3 research outputs found


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    RESUMO: As atividades relacionadas à mineração são causadoras de enormes alterações na estrutura e na dinâmica da paisagem, sendo fundamentais estudos da diversidade florística para elaboração de estratégias de conservação da biodiversidade. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a composição florística em floresta de várzea, próximo a ambiente impactado por atividades mineradoras, localizada ao longo do rio Parauapebas. Foram instaladas 13 parcelas fixas de 10 x 10 m (10 m2), alocadas de forma sistemática na área de mata ciliar, ao longo da margem do rio Parauapebas, município de Parauapebas, PA. Por meio dos resultados do experimento foram identificadas 23 famílias distribuídas em 18 gêneros e 30 espécies. As famílias com maior número de espécies foram Fabaceae (11), Malvaceae (3) e Rutaceae (2). O gênero com maior riqueza em espécies foi Inga sp., com 3 espécies diferentes, respectivamente. A família Fabaceae representou 32% das espécies coletadas, Malvaceae 10% e Rutaceae 6%. Das espécies amostradas, uma foi exótica, representada pelo Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck (limão-galego) e o indivíduo com maior representatividade foi Sterculia chicha A. St. -Hil., presente na maioria das parcelas. Apesar do fragmento encontrar-se ameaçado por ações antrópicas, a variedade florística no local apresenta-se bastante diversificada, com espécies pioneiras, secundárias e clímax.PALAVRAS-CHAVE: Composição florística, Flora amazônica, Riqueza.ABSTRACT: The activities related to mining are causing huge changes in the structure and landscape dynamics, thus, the floristic diversity studies adopt important role in the development of tactics for biodiversity conservation. This study aimed to analyze the floristic composition in a lowland forest, located next to a degraded environment by mining activities, it was delimited 13 fixed plots of 10 x 10 m (10 m2) allocated systematically on riparian area along the river Parauapebas - PA. Were found 18 families distributed in 27 genera and 30 species. The families with the highest number of species were Fabaceae (11), Malvaceae (3) and Rutaceae (2). The genus with the highest species richness was Inga sp., With 3 different species, respectively. The Fabaceae family represented 32% of the collected species, Malvaceae 10% and 6% Rutaceae. Of the species, one was exotic, represented by Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck (lemon-Galician) and the individual with the largest representation was Sterculia chicha A. St. -Hil., present in most of the plots. Despite the fragment is threatened by human activities, floristic variety on site is quite diverse, with pioneer species, secondary and climax.KEYWORDS: Amazonian flora, Floristic composition, Wealth.RESUMEN: Las actividades relacionadas con la minería son causantes de enormes cambios en la estructura y la dinámica del paisaje, siendo fundamentales estudios de la diversidad florística para la elaboración de estrategias de conservación de la biodiversidad. El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la composición florística en bosque de várzea, cerca del ambiente impactado por actividades mineras, ubicada a lo largo del río Parauapebas. Se instalaron 13 parcelas fijas de 10 x 10 m (10 m2), asignadas de forma sistemática en el área de mata ciliar, a lo largo de la margen del río Parauapebas, municipio de Parauapebas, PA. A través de los resultados del experimento se identificaron 23 familias distribuidas en 18 géneros y 30 especies. Las familias con mayor número de especies fueron Fabaceae (11), Malvaceae (3) y Rutaceae (2). El género con mayor riqueza en especies fue Inga sp., Con 3 especies diferentes, respectivamente. La familia Fabaceae representó el 32% de las especies recolectadas, Malvaceae 10% y Rutaceae 6%. De las especies muestreadas, una fue exótica, representada por el Citrus limon (L.) Osbeck (limón-gallego) y el individuo con mayor representatividad fue Sterculia chicha A. St. -Hil., Presente en la mayoría de las parcelas. A pesar de que el fragmento se encuentra amenazado por acciones antrópicas, la variedad florística en el lugar se presenta bastante diversificada, con especies pioneras, secundarias y clímax.PALABRAS CLAVE: Composición florística, Flora amazónica, Riqueza

    Phytosociological survey of spontaneous plant communities in a conventional corn crop area in the region of Carajás, Pará, Brazil

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    The presence of spontaneous plants in agricultural cultivation areas can result in damage to the crop of interest due to competition for natural resources and allelopathy, requiring systematic monitoring for an adequate cultivation management. In this way, the objective was to identify the spontaneous plant communities species in an area of a one-year fallow conventional corn crop in the southeastern of Pará state, in the Brazilian amazon. A phytosociological survey of the plants in the experimental area of the Technological Center of Family Agriculture (CETAF) was carried out, by applying the inventory square method with 1.0 m2, randomly launched twenty times in an area corresponding to 1.1 hectare. The phytosociological parameters analyzed were frequency, relative frequency, density, relative density, abundance, relative abundance and importance value index (IRI). It was found 19 species of spontaneous plants distributed in 11 botanical families, being, Euphorbiaceae (4), Asteraceae (3), Amaranthaceae (2) and Poaceae (2) the most representative in numbers of species sampled. The most important species were Sorghum arundinaceum (IRI = 55.70), Commelina benghalensis (IRI = 47.78) and Synedrella nodiflora (IRI = 42.39). A high diversity of spontaneous plants was verified, emphasizing the need for phytosociological surveys for the definition of integrated control practices in face of the type of cultivation system adopted

    Mapping Soil and Pasture Attributes for Buffalo Management through Remote Sensing and Geostatistics in Amazon Biome

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    SIMPLE SUMMARY: Buffalo breeding in the Amazon biome can contribute significantly to local community development and, thus, is considered an essential income source. However, in Amazon regions, the inadequate breeding of these animals can lead to considerable negative consequences for the environment. Therefore, it is crucial to develop methodologies to improve animal management and grass yield. One of these methodologies is related to Precision Agriculture (PA), adapted for pasture and animal monitoring. Along these lines, we seek to utilize geostatistical techniques and remote sensing applications to better understand Buffalo grazing under a rotating system. In particular, we analyze forage Dry and Green Matter, as well as pH in pasture soils, demonstrating the obstacles against and advantages of the implementation of precise techniques for decision making and increasing grass productivity. We describe ways in which geostatistical soil pH mapping can be conducted, as well as the premises necessary to include remote sensing data in the analysis of pasture variables. Implementing these results in buffalo management systems can contribute to greater productivity and increasingly sustainable livestock. ABSTRACT: The mapping of pastures can serve to increase productivity and reduce deforestation, especially in Amazon Biome regions. Therefore, in this study, we aimed to explore precision agriculture technologies for assessing the spatial variations of soil pH and biomass indicators (i.e., Dry Matter, DM; and Green Matter, GM). An experiment was conducted in an area cultivated with Panicum maximum (Jacq.) cv. Mombaça in a rotational grazing system for dairy buffaloes in the eastern Amazon. Biomass and soil samples were collected in a 10 m × 10 m grid, with a total of 196 georeferenced points. The data were analyzed by semivariogram and then mapped by Kriging interpolation. In addition, a variability analysis was performed, applying both the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) derived from satellite remote sensing data. The Kriging mapping between DM and pH at 0.30 m depth demonstrated the best correlation. The vegetative index mapping showed that the NDVI presented a better performance in pastures with DM production above 5.42 ton/ha(−1). In contrast, DM and GM showed low correlations with the NDWI. The possibility of applying a variable rate within the paddocks was evidenced through geostatistical mapping of soil pH. With this study, we contribute to understanding the necessary premises for utilizing remote sensing data for pasture variable analysis