958 research outputs found

    The Importance of Acknowledgement as a High Class Society for Teenager in Alyson Noël's Faking 19

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    This paper discusses the Alex's desire to be acknowledged as a high class person. Alex comes from a middle class background. When she enters high school, she started to change. In this paper I analyze the changes that happened to Alex. In the analysis, I use Georg Simmel's theory about fashion and metropolitan lifestyle. I divided this analysis into three parts. The first part, it discusses what Alex does to get the acknowledgement. Second, it discusses the reasons and result behind her desire to be acknowledged as a high class. Finally, it discusses what Alex learns from her encounter with the high class. Through the analysis I find that Faking 19 shows an important moral lesson. Being acknowledged as a high class is not the most important thing in life. The most important thing in life is when someone can be themselves

    Serum Serotonin Levels Among Homosexual and Heterosexual Men

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    Background: Variations in sexual preferences and orientations have both proximate and ultimate causes. Serotonin (5-HT) system is a key in the regulation of reward-related behaviors, from eating, drinking to sexual activity. Recent study demonstrated that a serotonin level is involved in sexual preference in rodent as animal models. This study focuses on the profile of serotonin levels from blood among homosexual compared to heterosexual men.Methods: Eight adult (34.5±7.69) homosexual men were purposively collected from homosexual communities in Surabaya, as well thirteen adult (27.61±5.14) heterosexual men from Semarang. Complete psychological examinations were done, then serum serotonin levels were measured using ELISA. Furthermore age and Zung-self-rating depression scale were cross matched, then serum serotonin levels were tested using Mann-Whitney U Test to determine the difference of serotonin levels among two groups.Results: Our data demonstrated that 25% of homosexual men suffered from depression. There was no difference on serum serotonin levels among homosexual men compared to heterosexual men (p=0.41).Conclusion: There is no significant difference on serum serotonin levels among homosexual and to heterosexual men

    Nomenklatur Dinamika Pemikiran Hukum Islam

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    Artikel ini akan mengulas tentang nomenklatur dinamika hukum Islam (Islamic Law) yang merupakan hasil dialektika antara syariah dan realitassosial atau ijtihad. Proses ijtihad ini menggiring pada Kenyataan adanya proses dialektika pemikiran sekaligus dialektika sosio-kultural sehingga melahirkan para mujtahid yang menumbuhkan keragaman fikih di berbagai tempat. Fikih menjadi sesuatu yang memiliki beragam varian di dalamnya. Ada banyak tawaran yang dimiliki dalam sebuah persoalan hukum. Kajian ini akan menuju konklusi pada bagaimana mekanisme dari metode dan teori yang diterapkan para mujtahid dalam menjawab persoalan umat dalam konteks ruang dan waktu yang berbeda hingga dewasa ini yang mengalami pasang surut.This article will discuss about nomenklature of Islamic law dynamics that is the result of it between syariah and social reality or ijtihad. This process of ijtihad brings into the reality that there are the processes of dialectic thinking and socio-cultural dialect at once so that it bears mujtahids who needs the diversity of fikihin many places. Fikih becomes the thing that has many variants inside. There are many things to discuss in a legal issues. This study will lead to conclusionson how the mechanism of method and theory applied mujtahid in answering the question of race in a different space and time to today that have ups and downs

    On the Feasibility of a Stop NLSP in Gravitino Dark Matter Scenarios

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    We analyze the possibility that the lighter stop {\tilde t_1} could be the next-to-lightest supersymmetric particle (NLSP) in models where the gravitino is the lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). We do not find any possibility for a stop NLSP in the constrained MSSM with universal input soft supersymmetry-breaking masses at the GUT scale (CMSSM), but do find small allowed regions in models with non-universal Higgs masses (NUHM). We discuss the cosmological evolution of stop hadrons. Most {\tilde t_1}qq `sbaryons' and the corresponding `antisbaryons' annihilate with conventional antibaryons and baryons into {\tilde t_1}{\bar q} `mesinos' and the corresponding `antimesinos', respectively, shortly after the quark-hadron transition in the early Universe, and most mesinos and antimesinos subsequently annihilate. As a result, insufficient metastable charged stop hadrons survive to alter Big Bang nucleosynthesis.Comment: 31 pages, 14 figure

    Pengelolaan dan Pengembangan Usaha Retail dan Trading pada PT. Xyz di Jawa Timur

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    Di Indonesia UMKM (Usaha Mikro, Kecil dan Menengah) memiliki peran yang sangat penting sebagai salah satu penunjang utama kehidupan perekonomian di Indonesia. PT. XYZ merupakan salah satu usaha menengah yang bergerak dalam bidang otomotif sepeda motor. Penelitian ini membahas mengenai pengelolaan dan pengembangan usaha retail dan trading pada PT. XYZ, serta mendiskripsikan lingkungan internal dan eksternal Perusahaan pada PT. XYZ, serta rencana pengembangan bisnis PT. XYZ.Teknik analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif, dan untuk penentuan informan dalam penelitian ini digunakan purposive technique. Purposive technique digunakan untuk mendapatkan data yang diperlukan dalam penelitian.Dari hasil penelitian yang telah dilakukan dapat disimpulkan bahwa pengelolaan Perusahaan pada PT. XYZ memiliki kendala pada aspek keuangan, teknologi informasi, persaingan yang semakin ketat, dan menghadapi produk pengganti. Melalui analisa tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa formulasi strategi yang dapat mengembangkan bisnis ini adalah strategi diferensiasi, yaitu dengan memberi benefit ekstra yang dirasakan oleh konsumen. Kata kunci: UMKM, Pengelolaan Usaha, Pengembangan Usaha, dan Strategi Diferensiasi

    Perancangan Dan Pembuatan Aplikasi Erd Generator Notasi Orm Dari Skrip Basis Data Oracle Berbasis J2ee

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    The existing of database processing is needed by many institutions and companies. Database is not only to get information faster, it is also enlarging their service to customer. For companies, this advantage can increase competency. Because of this reason, many companies using manual processing turn to database. As mentioned above, database reverse engineering process has became a necessity for database developers to understand the structure of any databases. Commonly, this structure is modeled in some notations of Entity Relationships Diagram (ERD). The graphical visualization of database structure in an ERD can use many notations, so it is easy to understand. One of the approaches, which are easy to understand, is Object Role Modeling (ORM) diagram. By reverse engineering the mapping process to relation schema of a database, ERD generation from a data definition language script of Oracle can be done. For more flexibility, this application is constructed web based with Servlets technology that is propertied by JavaTM 2 SDK

    Analisis Pengaruh Price, Overall Satisfaction, Dan Trust Terhadap Intention to Return Pada Online Store Lazada

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    Peningkatan penggunaan internet saat ini dapat menciptakan sebuah peluang untuk berbisnis secara online. Dalam berbelanja online price, overall satisfaction, trust mempengaruhi intention to return dari customer. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif dengan sampel 100 responden yang telah melakukan pembelian di Lazada. Data dikumpulkan melalui pembagian kuisioner. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis statistical product and service solution. Hasil dari analisis adalah price,overall satisfaction, dan trust mempengaruhi intention to return