8 research outputs found

    Classificação Internacional de funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde: utilização no cuidado de enfermagem a pessoas idosas

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    Objetivou-se refletir acerca da Classificação Internacional de Funcionalidade, Incapacidade e Saúde e sua utilização no cuidado de enfermagem às pessoas idosas. Realizou-se breve historicidade sobre a Classificação; abordou-se a avaliação funcional do idoso e sua importância para o planejamento adequado às ações cuidativas; apresenta-se a aplicabilidade da classificação internacional de funcionalidade, incapacidade e saúde por enfermeiros. A Classificação tem condições de direcionar a avaliação funcional da pessoa idosa, pelo enfermeiro, tornando-a integral, percebendo este ser humano como possuidor de um corpo, de necessidades de realizar atividades e de participação, além de pertencer a um contexto/ambient

    Nursing training in Brazil and in Portugal: similarities and specificities

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    Objective: To identify similarities/specificities in the nursing training in Brazil and in Portugal. This is a documentary research conducted in two higher education institutions, in January 2013. Method: It was focused on the National Curriculum Guidelines and on the Bologna Process. Results: Common points: objectives and profile of the newly-trained nurses grounded on competencies; teaching of education in/for health. Brazilian specificity: universal admission; three disciplines focused on research; mandatory discipline related to elderly care; two optional disciplines: Alternative therapies and Brazilian Language of Signs; insertion of complementary activities, actions in teaching/research/extension; basis of teaching: compliance with the Brazilian Unified Health System. Portuguese Specificity: admission with regionalized medical certificate; grounded on the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System; compulsory disciplines: Clinical Reasoning in Nursing; Family Nursing; Development throughout life; Rehabilitative Nursing and Prospects of development of the Nursing; two optional disciplines: entrepreneurship and arts; basis of teaching: clinical teaching. Conclusions: There are similarities and specificities between the surveyed courses

    Risk Factors for new accidental falls in elderly patients at traumatology ambulatory center

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    Objective. To identify the risks factors for new accidental falls in elderly patients attended in the Traumatology Ambulatory of a University hospital in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. Methodology. Quantitative study of the type of multiple cases. Performed at the traumatology ambulatory, amongst fifteen elders that attended the inclusion criteria: age of sixty or more; patient at the traumatology ambulatory because of a fall motivated by accident, oriented and in conditions of answer an interview of data collectors. The data collection was made between April and June, 2013, with the Elderly Nursing Core Set scale (Lopes & Fonseca). The data analysis was made by a descriptive structure, which helped identify the existence of relation patterns among the cases. Results. The risk factors for new accidental falls identified with larger incidence amongst the elders studied were: impaired balance (15/15), age above 65 (11/15), use of antihypertensive drugs (9/15), absence of non-slip material at home environment (7/15), in seven cases; rugs scattered at the floor of the house (6/15). Conclusion. The combination of intrinsic and extrinsic factors that include the environmental risks is considered a much more relevant cause to occur the new falls. The minimization of the home dangers, allied to the control of the elder intrinsic factors, may reduce the risks of causes. In that sense, is necessary that the nursing team make available more attention to the elderly assisted at the ambulatories, mainly those with sequelae due to fall accidents