32,795 research outputs found

    Dipolar gases in quasi one-dimensional geometries

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    We analyze the physics of cold dipolar gases in quasi one-dimensional geometries, showing that the confinement-induced scattering resonances produced by the transversal trapping are crucially affected by the dipole-dipole interaction. As a consequence, the dipolar interaction may drastically change the properties of quasi-1D dipolar condensates, even for situations in which the dipolar interaction would be completely overwhelmed by the short-range interactions in a 3D environment.Comment: 4 pages, 3 eps figure

    Project of a superfluid He3 detector for direct detection of non-baryonic dark matter : MACHe3

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    MACHe3 (MAtrix of Cells of superfluid Helium 3) is a project of non-baryonic Dark Matter search using superfluid He3 as sensitive medium. Simulations on a high granularity matrix show very good rejection against background events. First results on a prototype cell are very encouraging. Neutron detection has been highlighted as well as cosmic muon detection. A phenomenological study has been done with the DarkSUSY code to investigate complementarity of MACHe3 with existing Dark Matter detectors.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to appear in Proceedings of the 4th Marseille International Cosmology Conferenc

    Magnetic Properties of the Metamagnet Ising Model in a three-dimensional Lattice in a Random and Uniform Field

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    By employing the Monte Carlo technique we study the behavior of Metamagnet Ising Model in a random field. The phase diagram is obtained by using the algorithm of Glaubr in a cubic lattice of linear size LL with values ranging from 16 to 42 and with periodic boundary conditions.Comment: 4 pages, 6 figure

    Resistively detected nuclear magnetic resonance via a single InSb two-dimensional electron gas at high temperature

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    We report on the demonstration of the resistively detected nuclear magnetic resonance (RDNMR) of a single InSb two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) at elevated temperatures up to 4 K. The RDNMR signal of 115In in the simplest pseudospin quantum Hall ferromagnet triggered by a large direct current shows a peak-dip line shape, where the nuclear relaxation time T1 at the peak and the dip is different but almost temperature independent. The large Zeeman, cyclotron, and exchange energy scales of the InSb 2DEG contribute to the persistence of the RDNMR signal at high temperatures.Comment: 11pages,3figure

    Resonant x-ray scattering study on multiferroic BiMnO3

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    Resonant x-ray scattering is performed near the Mn K-absorption edge for an epitaxial thin film of BiMnO3. The azimuthal angle dependence of the resonant (003) peak (in monoclinic indices) is measured with different photon polarizations; for the σπ\sigma\to\pi' channel a 3-fold symmetric oscillation is observed in the intensity variation, while the σσ\sigma\to\sigma' scattering intensity remains constant. These features are accounted for in terms of the peculiar ordering of the manganese 3d orbitals in BiMnO3. It is demonstrated that the resonant peak persists up to 770 K with an anomaly around 440 K; these high and low temperatures coincide with the structural transition temperatures, seen in bulk, with and without a symmetry change, respectively. A possible relationship of the orbital order with the ferroelectricity of the system is discussed.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figure

    Universal optimal broadband photon cloning and entanglement creation in one dimensional atoms

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    We study an initially inverted three-level atom in the lambda configuration embedded in a waveguide, interacting with a propagating single-photon pulse. Depending on the temporal shape of the pulse, the system behaves either as an optimal universal cloning machine, or as a highly efficient deterministic source of maximally entangled photon pairs. This quantum transistor operates over a wide range of frequencies, and can be implemented with today's solid-state technologies.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Soft Spheres Make More Mesophases

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    We use both mean-field methods and numerical simulation to study the phase diagram of classical particles interacting with a hard-core and repulsive, soft shoulder. Despite the purely repulsive interaction, this system displays a remarkable array of aggregate phases arising from the competition between the hard-core and shoulder length scales. In the limit of large shoulder width to core size, we argue that this phase diagram has a number of universal features, and classify the set of repulsive shoulders that lead to aggregation at high density. Surprisingly, the phase sequence and aggregate size adjusts so as to keep almost constant inter-aggregate separation.Comment: 4 pages, 2 included figure

    Structure factor and dynamics of the helix-coil transition

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    Thermodynamical properties of the helix-coil transition were successfully described in the past by the model of Lifson, Poland and Sheraga. Here we compute the corresponding structure factor and show that it possesses a universal scaling behavior near the transition point, even when the transition is of first order. Moreover, we introduce a dynamical version of this model, that we solve numerically. A Langevin equation is also proposed to describe the dynamics of the density of hydrogen bonds. Analytical solution of this equation shows dynamical scaling near the critical temperature and predicts a gelation phenomenon above the critical temperature. In the case when comparison of the two dynamical approaches is possible, the predictions of our phenomenological theory agree with the results of the Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 11 pages, 7 figure