1 research outputs found

    Efecto del recubrimiento con quitosano en la reducci贸n microbiol贸gica y conservaci贸n del color del banano poscosecha

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    The objective of the present work was to determine the effect of edible chitosan coating on the microbial properties and peel color of postharvest bananas, formulating percentages of chitosan coating (0,75%-1,00%-1,25%-1,50% w/v) plus untreated bananas as a control. The experimental design employed was completely randomized blocks and Dunnett's test; with five treatments and five blocks concerning days 0, 5, 10, 10, 15, and 20 of postharvest storage. The dependent factors were peel color during ripening and microbiological count of molds and yeasts (Log UPC/g). The best results were presented in the fruit coated with 1 % chitosan, with lower lightness (54,27); the samples that reported a decrease in the count of molds and yeasts with 0,28 Log UPC/g were those coated with 1,50 % chitosan. Keywords: Chitosan, edible coating, banana, color.El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo determinar el efecto del recubrimiento comestible de quitosano en las propiedades microbianas y color de c谩scara del banano poscosecha, formulando porcentajes del recubrimiento de quitosano (0,75%-1,00%-1,25 %-1,50 % p/v) m谩s bananos sin tratamiento como control. El dise帽o experimental empleado fue de bloques completamente al azar y la prueba de Dunnett; con cinco tratamientos y cinco bloques concernientes a los d铆as 0, 5, 10, 15 y 20 de almacenamiento poscosecha. Los factores dependientes fueron color de la c谩scara durante la maduraci贸n y recuento microbiol贸gico de mohos y levaduras (Log UPC/g). Los mejores resultados se presentaron en el fruto recubierto con 1 % de quitosano, con menor luminosidad (54,27); las muestras que reportaron disminuci贸n en el recuento de mohos y levaduras con 0,28 Log UPC/g fueron las recubiertas con 1,50 % quitosano. Palabras clave: Quitosano, recubrimiento comestible, banano, color. Abstract The objective of the present work was to determine the effect of edible chitosan coating on the microbial properties and peel color of postharvest bananas, formulating percentages of chitosan coating (0,75%-1,00%-1,25%-1,50% w/v) plus untreated bananas as a control. The experimental design employed was completely randomized blocks and Dunnett's test; with five treatments and five blocks concerning days 0, 5, 10, 10, 15, and 20 of postharvest storage. The dependent factors were peel color during ripening and microbiological count of molds and yeasts (Log UPC/g). The best results were presented in the fruit coated with 1 % chitosan, with lower lightness (54,27); the samples that reported a decrease in the count of molds and yeasts with 0,28 Log UPC/g were those coated with 1,50 % chitosan. Keywords: Chitosan, edible coating, banana, color. Informaci贸n del manuscrito:Fecha de recepci贸n: 19 de mayo de 2023. Fecha de aceptaci贸n: 22 de junio de 2023.Fecha de publicaci贸n: 10 de enero de 2024