% which is not more than the tolerance value 6.67% .The minimum amount of water needs is 55,944.3 liters with a usage period of 60 minutes. The estimated value of material costs is Rp. 458,567,125


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    Di PT. PERTAMINA Terminal BBM Tuban tidak luput dari sistem perpipaan. Pada jalur aboveground khususnya pada jalur penyaluran dan penerimaan telah terpasang support yang mempunyai jarak antar support ±12 meter antar support, baik untuk pipa dengan diameter 32 inchi sampai dengan pipa dengan diameter 6 inchi,mengingat pada ASME B31.4 telah mengatur batasan tegangan pada setiap pipa serta untuk melihat pada MSSSP69 dimana dalam standart menjelasankan bahwa jarak antar support memiliki batasan tertentu. Penentuan jaraksupport yang tepat sangatlah penting karena penentuan jarak support sangat berpengaruh terhadap tegangan yangterhadap sistem perpipaan. Perhitungan yang dilakukan adalah perhitungan tegangan akibat beban sustain, menggunakan softwareCaesar II dan perhitungan manual terhadap pipa dengan diameter 32 inchi. Nilai tegangan kemudian dianalisamenggunakan standard ASME B31.4. Selanjutnya pemaksimalan jarak support dihitung berdasarkan limitationallowabledeflection dan limitation of stress. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan jarak antar support baru yaitu 22.36 meter dengan memertimbangkannilai defleksi dan tegangannya. Nilai tegangan tertinggi akibat beban sustain pada jarak support lama terdapat padasegmen 44 yaitu sebesar 7306,095 psi dan pada jarak support baru terdapat pada segmen 21 yaitu sebesar13380,673 psi , nilai defleksi tebesar pada jarak antar support lama terdapat pada node 670 sebesar - 0,1253 dantebesar pada jarak antar support baru terdapat pada node 420 sebesar -0,6749 kearah sumbu Y

    Kajian Numerik Wax Deposition pada Crude Oil Pipeline dari Central Processing Area (CPA) ke Palang Station di JOB P-PEJ

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    Abstract – In the process of transporting crude oil using a pipeline, there are often troubling problems in this process. One of the most common problems is the reduced internal pipe diameter and the blockage the flow of crude oil due to wax deposition. Blockage flow of crude oil can reduce flow rate, equipment damage, and discontinue the production activities. Basically the wax will remain dissolved in crude oil because of thermal equilibrium. When thermmal equilibrium begins to disrupt, such as the temperature or pressure changes, the paraffins and other elements with high molecular weight will crystallize and begin to settles. In the case of the CPA-Palang Station pipeline system occurs the wax crystallization resulting wax deposition. The occurrence of wax deposition can be proved from the sediment carried by the pig during the pigging process. Therefore in this final project will be mapping the distribution of temperature, velocity and pressure along the pipeline. And after that can know the characteristics of wax deposition that occur along the pipeline of the modeling results done

    Impaired Glucose Metabolism in Liver Cirrhosis

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    Background: Approximately 30% of patients who suffer cirrhosis maybe diabetic, called hepatogenous diabetes (HD). Insulin resistance seems to be the pathophysiologic basis for HD. Aims of this study were to evaluate the glucose metabolism disorders in liver cirrhosis patients and to observe the insulin resistance in HD.Method: This study was conducted from February-July 2013 in Koja Hospital Jakarta. In the first phase, with observational design, inclusion criteria were liver cirrhosis and exclusion was an acute complication. We recorded their oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Patients who met the HD criteria were continued to the second phase, using analytic design, and were compared with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients as control. Mean differences of 2-hours postprandial plasma glucose/fasting plasma glucose (2hPPG/FPG) ratio, as well as fasting insulin levels between both groups were assessed.Results: Twenty four patients were included in our study. Normal glucose tolerance test were noted in 7 (29%) patients, impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in 6 (25%) patients and HD in other 11 (46%) patients. In the second phase, we obtained the ratio of 2hPPG/FPG in HD was 2 ± 0.5 and T2DM was 1.5 ± 0.4 (p = 0.01). Mean fasting insulin levels in HD was 10.8 ± 4.2 μIU/mL, while T2DM was 9.3 ± 5.3 μIU/mL (p = 0.5). The ratio of 2hPPG/FPG was higher in HD compared to T2DM, assuming the role of insulin resistance in HD.Conclusion: There were impaired glucose metabolism in liver cirrhosis patients, as well as hepatogenous diabetes. Insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia appeared to play role in HD

    Diabetes Mellitus Due to Liver Cirrhosis in 33-Year-Old Female

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    Impaired glucose metabolism can occur in patient with chronic liver disease, either it is impaired glucose tolerance or diabetes mellitus (DM). DM due to liver cirrhosis is known as hepatogenous diabetes (HD). HDis different from type 2 DM in clinical signs and management.A 33-year-old female came with chief complaint of fatigue since three days before admission. Patient also complained of nausea, vomiting, and increased abdominal circumference since one year ago. Patient wasdiagnosed with DM two months ago. From physical examination, anemic and ascites without signs of cirrhosis were obtained. Laboratory test showed mild anemia with hemoglobin levels 6.5 g/dL, elevated serum bilirubinand liver enzymes, decreased serum albumin, prolonged prothrombin time and elevated random blood glucose. Serologic test showed chronic hepatitis B with HBV DNA 1.61 x 104 copy/mL. The abdominal ultrasound resultshowed liver cirrhosis with ascites.The patient was diagnosed with hepatogenous diabetes in liver cirrhosis due to chronic hepatitis B infection and anemia of chronic disease. The management of this patient was quite complex especially in administrationof oral antidiabetic agent which could affect the liver function

    A concise synthesis of pyrrole-based drug candidates from α-hydroxyketones, 3-oxobutanenitrile, and anilines

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    A simple and concise three-component synthesis of a key pyrrole framework was developed from the reaction between α-hydroxyketones, oxoacetonitriles, and anilines. The synthesis was used to obtain several pyrrole-based drug candidates, including COX-2 selective NSAID, antituberculosis lead candidates BM212, BM521, and BM533, as well as several analogues. This route has potential to obtain diverse libraries of these pyrrole candidates in a concise manner to develop optimum lead compounds.Nanyang Technological UniversityPublished versionThis research was funded by the College of Engineering (Startup Grant), Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, and by the United Arab Emirates University (UAEU), Al-Ain (Grant no.G00003918)

    Desain Sistem Perpipaan Air Tawar pada Kapal Patroli

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    Patrol boat freshwater tank capacity is unable to meet the occupant's need for washing, drinking, and bathing. Its freshwater piping system used is not standard either. One of the solution for this problem is adding reverse osmosis water maker. But because its position is at the equipment room, it causes a new problem. Its distance with seachest is too far so a suitable piping system is needed. Based on the problem above, a calculation of fresh water needs must be carried out first. Then its design and fabrications can be made . This piping system design can minimize pump power needs as effective as possible. It must also consider headloss to determine it. Fabrication and material calculation can be carried out later. The result is reverse osmosis water maker can solve the lack of fresh water in that ship. Pump and pipelines design are made according to the owner's request. Sanitary system design is also made based on general arrangement completed with pump power needed