233 research outputs found

    Implementasi Directed Acyclic Word Graph Dengan Menggunakan Algoritma Blow the Bridge Pada Web Crawler Untuk Indexing Web

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    Dengan kemungkinan begitu banyaknya kata yang kembar atau sama dalamsebuah halaman web, pemeriksaan setiap kata yang kembar dengan memanfaatkanpemeriksaan dalam database secara teori akan membuat kinerja tueb crawlingmenjadi kurang efektif. Oleh karenanya, kata-kata yang terdapat dalam sebuahhalaman web perlu untuk diperiksa dan dipilah dalam memori utama denganmemanfaatk an Directed Acy clic Word Graph sebelum masuk pada database sebagaidaftar kata. Analisis dilakukan pada dat a-dala indexing web dan kecepat an searchinguntuk melihat potensi Directed Acy clic Word Graph pada 5oo dokumen web yang adadi internet. Kesimpulan yang diperoleh antara lain, penggunaan Directed AcyclicWord Graph pada 5oo dokumen yang diujicobakan dapat menghemat jumlah katahinggahampir g6%odarijumlah data semula, sedangkan pencariankatapadaDirectedAcyclic Word Graph dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor seperti kecepatan perangkatkeras, jumlah URLyang ditemukan, panjangkatayangdicari, dan sering atautidaknyakata tersebut muncul pada satu kedalaman tertentu

    Evaluasi Pengembangan Terminal Penumpang Bandar Udara Husein Sastranegara

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    Husein Sastranegara Airport is located in Bandung. This airport has experienced growth in numbers of passengers and the number of passengers has exceeded the capacity of passenger terminal, so that the development of a passenger terminal is needed. The aim of this study is to evaluate the compliance of Husein Sastranegara Airport\u27s passenger terminal development to the criteria of the Indonesia National Standard (SNI) 03-7046-2004, about Passenger Terminal at Airports. The design of passenger terminal development is compared with the criteria stated in the SNI 03-7046-2004. The results show that the design of passenger terminal development does not fulfill the passenger terminal area needed for the design life of 20 years because there is a lack of area and facilities

    Implementasi Dynamic Programming Pada Penentuan Jenis Material Utama Bangunan Arena Futsal

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    Building futsal court need some planning, especially about the materials needed to build a futsal court such as synthetic grass, roofs, walls, benches, and some other materials. Each of materials have many choices usually based on quality and price. Thus it needs a system to assist on calculating the optimum materials combination based on a specified budget. Minimax Route method are used with dynamic programming techniques to maximize the quality of materials while minimizing the price of materials chosen. Based on system testing conducted to futsal court owners in Yogyakarta, the implementation are helpful and have many useful information for someone who want to build futsal court

    Implementasi Algoritma Twofish Dani Least Significant Bit (Lsb) Untuk Penyembunyian File Text Pada Citra Digital

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    Security and confidentiality of information are considered a requirement in today\u27s communication media. Many people have used Internet to share and distribute confidential information. On the other hand, many Malicious activities attempts to steal those information by irresponsible parties. Therefore, information must be secured and converted into another form before it is sent to the destination by the use of cryptography and steganography. We developed a program to secure this information, by using Twofish and Least Significant Bit algorithm to encrypt secret messages and then insert it into an image file. By combining these two methods, we can achieve higher levet of information security.The information encoded with twofish algorithm will change the fite size stightly. This changes are caused by the use of padding. In addition, both of the output image are not resistant by some manipulation operations. The output of the system in BMP format does not change the file size after insertion process, while PNG format will have a stightty dffirence infile size due to processing in bitmap mode

    Perbandingan Algoritma Shortest Path Dalam Pemrosesan Citra Digital Seam Carving

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    Seam carving is a method of content aware image resizing. As solutions shortest path algorithms are used to find images seams. Seam is a horizontal or vertical path of an image that has minimum energy. There are two (2) shortest path algorithms that will be discussed in this paper. This paper contains the results of shortest path algorithms comparison between Dijkstra and Directed Acyclic Graph to see which one is better than another in case of efficiency. The precomputed and recomputed methods will be compared to find the more efficient method for executing the seam carving transformation. A web application has been built for this purpose. This web app is capable of transforming image size with seam carving method. The complexity of Dijkstra and Acyclic will be compared to find which one is better. The result is Dijkstra has been won, with the O(4V) with Acyclicis O(5V). The use of precomputed and recomputed is evaluated by the conditions. If the preparation is evaluated then recomputed is more efficient, but if the preparation is not evaluated then the precomputed method is the better one and has faster performance

    Implementasi Algoritma Generate and Test Pada Pencarian Rute Terpendek

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    Masalah pencarian merupakan masalah yang umum diterapkan pada sistem berdasarkan Kecerdasan Buatan. Salah satu metode pencarian heuristik dalam terminology Kecerdasan Buatan yang cukup dikenal adalah Generate and Test. Travelling Salesman Problem (TSP) atau dipahami sebagai pencarian jalur terpendek sering diimplementasikan ke dalam dunia nyata. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengimplementasikan konsep pencarian heuristik dengan algoritma Generate and Test pada pencarian rute terpendek dengan studi kasus bus Trans Jogja. Parameter yang digunakan adalah jarak atau waktu. Dari hasil penelitian ini didapatkan sebuah sistem yang mampu menemukan rute terpendek, rute alternatif (jika ada), saran trayek yang digunakan beserta analisis perhitungan setiap rute yang ditemukan

    Analisis Gaussian Dan Edge Connection Dalam Penajaman Deteksi Tepi Menggunakan Metode Canny

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    Edge detection is one of many ways to get information from an image without big data storage needed. In this research, the edge detecting is done by implementing Canny edge detection algorithm. The focus of this research is to analyze the effect of two variables of the first process of Canny, Gaussian filter smoothing, that is size of matrix and variance, to the sharpening of edge detection. The testing is done by changing the size of the matrix and the value of the variance. The results showed that the best matrix size and variance for sharp edge detection is less than 30x30 and 30

    Perbandingan Metode Lz77, Metode Huffman Dan Metode Deflate Terhadap Kompresi Data Teks

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    Data compression is a very important process in the world that has been vastly using digital files, such as for texts, images, sounds or videos. Those digital files has a varied size and often taking disk storage spaces. To overcome this problem, many experts created compression algorithms, both for lossy and lossless compression. This research discusses about testing of four lossless compression algorithms that applied for text files, such as LZ77, Static Huffman, LZ77 combined with Static Huffman, and Deflate. Performance comparison of the four algorithms is measured by obtaining the compression ratio. From the test results can be concluded that the Deflate algorithm is the best algorithm due to the use of multiple modes, i.e. uncompressed mode, LZ77 combined with Static Huffman mode, and LZ77 combined with Dynamic Huffman Coding mode. The results also showed that the Deflate algorithm can compress text files and generates an average compression ratio of 38.84%
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