1,196 research outputs found

    USAge of Groupware in Software Engineering Education at the Cscw Laboratory of University Duisburg-essen: Possibilities and Limitations

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    This paper analyzes the application level in CSCW laboratory there are Electronic meeting rooms, Video Conferencing, Desktop Conference (Passenger), and BSCW system which conducting in The University Duisburg – Essen Germany. This analysis included short analysis and discussion about possibilities and limitation of each experiment followed by outlook how this lab can be further developed.Multi-user to Multipoint Videoconferences is introduced to cover all of devices join to the conferences. A computer network, PSTN (Public Switched Telephone Network), ISDN Phone, Wireless Infrastructures (accessed by laptop, smart phone, PDA) and videoconferences systems is proposed to be integrate

    The development of a model for the analysis of bus operations and competition

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    The new competitive environment in the bus industry that has been created by deregulation has forced operators to face a new situation where financial constraint becomes the main issue. The operation of public transport system has become more commercial than before and there is a need for greater accountability. These mean that operators need new skills so that they can adapt the service offered according to the level and the pattern of travel demand and, more importantly, estimate revenue more precisely. This implies that extra precautions are needed in deciding on the route to operate, the type of vehicle, the level of fares, the level of service frequency, and so on. Much prior work in the field of public transport operations has dealt with the operational strategy in terms of vehicle scheduling or crew rostering rather than considering it in a broader context. However, as the new operating environment has arisen in recent years, the broader questions mentioned above need to be addressed. The research being presented in this work describes the development of models that are applicable for the analysis of the operation of bus services, particularly in the context of the operational strategies mentioned above. In doing so, two models have been developed : one of single-route bus operations and the other of bus operations on a network. Both forms of model have been developed to represent the responses of passengers (demand) toward the service offered by the operator (supply) under monopoly conditions as well as in a competitive market. In the development of the model it has been assumed that passengers' decisions on which path they want to take, and on which bus they want to ride, are based upon the disutility of the alternatives available. Several issues such as : passenger assignment, the split between walking and bus trips, and route choice have been taken into consideration. Using the two models the implications of various operating strategies under the condition of a monopoly as well as a competitive regime have been investigated. The results of the exercises show that the performance of bus operation is strongly influenced by the level and the pattern of travel demand, and, more importantly, by the operational strategy of the service such as : the fare system, the type of vehicle used, and service frequencies

    Membangun Aplikasi Bel Otomatis Berbasis Mikrokontroler di SMA Unggul Sakti Jambi

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    Sistem bel pada SMA Unggul Sakti Jambi dilakukan masih secara manual walaupun sudah bertenaga listrik, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membangun sistem bel otomatis yang menggunakan perangkat mikrokontroler yang dilakukan dengan tahapan studi literatur, pengumpulan data, analisis sistem, pengembangan sistem dan pembuatan laporan. Penelitian ini menghasilkan aplikasi bel otomatis yang dapat memprogram jadwal bel yang telah ditentukan dengan menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Microsoft Visual Basic 2010 Express yang dapat membantu siste

    Flavor and CP violating physics from new supersymmetric thresholds

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    Treating the MSSM as an effective theory, we study the implications of having dimension five operators in the superpotential for flavor and CP-violating processes, exploiting the linear decoupling of observable effects with respect to the new threshold scale \Lambda. We show that the assumption of weak scale supersymmetry, when combined with the stringent limits on electric dipole moments and lepton flavor-violating processes, provides sensitivity to \Lambda as high as 10^7-10^9 GeV, while the next generation of experiments could directly probe the high-energy scales suggested by neutrino physics.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figur

    Peran Nilai Utilitarian dan Hedonis terhadap Kepuasan dan Loyalitas Konsumen Minuman Probiotik

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    Meningkatnya taraf hidup dan kesejahteraan masyarakat berpengaruh terhadap pola konsumen pangan. Hal ini ditandai dengan meningkatnya permintaan minuman probiotik sebagai minuman fungsional. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis peran utilitarian dan sikap hedonis terhadap kepuasan dan loyalitas konsumen. Metode pengambilan sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah non probability sampling dengan teknik purposive sampling. Jumlah responden sebanyak 100 orang. Kriteria responden adalah penduduk dengan usia 18 tahun ke atas dan mengkonsumsi minuman probiotik merk X minimal dua kali dalam sebulan. Data diolah menggunakan Partial Least Square (PLS). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan utilitarian berpengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan maupun terhadap loyalitas konsumen. Nilai hedonis berpengaruh terhadap kepuasan konsumen dan juga berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas. Hasil riset ini juga menunjukkan bahwa kepuasan berpengaruh terhadap loyalitas konsumen

    Pendidikan Karakter Dan Pembelajaran Bahasa Asing Berwawasan Interkultural

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    : Today foreign language teaching and learning plays an important role in the Indonesian education system. By learning foreign languages it is expected that learners are able to communicate in languages of different countries in the world. Acquiring a foreign language also enables them to access knowledge from other countries. One of the ways to achieve this is through interculturaloriented language teaching and learning. Language and culture are inseparable and therefore the success of foreign language teaching and learning is influenced by how cultural aspects are integrated into language teaching. In the Indonesian education system, the foreign language teaching and learning has to meet the requirements set out in the National Education Act, No. 2, 2003. This act requires that the foreign language teaching also support character education

    Impact of PT. Central Proteinaprima Customer Relationship Management Towards Customer Loyalty in Sidoarjo Area

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    Customer Relationship Management is considered as an important factor that can impact customer loyalty in purchasing a product. In Sidoarjo, PT. Central Proteinaprima, a fish feed company, also competes with other companies to attract customer loyalty. This research is conducted with the aim to find out the effect of customer relationship management on customer loyalty. The data was gathered using simple random sampling by distributing questionnaires to 150 respondents in Sidoarjo. The data was analyzed by using Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. The result shows that customer relationship management simultaneously has significant impact on customer loyalty. Furthermore, the result also shows that interaction management, relationship development, quality of services, and behavior of employees have significant impact toward customer loyalty
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