9 research outputs found

    Perceptions of barriers to cardiac rehabilitation use in Brazil

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    Gabriela Lima de Melo Ghisi,1,2 Rafaella Zulianello dos Santos,3 Eduardo Eug&ecirc;nio Aranha,3 Alessandra Daros Nunes,4 Paul Oh,2 Magnus Benetti,3 Sherry L Grace1,2,5 1Exercise Sciences Department, Faculty of Kinesiology and Physical Education, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada; 2Cardiac Rehabilitation and Secondary Prevention Program, Toronto Rehabilitation Institute, University Health Network, Toronto, ON,&nbsp;Canada; 3Health Sciences and Sports Center, State University of Santa Catarina, Florianopolis, Brazil; 4Luzerne City Hall, Luzerne, Brazil; 5School of Kinesiology and Health Science, York University, Toronto, ON, Canada Abstract: Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of mortality in middle-income countries, such as Brazil. However, given the diversity in health care systems in Brazil, access to proven services, such as cardiac rehabilitation (CR), varies widely. Purpose: To describe and compare multilevel barriers to CR enrollment and participation in three Brazilian cohorts: (1) cardiac outpatients not attending CR (public or private system); (2) cardiac outpatients paying for CR; and (3) residents at high-risk of CVD with access to a free comprehensive exercise program but not making use of the program. Methods: Brazilian residents from two cities were invited to participate &ndash; Florianopolis, an urban center; and Luzerna, a rural center. Respondents completed a survey including the Cardiac Rehabilitation Barriers Scale. Mann&ndash;Whitney U tests were used to compare barriers between cohorts cross-sectionally. Results: Six hundred twenty-eight Brazilians consented to participate: 237 (37.7%) from Florianopolis, of which 139 (22.1%) participated in CR; and 391 (62.3%) from Luzerna. The mean total CR barriers for the sample were 1.66 &plusmn; 0.6 and differed significantly by cohort (P < 0.001). CR nonattendees from Florianopolis (eg, distance and not knowing about CR) and participants from Luzerna (eg, work and family responsibilities) reported significantly higher barriers than CR attendees from Florianopolis. Conclusion: CR nonattendees reported significantly greater barriers than CR attendees. It is hoped that the provision of CR will increase, and that the development of the programs will be in a manner which mitigates the chief barriers identified herein. Keywords: cardiac rehabilitation, barriers, participation, enrollment, comparison stud

