1 research outputs found

    Prototype Aplikasi Penjadwalan Manning Agent Crew Kapal Tanker Menggunakan Algoritma Ant Colony Optimization: Study Kasus PT Scorpa Pranedya

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    β€” Agent Manning in management is certainly not easy to manage hundreds Crew of various levels against the background of different and diverse certifications In an interview with the author of a work colleague at the author found many obstacles in the face of five-run ship and each the ship has 21 crew who had to standby 40% of the total crew is extremely difficult to schedule the crew when to sail and when to be off while the methods used manually using Microsof office program is Microsoft Excel With the system First off First Join author will build the system information by implementing Ant Colony Optimization algorithm, so that the crew and the tanker did not experience any schedule Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm is a kind of meta-heuristic algorithms that have been proven to be able to resolve a lot of problems that are difficult combinatorial algorithm mimics the behavior of ants when the They were In a colony to find a source of food ant algorithm focuses on behavior or habit that is often done (bypassed) by ant with the ability and uniqueness of ants, which have the ability naturally (real ant) to find a path or shortest path from the nest to a source of food without understanding the visual (sight) information systems that are built using Ant Colony Optimization algorithm is capable of generating scheduling assignment by the willingness of the tanker crew and able to provide a replacement crew schedule information for the next period