5 research outputs found
Ensino primário no interior da Bahia: recortando memórias de aulas de matemática em três instituições escolares
Este artigo encontra-se disponível no seguinte link: http://www.histemat.com.br/index.php/HISTEMAT/article/view/449Este artigo é resultado de três pesquisas históricas realizadas em instituições escolares da Bahia. Apresentamos algumas transcrições de entrevistas semiestruturadas as quais têm como intuito identificar práticas de ensino da matemática em diferentes recortes de tempo. A primeira pesquisa, em fase de desenvolvimento, está sendo feita com o Grupo Escolar Conselheiro Zacarias de Góes entre os anos de 1940 e 1990, na cidade de Valença/BA. A segunda pesquisa em fase final foi realizada com o Grupo Escolar Instituto São Tarcísio entre os anos de 1954 e 2009, no município de Vitória da Conquista/BA. A terceira pesquisa também em fase final foi feita com o Grupo Escolar Adélia da Matta entre os anos de 1960 e 1990, na cidade de Ipiaú/BA. Os três Grupos Escolares já foram extintos, no período correspondente aos anos finais no recorte temporal de cada pesquisa. O Grupo de Estudos em Educação Matemática/GEEM possui um projeto guarda-chuva intitulado “O Ensino de Matemática no Curso Primário no Estado da Bahia: a caracterização de um percurso” no qual essas e outras pesquisas buscam colaborar em seu principal objetivo de mapear por vários municípios da Bahia, práticas com o ensino da matemática. As memórias das aulas de matemática que constituem a produção desse trabalho em diferentes períodos, contribuem para a educação matemática, na perspectiva histórica, que vem sendo construída no decorrer dos últimos anos no estado da Bahia
Cadernos de Saúde Pública
p. 1527-1535, jul, 2008The aim of this study was to estimate the association between Giardia duodenalis infection and anthropometric deficits, as measured by weight-for-age and height for-age. This crosssectional study included 629 children from 12 to 48 months of age, selected from 30 geographic areas in the city of Salvador, Bahia State, Brazil. Poisson regression and linear regression were
used for the multivariate statistical analyses. G. duodenalis was diagnosed in 13.5% of the children. The children’s breastfeeding duration and living conditions(garbage collection and paved streets or sidewalks) modified the effect of G. duodenalis infection on anthropometric status. Among infected children, there were statistically significant associations between weight deficit and shorter breastfeeding (PR = 2.22; 95%CI: 1.56-3.14) and inadequate paving of streets and sidewalks (PR = 2.00; 95%CI: 1.37-2.92), while height deficit was associated with deficient public garbage collection (PR = 2.21; 95%CI: 1.31- 2.51). In the linear regression, the association with the anthropometric indicators remained positive and statistically significant. The child’s
unhealthy living environment aggravated the
negative effect of G. duodenalis infection on
anthropometric status, and breastfeeding was a protective factor in the outcome.Rio de Janeir
Public Health Nutr.
Objective: To evaluate the association between food and nutrition insecurity and
asthma in children from Latin America. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: São Francisco do Conde, Bahia, north-eastern Brazil. Subjects: The study included 1307 children aged 6–12 years from public elementary schools. Asthma symptoms were collected using a questionnaire that was translated and adapted from the International Study of Asthma and Allergies in Childhood,phase III. The diagnosis of asthma was determined based on reports of wheezing in the previous 12 months. The Brazilian Food Insecurity Scale was used to identify food insecurity. We also obtained demographic, socio-economic and anthropometric information for each participant. We used multivariate logistic regression analyses to assess the associations of interest. Results: Of the children surveyed, 10?4% had a history of wheezing and 64?5% had some degree of food and nutrition insecurity. We found a positive dose–response relationship and statistically significant associations of asthma with moderate (OR51?71, 95% CI 1?01, 2?89) and severe (OR52?51, 95% CI 1?28, 4?93) food and nutrition insecurity.
Conclusions: The results show that moderate and severe food and nutrition insecurity are markers of vulnerability to wheezing. It is important to note that the results of studies in this field have potential implications for social policies that promote food security. Further studies to identify the mechanisms involved in
the relationship between food and nutrition insecurity and asthma are needed.Wallingfor