5 research outputs found

    Prevalência de sintomas osteomusculares e fatores associados em trabalhadores de uma indústria metalúrgica de Canoas - RS Prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms and associated factors among metal industry workers in Canoas - RS

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    A saúde do trabalhador é um campo da saúde coletiva que vem criando espaços para a identificação e prevenção de doenças relacionadas ao trabalho, em especial as osteomusculares, em função da sua abrangência e magnitude. Desta forma, foi realizado um estudo objetivando conhecer os sintomas osteomusculares apresentados pelos trabalhadores de uma indústria metalúrgica do município de Canoas-RS e a associação destes com variáveis sociodemográficas e ocupacionais. Trata-se de um estudo transversal, realizado na maior indústria metalúrgica de Canoas-RS, com a utilização de dois questionários para coleta de dados, o primeiro para obtenção das variáveis demográficas, ocupacionais e hábitos de vida e o segundo para identificar a prevalência de sintomas osteomusculares (Questionário Nórdico de Sintomas Osteomusculares). Como resultado, encontrou-se que 75,2% dos trabalhadores relataram algum tipo de sintoma osteomuscular nos últimos doze meses, 53,3% nos últimos sete dias e 38,5% já tiveram afastamento devido ao problema. Observou-se, também, associação entre sintoma osteomuscular e as variáveis sexo, faixa etária, ocupação e escolaridade. Por conseguinte, constata-se que a prevalência de sintomas osteomusculares em trabalhadores é alta, necessitando de ações de prevenção e promoção à saúde nos ambientes de trabalho.<br>Workers health is a field of community health that has opened spaces for identifying and preventing work-related diseases, especially musculoskeletal disorders in view of their extent and magnitude. We conducted thus a cross-sectional study in the biggest metal industry in the city of Canoas - RS, aimed at identifying the musculoskeletal symptoms of a group of metal industry workers and the association of these symptoms with socio-demographic and occupational variables. Two questionnaires were employed for gathering data: the first one was used to collect information on demographic and occupational variables and individual life habits and the second for identifying the prevalence of musculoskeletal symptoms (Nordic Musculoskeletal Questionnaire). Results showed that 75.2 % of the workers had related some kind of musculoskeletal symptom during the last 12 months, 53.3% during the last 7 days and 38,5% had already taken a time off due to this problem. There was also an association between the musculoskeletal symptom and the variables sex, age, occupation and educational level. We conclude that there is a high prevalence of work-related musculoskeletal disorders among workers, calling for preventive actions and health promotion in the work environment

    Yellow fever transmission in non-human primates, Bahia, Northeastern Brazil

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    Yellow fever virus (YFV) causes a clinical syndrome of acute hemorrhagic hepatitis. YFV transmission involves non-human primates (NHP), mosquitoes and humans. By late 2016, Brazil experienced the largest YFV outbreak of the last 100 years, with 2050 human confirmed cases, with 681 cases ending in death and 764 confirmed epizootic cases in NHP. Among affected areas, Bahia state in Northeastern was the only region with no autochthonous human cases. By using next generation sequence approach, we investigated the molecular epidemiology of YFV in NHP in Bahia and discuss what factors might have prevented human cases. We investigated 47 YFV positive tissue samples from NHP cases to generate 8 novel YFV genomes. ML phylogenetic tree reconstructions and automated subtyping tools placed the newly generated genomes within the South American genotype I (SA I). Our analysis revealed that the YFV genomes from Bahia formed two distinct well-supported phylogenetic clusters that emerged most likely of an introduction from Minas Gerais and Espírito Santo states. Vegetation coverage analysis performed shows predominantly low to medium vegetation coverage in Bahia state. Together, our findings support the hypothesis of two independent YFV SA-I introductions. We also highlighted the effectiveness of the actions taken by epidemiological surveillance team of the state to prevented human cases