393 research outputs found

    On Membrane Motor Activity and Chloride Flux in the Outer Hair Cell: Lessons Learned from the Environmental Toxin Tributyltin

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    AbstractThe outer hair cell (OHC) underlies mammalian cochlea amplification, and its lateral membrane motor, prestin, which drives the cell's mechanical activity, is modulated by intracellular chloride ions. We have previously described a native nonselective conductance (GmetL) that influences OHC motor activity via Cl flux across the lateral membrane. Here we further investigate this conductance and use the environmental toxin tributyltin (TBT) to better understand Cl-prestin interactions. Capitalizing on measures of prestin-derived nonlinear capacitance to gauge Cl flux across the lateral membrane, we show that the Cl ionophore TBT, which affects neither the motor nor GmetL directly, is capable of augmenting the native flux of Cl in OHCs. These observations were confirmed using the chloride-sensitive dye MQAE. Furthermore, the compound's potent ability, at nanomolar concentrations, to equilibrate intra- and extracellular Cl concentrations is shown to surpass the effectiveness of GmetL in promoting Cl flux, and secure a quantitative analysis of Cl-prestin interactions in intact OHCs. Using malate as an anion replacement, we quantify chloride effects on the nonlinear charge density and operating voltage range of prestin. Our data additionally suggest that ototoxic effects of organotins can derive from their disruption of OHC Cl homeostasis, ultimately interfering with anionic modulation of the mammalian cochlear amplifier. Notably, this observation identifies a new environmental threat for marine mammals by TBT, which is known to accumulate in the food chain

    Intercellular communication in the supporting cells of the organ of Corti.

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    We have directly tested the concept that the supporting cells of the organ of Cortt are functionally coupled through gap junctions. In vitro and in viva preparations were evaluated. Electrical measurements clearly show that the cells are coupled ionically. Voltage drops measured in neighboring cells in response to intracellular current injections indicate that current spread decays rapidly. Despite the existence of electrical coupling, fluorescent dye injection studies revealed no dye spread into adjacent cells. other than a few instances which were clearly artifactual. However, it is possible that dye spread is very slow and that dye in adjacent cells is diluted below visual detectability. In any case. dye coupling is remarkably pcwr compared to other electrically coupled tissues. The role of coupling m the supporting cells may he nutritive, considering the avascular nature of Corti's organ

    A Two-Channel Patch-Clamp System on a Chip

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    The public emergency enactment, 1917. The quarantine and prevention of disease enactment, 1903

    Stria Vascularis Dysfunction in a Mouse Model of Mitochondrial Hearing Loss

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    We recently described a transgenic mouse model of hearing loss induced by over-expression of the mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (rRNA) methyltransferase, TFB1M (Tg-TFB1M). These mice recapitulate maternally inherited deafness caused by the human A1555G mtDNA mutation, which results in increased methylation of the 12S rRNA in mitochondrial ribosomes and tissue-specific susceptibility to apoptosis. The present study aims to identify the specific cellular and tissue based pathologies underlying this form of deafness

    Mitochondrial Stress Engages E2F1 Apoptotic Signaling to Cause Deafness

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    SummaryMitochondrial dysfunction causes poorly understood tissue-specific pathology stemming from primary defects in respiration, coupled with altered reactive oxygen species (ROS), metabolic signaling, and apoptosis. The A1555G mtDNA mutation that causes maternally inherited deafness disrupts mitochondrial ribosome function, in part, via increased methylation of the mitochondrial 12S rRNA by the methyltransferase mtTFB1. In patient-derived A1555G cells, we show that 12S rRNA hypermethylation causes ROS-dependent activation of AMP kinase and the proapoptotic nuclear transcription factor E2F1. This retrograde mitochondrial-stress relay is operative in vivo, as transgenic-mtTFB1 mice exhibit enhanced 12S rRNA methylation in multiple tissues, increased E2F1 and apoptosis in the stria vascularis and spiral ganglion neurons of the inner ear, and progressive E2F1-dependent hearing loss. This mouse mitochondrial disease model provides a robust platform for deciphering the complex tissue specificity of human mitochondrial-based disorders, as well as the precise pathogenic mechanism of maternally inherited deafness and its exacerbation by environmental factors.PaperFlic

    Functional, Morphological, and Evolutionary Characterization of Hearing in Subterranean, Eusocial African Mole-Rats

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    Naked mole-rats are highly vocal, eusocial, subterranean rodents with, counterintuitively, poor hearing. The causes underlying their altered hearing are unknown. Moreover, whether altered hearing is degenerate or adaptive to their unique lifestyles is controversial. We used various methods to identify the factors contributing to altered hearing in naked and the related Damaraland mole-rats and to examine whether these alterations result from relaxed or adaptive selection. Remarkably, we found that cochlear amplification was absent from both species despite normal prestin function in outer hair cells isolated from naked mole-rats. Instead, loss of cochlear amplification appears to result from abnormal hair bundle morphologies observed in both species. By exploiting a well-curated deafness phenotype-genotype database, we identified amino acid substitutions consistent with abnormal hair bundle morphology and reduced hearing sensitivity. Amino acid substitutions were found in unique groups of six hair bundle link proteins. Molecular evolutionary analyses revealed shifts in selection pressure at both the gene and the codon level for five of these six hair bundle link proteins. Substitutions in three of these proteins are associated exclusively with altered hearing. Altogether, our findings identify the likely mechanism of altered hearing in African mole-rats, making them the only identified mammals naturally lacking cochlear amplification. Moreover, our findings suggest that altered hearing in African mole-rats is adaptive, perhaps tailoring hearing to eusocial and subterranean lifestyles. Finally, our work reveals multiple, unique evolutionary trajectories in African mole-rat hearing and establishes species members as naturally occurring disease models to investigate human hearing loss