50 research outputs found

    Revitalisasi dan Eksplorasi Kearifan Lokal (Local Wisdom) dalam Konteks Pembangunan Karakter Bangsa

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    Traditional culture, including local knowledge, a sign of backwardness and obstacles inachieving socio-economic progress. An opinion that further strengthen the polarization betweenindigenous innovation. Local culture (also often called cultural areas) is the term commonly used todistinguish a culture of national culture (Indonesia) and global culture. Local culture is a culture that isowned by the people who occupy a particular locality or region different from the culture of which isowned by the people who are in a different plac

    Peramalan Produksi Kelapa Sawit Menggunakan Peubah Agroekologi di Kalimantan Selatan

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    Estimation on oil palm production is important for company planning. However, there are only few studies have been conducted in Kalimantan. The objective of the study was to identify agronomic and agroecological factors determined production of oil palm in Kalimantan. The study was conducted at PT Ladangrumpun Suburabadi, Minamas Plantation Angsana Estate, Tanah Bumbu District, South Kalimantan, Indonesia from February 15 to June 15, 2010. Data were collected from the company, government institutions and interviews with the company staffs. Results showed that seven parameters signifi cantly determined estimation of oil palm production. Out of 18 possible linier models, 6 models showed good fi t as predictor. The best modeling as predictor was determined by current plant age (in months), fertilizer application at 18 months before harvest (MBH), relative air humidity at 6 MBH (%), light intensity at 18 MBH (%), rainfall at 6 MBH (mm), level of water defi cit at 24 MBH (mm) and number rainy day at 18 MBH (days). It was expressed in equation Y = 3.15 + 0.010 age -0.016 fertilizer -0.016 light intensity -0.005 water defi cit -0.015 number of rainy day. This fi nding implies that recording data of agronomic and ecological factors are important for production estimation. Eventhough the model is best fi t to the study site, however, it needs further verifi cation when applied in larger area of the other sites in Kalimantan

    Genetic Variations of Amorphophallus Variabilis Blume (Araceae) in Java Using AFLP

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    Amorphophallus variabilis Blume, a member of Araceae, is a native tuber crop in Java, Madura and Kangean Islands,Indonesia. The plant showed high variations in morphology. However, genetic variations at molecular level have not beenwell studied. Amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) was carried out using 8 primers combination of EcoRI andMseI on 78 accessions collected from 28 sites in Java, Indonesia. Results showed that AFLP markers able to generatepolymorphism among accessions. A total of 220 polymorphisms were found. The differences among accessions at the geneticlevel were high, and 5 clusters were constructed. Grouping was independent of geographical origin, similar to clustering ofmorphological characteristic of flowers as in the previous report. Accessions from one site composed of one to four differentcluster groups, showed that variation in single site was observed. Regarding conservation program of the A. variabilis innatural population, it is reasonable to protect one bigger site rather than many small sites, but it should be recommended tomaintain conservation areas in several districts. Further study on population structure should be carried out to explain suchvariability

    Soil Biology Contribution on Agricultural Land Suitability Evaluation of Wet Tropical Megabiodiversity Regions

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    Indonesia is in the region "wet tropical megabiodiversity" it would need to complete the system for agricultural land suitability evaluation in accordance with real conditions, thus increasing the value-added resources optimally and sustainable and accountable production investment. Soil organisms as a component of production support can act as an agent of energy and nutrient cycling in the soil, improving soil physical properties, and controlling pests and disease. For that soil, biological parameters that need to be considered in evaluating the suitability of land that already exist include: N-fixing or P-solubilizing bacteria groups that live symbiosis and free-living, the fungi solubilizing P and soil organic matter decomposition groups, BGA fixing and free-living N symbiotic groups, fauna groups are able to conserve soil organic matter and improve soil physical properties. Important steps that need to be done in the evaluation of land cover inventory of soil biological populations and its role on the growth of crops, and evaluate the suitability of the soil biological parameters of the functional value of commodity options

    Persepsi dan Partisipasi Masyarakat dalam Pembangunan Infrastruktur (Studi Kasus Pembangunan Mrt Rute Koridor Selatan-utara, Tahap 1, Lebak Bulus Jakarta Selatan

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    Infrastructure development is an important part of an expansion of a regionand country which is the duties and obligations of the center or local government. Ininfrastructure development social aspects should be noticed in order to realize a participatoryand quality development. MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) development policy is a policy to increasethe infrastructure development. This research was a development study which reviewed on howthe perception and participation of the society towards the infrastructure developmentparticularly in MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) development in Lebak Bulus District, South Jakarta.This was a mixed research method between quantitative and qualitative with samplingtechnique using questionnaire, interview and document. The main focuses in this research werethe context of society perception to MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) development in Lebak BulusDistrict, South Jakarta, society participation towards the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit)development in Lebak Bulus District, South Jakarta, and the correlation of perception andparticipation of the society towards the MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) development in Lebak BulusDistrict, South Jakarta from its implementation in the field

    Analisis Dampak Implementasi Kebijakan Dan Persepsi Masyarakat Tentang Aslih Fungsi Lahan Terhadap Tingkat Kesejahteraan Petani

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan mengkaji tentang implementasi kebijakan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah di Kabupaten Semarang. Kebijakan Pembangunan di Kabupaten Semarang dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesejahteraan masyarakat. Penelitian ini menganilisis dampak yang terjadi dari implementasi kebijakan pembangunan, mengetahui dampak yang ditimbulkan dari pembangunan dan persepsi masyarakat sekitar yang merasakan dampak dari kebijakan pembangunan tersebut. Peneliti memilih Desa Banyukuning, Kecamatan Bandungan, Kabupaten Semarang sebagai studi kasus penelitian. Dimana akan diukur dampak yang terjadi dari implementasi kebijakan terhadap konversi lahan yang berpengaruh terhadap tingkat kesejahteraan petani serta mengetahui persepsi masyarakat tentang implementasi kebijakan Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah Kabupaten Semarang. Metode yang digunakan dalam peneitian ini adalah metode penelitian kombinasi dengan pendekatan kualitatif dan kuantitatif dengan metode deskriptif. Dalam memperoleh data, peneliti menggunakan alat penelitian wawancara dengan informan penelitian adalah Badan Perencanaan dan Pembangunan Kabupaten Semarang, Dinas Pekerjaan Umum Kabupaten Semarang dan Pihak lain yang terlibat dalam implementasi kebijakan serta menyebar kuisioner kepasa masyarakat dan dianalisis menggunakan skala likert serta menguji pengaruh dengan analisis Chi-Square. Peneliti juga menggunakan data sekunder yang berasal dari Peraturan Daerah terkait serta sumber kepustakaan lain seperti buku dan jurnal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa implementasi kebijakan masih kurang baik dari segi pengawasan. Hal tersebut dibuktikan dengan tingginya angka konversi lahan pertanian yang terjadi karna pengawasan yang kurang intensif. Selain itu dari hasil penelitian dari masyarakat bahwa konversi lahan yang dilakukan oleh pemilik lahan dilakukan dengan tujuan untuk dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup serta kebutuhan akan lahan rumah bagi masyarakat dari adanya pertumbuhan penduduk. Dari hal tersebut memperlihatkan angka kesejahteraan petani yang menurun melalui penghitungan Nilai Tukar Petani. Oleh karna itu, pemerintah harus lebih memperketat pengawasan guna tercapainya implementasi yang sesuai dengan tujuan kebijakan