    Violência intrafamiliar: a experiência dos profissionais de saúde nas Unidades de Saúde da Família de São Joaquim do Monte, Pernambuco Intra-family violence: health workers' practice in São Joaquim do Monte, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    O objetivo do estudo é verificar a associação entre atendimento, encaminhamento e notificação de violência intrafamiliar/VIF contra adolescentes grávidas e características sociodemográficas de 84 profissionais vinculados ao Programa de Saúde da Família/PSF no agreste pernambucano. Trata-se de recorte de projeto multicêntrico, com desenho de corte transversal, realizado entre outubro de 2008 e abril de 2009. Foi aplicado um questionário estruturado referente às diversas manifestações da violência (psicológica, física ou sexual) e validado para o Brasil, ao qual foram acrescidas variáveis sociodemográficas e da experiência de atendimento de situações de VIF: formas identificadas, cuidados dispensados, encaminhamentos e notificação. A análise dos dados evidencia o grande número de profissionais que nunca identificaram (72%) casos de violência. Entre os 23 que relataram atendimento, predominou a forma psicológica (86,9%), seguida da física (60,8%) e da sexual (43,5%), sendo que apenas oito profissionais (34,8%) encaminharam as adolescentes para Conselho Tutelar, Delegacia de Polícia e/ou Promotoria Pública. A análise da associação com atendimento e notificação relacionou aumento da idade (p = 0,018; IC95 1,31 - 17,1) e ter filhos (p = 0,039; IC95 0,04 - 17,1) como sendo estatisticamente significante, enquanto trabalhar na área urbana e ter nível educacional superior de ocupação mostraram-se limítrofes. Sexo, situação marital e tempo na ocupação não mostraram associação. Conclui-se que, a despeito da "invisibilidade' da VIF, a análise das ações empreendidas no PSF representou uma aproximação deste fenômeno, complexo e multifacetado, ampliando as possibilidades de reflexão crítica sobre as diferentes formas de apreensão social do mesmo.<br>The objective of the study was to verify the association between assistance, referral and reporting of Intra-family Violence/ IFV against pregnant adolescents, and the socio-demographic characteristics of 84 professionals of the Family Health Program/FHP in the agreste region of Pernambuco. The study is part of a multicenter, cross sectional research, carried out from October 2008 to April 2009. A structured questionnaire related to the various types of violence (psychological, physical or sexual) and validated for Brazil was used. Sociodemographic variables and professional experience in assisting cases of IFV were added to the instrument: identification of types, care, referral, and notification. The analysis of results showed a large number of professionals that had never identified a case of violence (72%). Among the 23 who provided care to cases of violence, there was a majority of psychological (86.9%), followed by physical (60.8%), and sexual (43.5%) cases. Only eight professionals (34.8%) referred the adolescents to the Tutelary Council, Police Office and/or Public Prosecutor's Office. The analysis of association with care and reporting found older age (p = 0.018; IC95 1.31 - 17.1) and having children (p = 0.039; IC95 0.04 - 17.1) as statistically significant. On the other hand, a borderline association was found with work in an urban area and higher education. There was no association with sex, marriage status and years of work variables. The authors concluded that, despite the 'invisibleness' of IFV, the analysis of actions developed at the FHP represented an approximation to this complex and multifaceted phenomenon and the possibility of critical thinking on its different ways of social understanding

    Atalntic Bird Traits: a data set of bird morphological traits from the Atlantic forests of South America

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    Scientists have long been trying to understand why the Neotropical region holds the highest diversity of birds on Earth. Recently, there has been increased interest in morphological variation between and within species, and in how climate, topography, and anthropogenic pressures may explain and affect phenotypic variation. Because morphological data are not always available for many species at the local or regional scale, we are limited in our understanding of intra- and interspecies spatial morphological variation. Here, we present the ATLANTIC BIRD TRAITS, a data set that includes measurements of up to 44 morphological traits in 67,197 bird records from 2,790 populations distributed throughout the Atlantic forests of South America. This data set comprises information, compiled over two centuries (1820–2018), for 711 bird species, which represent 80% of all known bird diversity in the Atlantic Forest. Among the most commonly reported traits are sex (n = 65,717), age (n = 63,852), body mass (n = 58,768), flight molt presence (n = 44,941), molt presence (n = 44,847), body molt presence (n = 44,606), tail length (n = 43,005), reproductive stage (n = 42,588), bill length (n = 37,409), body length (n = 28,394), right wing length (n = 21,950), tarsus length (n = 20,342), and wing length (n = 18,071). The most frequently recorded species are Chiroxiphia caudata (n = 1,837), Turdus albicollis (n = 1,658), Trichothraupis melanops (n = 1,468), Turdus leucomelas (n = 1,436), and Basileuterus culicivorus (n = 1,384). The species recorded in the greatest number of sampling localities are Basileuterus culicivorus (n = 243), Trichothraupis melanops (n = 242), Chiroxiphia caudata (n = 210), Platyrinchus mystaceus (n = 208), and Turdus rufiventris (n = 191). ATLANTIC BIRD TRAITS (ABT) is the most comprehensive data set on measurements of bird morphological traits found in a biodiversity hotspot; it provides data for basic and applied research at multiple scales, from individual to community, and from the local to the macroecological perspectives. No copyright or proprietary restrictions are associated with the use of this data set. Please cite this data paper when the data are used in publications or teaching and educational activities